Potato with bacon in the oven in the foil - a taste from childhood! A detailed photo recipe for cooking potatoes with baked bacon in foil


In the evening, a bonfire, children sit around a bonfire and pick their coals with a wand to dig the potatoes deeper.

Did you do this in childhood? If yes, then you have something to remember. We are sure that even now, choosing nature with a bonfire, be sure to cook potatoes in foil - with or without lard it is not important. The main taste.

Sometimes one wants to plunge into such an atmosphere, but there is no possibility. Then we advise you to cook potatoes in a foil with bacon and onions in the oven. Of course, the smell of the fire will not be, but it will be tasty, we promise.


Potato - 8 pieces;

Any fat - 300 grams;

Onion - 1 small onion;




Potatoes for this dish must be washed thoroughly - either with a rough washcloth or a stiff brush to remove all the dirt. By the way, you can clean it, it will be a little wrong taste, but also easier to eat.

Cut each potato in half lengthwise.

Salt and pepper each half. Paprika, garlic, rosemary are also the best companions of potatoes.

Put slices of salad on one half of the cut potatoes. Sala can be simple salty, can be smoked. With or without streaks of meat. Cut the skin or not - at your discretion. Many love to chew on it, but it should be well crafted.

We put onions on top of the bacon. If there is a purple bulb, take it. It is more fragrant and, when baked, gives its taste to potatoes.

Connect the halves of the potatoes and wrap each in foil. Now put on a baking sheet or in a refractory form and put in the oven on the second shelf from the bottom. We set the temperature to no more than 150 degrees so that the potatoes do not burn.

Bake until tender - 30-40 minutes or more. It all depends on the type of potato. Check readiness is simple - pierce the potatoes through the foil with a knife. If it comes in easily, then the potato is ready.

Serve the potatoes immediately with the heat of heat.

Cooking time - 40 minutes

Servings Per Container - 4

Per 100 g:

Kcal - 52.87

Fats - 1.39

Squirrels - 0.28

Carbohydrates - 11.22


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