Overview of the best remedies for thrush. We choose the best and inexpensive drug against frequent ailment


Fungal infections are very common, as they can be infected anywhere. In the body there are always bacteria, viruses and various microbes that begin to show their activity only under certain conditions.

The main reason for the appearance of thrush in women is reduced immunity. When a disease occurs, competent treatment should be started, so you should study the rating of the best remedies for thrush.


The composition of the drug includes fluconazole, which has an overwhelming effect on the multiplication of bacteria and fungi in the body of a woman. Often, just one capsule is enough to cope with almost all manifestations of the disease. Absolute recovery is possible only after a full course of therapy.

With a single dose, the first symptoms of the disease are eliminated. The disease still continues to progress in the body. If therapy is interrupted, the disease takes on a chronic form. The drug is not used for carrying a baby and in the acute form of liver and kidney diseases. The main advantage of the medication is the convenience of taking the drug and the short duration of therapy.


This medication quickly fights a yeast infection. If you use the product correctly, then the disease can be overcome in just a couple of days. A single use of the drug simply eliminates the unpleasant symptoms of the disease on the second day of administration.

The duration of therapy is prescribed only by the attending physician after examining the patient. After therapy, a second examination will be required. If you need a second appointment, the scheme will also be appointed by a specialist.

Pimafucin is an opportunity to use when carrying a baby. But during pregnancy, additional consultation with a gynecologist will be required. The composition of the drug contains an antibiotic that does not negatively affect the beneficial flora. But prevention of subsequent relapses of the disease will be required.


Hexicon is related to antiseptics with a disinfecting property. It is absolutely harmless to health and can be used to cure candidiasis in pregnant and lactating mothers.

The tool has a pronounced therapeutic effect and helps to overcome thrush very quickly. Further progression of the disease is prevented. The medication is a vaginal suppository, which is often used at the time of preparation for childbirth for rehabilitation.

The tool does not have any undesirable reactions. Allergic reactions associated with individual intolerance of the components in the composition can only occur. The cost of the drug is not high.


Polygynax is a complex antifungal and antibacterial medication. A medication is made in the form of intravaginal suppositories. The tool is highly effective against candidiasis. An important advantage is a very soft and safe action. After administration, such third-party reactions as an allergic reaction to the components in the composition may occur. They appear extremely rarely, but after this therapy is stopped.

Polygynax has practically no contraindications. The tool can not only be used in the first trimester of pregnancy. When breastfeeding, as well as in the second and third trimester of bearing a baby, the medication is prescribed only by a doctor. Available in packs of 6 and 12 pieces. Typically, 6 capsules are sufficient for a complete cure.


Clotrimazole is in the form of tablets, powder, ointment and cream. To cure candidiasis, cream is most often prescribed. It should be used no more than three times a day throughout the course of therapy. Usually, the duration of therapy is 4 weeks. In practice, it is worth using the remedy for about two weeks, until all the symptoms of the disease have completely passed. This is a highly effective antifungal medication, characterized by a wide spectrum of effects.

This medication against thrush is safe for health and it is often prescribed by specialists in the third trimester of pregnancy. At earlier dates and with lactation, use the drug with extreme caution. Only the attending physician can prescribe the drug. Very rarely, allergic reactions can occur.

Epigen Intimacy

This is the best remedy for thrush, having a natural composition. The main active ingredient is glycyrrhizic acid, which is extracted from licorice root. The tool has the following actions:

• antipruritic;

• antiflogistic;

• antiviral;

• immunostimulating.

Also, the medication is able to accelerate recovery processes in the mucous membrane. The advantage is the natural composition, so the drug can be prescribed throughout pregnancy and while breastfeeding. The tool is also used for thrush in adolescence.

Epigen Intim is indicated for use as a prophylactic in antibiotic therapy. It is produced in a very convenient form - a bottle with a spray. But the cost of the drug is quite high.


The main component of the drug is ketoconazole. This is a substance that has a pronounced antifungal effect. Thanks to this action, an effect is produced not only on typical representatives of the flora causing candidiasis, but also on rarer varieties.

The drug can be used even during the period of gestation, with the exception of the first weeks of pregnancy. Typically, the drug copes with the disease within 7 days. But sometimes it may be necessary to extend the course of therapy for several days. Such a need arises only when it is required to treat a chronic form of the disease.


The best remedy for thrush based on fluconazole. The drug is dispensed in capsule form for oral administration. It is characterized by a pronounced antifungal effect. The drug is not prescribed during pregnancy and children up to six months. Also, the drug is contraindicated in patients with impaired renal function.

In rare cases, the drug can provoke third-party reactions such as pain in the stomach, nausea, and an upset digestive system. It is a relatively safe and harmless drug.


Terzhinan is a long-standing medication, which is a very effective drug. The tool is characterized by such actions:

• antimicrobial;

• combined;

• antifungal.

Due to the presence of such properties, an effective treatment for candidiasis is provided. Terzhinan is made in the form of vaginal tablets. The main component is ternidazole. Use once a day, one capsule at bedtime. Usually, the duration of therapy is up to 10 days.

The drug is not prescribed in the first trimester of bearing a baby. In the second and third trimesters, the drug is prescribed only by the attending physician after examining the patient. The drug does not have contraindications. In rare cases, redness and a burning sensation are possible.


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