How to become more confident in yourself in 3 minutes a day. A list of 25 things you can be proud of no matter what


Do you suffer from self-doubt? Consider yourself worse than others? You doubt your thoughts and beliefs and can not imagine what your strengths and weaknesses are? Insecurity makes you timid, forcing you to constantly defend yourself or try to please other people.

Some radiate confidence, not really possessing it, but high self-esteem is reflected not only in our actions. This is a positive attitude towards yourself, a high appreciation of your ideas and awareness of your own significance. Confidence allows us to take care of ourselves, to consider ourselves equal to other people, to be proud of ourselves and our lives.

About 50% of self-confidence is genetically embedded in us. Fortunately, we can influence the remaining 50%!

A simple exercise that you can do on your own will take very little time and increase your self-esteem.

The exercise is called the Daily Success Review.

It resembles the well-known Three Blessings methodology, when at the end of each day you recall three pleasant things that happened to you today. Now spend three minutes and make a list of three successful things you can boast of today.

“Successes” do not necessarily mean any significant achievements, although if you have them, be sure to remember them and bask in the rays of glory. But do not lose sight of the daily "small victories." By focusing on small successes, you begin to think and act constructively, and the likelihood that the number of your “small victories” will increase in the coming days will increase.

Someone will exclaim: “Success! I have no success! My whole life is a mess”. What can be considered victories?

A list of 25 things you can be proud of no matter what inspires you:

1. You made the right decision.

2. You have found time for sports.

3. You showed compassion for yourself when you failed, instead of scolding and punishing yourself.

4. You reacted to the situation better than usual.

5. You allowed yourself to rest and take a break when you are exhausted, instead of pushing yourself.

6. You managed not to spoil everything even worse.

7. You have helped another person.

8. You have found the strength to say no because you had important things to do.

9. You completed the project at work.

10. You decided that the project was hopeless and stopped working on it.

11. You worked hard and completed the job, despite all the difficulties.

12. You meditated to restore peace of mind.

13. You were able to find the right words, comforting a friend.

14. You were mistaken, but made the right conclusions.

15. You made a mistake, but did not allow her to ruin your day.

16. You organized a meeting of friends.

17. You refused unreasonable requirements and set boundaries in the relationship.

18. You apologized for doing wrong. Or forced themselves not to apologize if they did nothing wrong.

19. You acted in accordance with your values ​​and beliefs, although it was not easy.

20. You set a goal for yourself and followed it all day.

21. You have an idea how to improve your life.

22. You had a brilliant thought about what you will do tomorrow.

23. You have prepared in advance for an important event, so now you do not need to rush.

24. You accepted what cannot be changed, and saved your strength.

25. You paused before you act, and did not react impulsively as you used to.

Do a Daily Success Review for several weeks. Your goal is to develop positive thinking. Find positive moments in all your deeds. Celebrate the courage you exercise when learning from your mistakes.

Performing this exercise regularly, you will begin to notice any success immediately, as soon as it appears. Noting even a small victory, give yourself a compliment: “Ege, yes, I did a great job with this!”, “Good decision!”, “Well done! You were great!

Given the tendency of our thinking to be negative, we are used to concentrating too much on failures. Of course, it is useful to learn from your mistakes. If you have the courage to do this, praise yourself. It is not so easy to honestly look at your failure and find its cause. But if today one failure followed another, just forgive yourself and move on.

Daily Success Review is a great way to get to know yourself.

In this exercise, you will soon begin to notice patterns and identify patterns of behavior that lead to success. You will notice that you have strengths in one area and weaknesses in another. You will understand what attracts you and what you value in life. It will become easier for you to understand others. You will understand which people and events improve your mood and which situations are best avoided.

Thinking about your successes and values ​​has a positive effect on our behavior, thinking, and even academic performance. Studies have found that recognition of success increases our IQ by 10 points!

The ability to enjoy success makes life enjoyable and meaningful. Since pleasure and meaningfulness are the two most important components of happiness, you will definitely feel happier.

Yes, daily successes may seem too small and insignificant, but small victories are often the sweetest!


Watch the video: Tony Robbins: How to Control Your Mind very motivational (June 2024).