Dmitry Kostyuk expelled from the "VIA Gra" one of the participants


To date, there are two of the group "VIA Gra". One of them is produced by Konstantin Meladze, the second by his former companion Dmitry Kostiuk. That's it in the second team, and there have been changes. Dmitry brought one of the singers out of the band, Daria Medovaya. The reason, apparently, was the unauthorized self-change in the image of the singer. She changed a beautiful blond hair mane to an extremely short haircut. Having thus emerged from the general stylistic direction of the group, Daria was forced to leave her.

Recall that the trio was presented to the court listeners in the autumn of last year. However, until now the team has not received proper promotion, almost nothing is known about it, there are no rotations on television. The same goes for the brainstormed Meladze organized as a result of the TV show. Apparently, no one will be able to repeat the glory of the group’s “golden composition”.


Watch the video: Via-Gra - Stop Stop Stop russian version (June 2024).