What are the benefits and possible harm of almonds. How do their properties change when almonds are converted to milk, butter and marzipans?


Almonds, which belong to the most famous and delicious nuts, also lead among them in properties that are beneficial to human health. And a special mention deserves the value of almonds for women.

What is the basis of the benefits of almonds and who cares to include them in the diet

Common almonds - a man-cultivated woody plant from the genus Plum, which has two varieties - sweet almonds, used for food and for squeezing oil, suitable both in cooking and in cosmetology, and bitter almonds, inedible due to toxic substances, but in demand in perfumes (and only occasionally used in a minimal amount, mainly in food production, to highlight the taste of sweet almonds).

The white-pink lush almond blossom is very beautiful, and the nucleoli of the seeds (nuts) are distinguished by high palatability. They are eaten fresh, added to sweets and pastries, sauces, salads and meat dishes, glazed with chocolate and fried, salted as a snack.

Often nuts are not just crushed, but crushed into neat "petals" suitable even for breading and roasting meat. Almond kernels are turned into milk, butter and marzipans.

And nutshells are suitable for flavoring liquor, cognac, tinctures and wines.

Almonds are also a honey plant and stock for apricots and peaches.

The energy value of almonds is traditionally very high for nuts - about 600 kcal per 100 g, but since the daily norm is 30-50 g (6-10 pieces) of these nuts, it is not worth fearing harm to a slim figure.

But with intense physical exertion, together with the growing needs of the body, it is allowed to eat up to 20-25 pieces of almond kernels per day.

100 g of almonds contain about 19 g of protein, 56 g of fat, 16 g of carbohydrates and 2.5 g of minerals (potassium, manganese, fluorine, magnesium, selenium, iodine, zinc, calcium, iron).

These nuts do not contain cholesterol, they have very few sugars and sodium, but they are rich in saturated fats, essential oils, fiber, amino acids.

Almonds are useful for strengthening immunity, normalizing metabolism and improving the state of the nervous system (including a mild sedative effect).

Due to the low glycemic index and properties to normalize sugar levels and increase sensitivity to insulin, almonds are allowed in diabetes.

But the positive effect of almonds on blood is not limited to this, in relation to it he also:

• stimulates update processes;

• improves circulation;

• increases the level of hemoglobin;

• promotes oxygen saturation;

• normalizes coagulation.

Due to the anti-inflammatory, analgesic and regenerative properties, almond nuts are indicated for improvement in a number of diseases:

• stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer;

• impaired functioning of the kidneys and gall bladder;

• pathological processes in the musculoskeletal system.

The effectiveness of almonds quickly manifests itself in diseases of the respiratory system, including the removal of symptoms, both of an infectious nature and caused by hypothermia.

Also, the regular use of almond nuts contributes to:

• improvement of vision;

• improving the condition of tooth enamel;

• the disappearance of headaches;

• improvement of the cardiovascular system;

• normalization of hormonal levels;

• reduce the risk of gynecological diseases.

How is the use of almond nuts for female beauty and young mothers

Being an antioxidant, almonds prevent premature aging of the body, contribute to cell renewal and their protection from the damaging effects of adverse environmental factors, which traditionally include:

• pollution of the urban atmosphere;

• insufficient air saturation with oxygen;

• excess ultraviolet radiation from the sun;

• increased dryness of indoor air;

• chlorinated tap water.

In addition, almonds contain substances that are largely similar to collagen and elastin, which are necessary for smooth, supple and youthful skin.

Also, the complex of elements in the composition of nuts positively affects the activity of the hair follicles, thereby making the hair healthier and stimulating their growth.

In general, the fact that its extract is one of the most popular ingredients in skincare cosmetics clearly speaks about the benefits of almonds for beauty.

For those who work on their figure, almonds are valuable in that they contribute (within reasonable limits) to the collection of muscle mass, improve the condition of connective tissue (ligaments, joints) and increase physical endurance.

Almonds are useful for pregnant women as a source of vitamins - A, E, D, many from group B, and especially folic acid (B9), which scientists are not tired of talking about the importance of preventing fetal malformations.

During lactation, almonds stimulate the production of breast milk and make it more nutritious and, it is noteworthy, if the mother is not allergic to nuts, the almonds and the baby will almost certainly well perceive.

Almond products - benefits and features of use

World-famous marzipan is almonds crushed into powder, mixed thoroughly with sugar syrup (in the simplest version, powdered sugar, eggs, flavorings and other ingredients can also be added to it) in a plasticine mass resembling plasticine.

In the West, the heyday of marzipan fell on the gallant XVIII century and since then marzipan has been in demand in the confectionery business for preparing the filling of chocolates, adding to various sweet pastries, it creates decorative decorations for cakes and cupcakes (this is similar to mastic).

The benefits of marzipan are similar to the beneficial properties of almonds, but adjusted for at least the quality of sugar - thanks to it, marzipan provides the body with fast carbohydrates, sugar, instantly saturating the brain with energy, marzipan delicacies improve mood and eaten a little bit - stimulate appetite.

Almond milk is classified as a vegetable substitute for animal milk along with products such as coconut milk, soybean, cedar milk.

To cook it at home, you need to soak raw (not fried) almonds for several hours in cool water (nuts swell slightly, soaking up the liquid), then peel (or leave, then milk will have a slightly tart aftertaste and the shade is not white, but cream ), pour into a blender bowl, pour in some water (not the one in which it was soaked) and chop everything as finely as possible. Next, you need to squeeze the mass through linen cloth and do not throw almonds out - this is not waste, but an ingredient quite suitable for baking, casseroles or smoothies. Almond milk is drunk just like that, added to coffee, porridge, and used to prepare various casseroles, hearty dishes and desserts.

Homemade milk is stored in the refrigerator, while store milk can be kept at room temperature.

The energy value of this product, in comparison with the nuts themselves, can please those who want to lose weight - only 51 kcal per 100 ml, about the same amount is contained in cow milk 2.5% fat.

It is important to take into account that the beneficial properties of milk in comparison with nuts also turn out to be “diluted”, in addition, the benefits that fiber brought from them completely disappear.

But alternative types of milk are allowed to be used by people with lactose intolerance.

Almond oil (refined and unrefined) in the kitchen is in demand for dressing salads, making sauces, toppings for sandwiches, desserts, they are sprinkled with ready main dishes, added to side dishes (rice, bulgur) and even in baked goods.

Compared to nuts, the oil contains a higher content of fats, carbohydrates and calories (about 800 per 100 g).

Can there be harm from almonds

Being a nut, almonds traditionally belong to highly allergenic products, that is, allergic to it can occur with a high probability.

But even if this is not the case, in certain cases the use of almonds needs to be limited or completely abandoned (the doctor can tell you the right decision), and these conditions include:

• heart disease, accompanied by a violation of the rhythm of the heartbeat;

• chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract during periods of exacerbation;

• urolithiasis and cholelithiasis;

• dermatitis.

Systematic overeating changes the beneficial properties of almonds to harm and can lead to weight gain and much earlier than this - to dizziness, sleep disturbance, confusion, intestinal colic and diarrhea.

It’s almost impossible to sell unripe nuts on sale, but it’s important to know that due to the content of toxic substances, to avoid serious harm from almonds (poisoning), they should not be eaten.

As for almond milk, choosing it in a store, it is recommended to carefully study the composition of the product - it may contain carrageenan, a food supplement produced from red seaweed that is used in the food industry to stabilize and thicken.

To date, it is not prohibited, but not the first scientific studies confirm it with a high probability of manifesting harm to the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract, in which the substance is capable of provoking inflammatory diseases.


Watch the video: How-To Make Almond Milk. Clean & Delicious (July 2024).