TOP 10 - the kindest dogs in the world. Which breeds of dogs are considered the most friendly: choose a companion dog


A dog is a friend of man. Everyone wants to have an affectionate, kind and reliable friend.

In the article we will pay attention to the 10 kindest dogs in the world, which will always be devoted allies, loving family members.

Labrador retriever

This breed originates from the UK. It has dimensions up to 58 cm, weight - from 25 to 40 kg. The character of the dog is sociable, often it is used as a companion. It is considered a working breed, it can often be found in the role of guide dogs. Using certain training methods, you can teach a wide variety of skills.

Enters the top of the kindest dog breeds because of its activity, playfulness, craving for outsiders. Many attribute the latter quality to negative. But their kindness helps to get along well with other pets.

Golden retriever

It is also from the UK and has the same dimensions. They are active, quick-witted. Used as a companion or nanny. For this reason, the breed is considered ideal for families with small children. Its positive qualities include patience and intelligence.

They are easy to train, active, love to play on the street. Dogs become attached to their owners, do not like to be alone. Easy to get along with other animals, do not seek to dominate.


The origin of this breed is Canada. In height, they reach up to 72 cm, weight - 66-68 kg. The character is calm, flexible. Used as a lifeguard, security guard or watchman.

Although the appearance of this breed is impressive, and it seems that the dogs will defend their territory to the last, they are extremely good-natured. They never attack without reason, even rarely bark. They have an extremely calm disposition and a well-developed intuition. The latter quality helps to predict the imminent danger. And for this very reason, they are good lifeguards.

Saint bernard

This representative of the kindest dog breeds comes from Switzerland. He has significant dimensions: height - 70 cm, weight - 70 kg. The character is kind, calm. Used as a security guard or nanny.

He will become a reliable friend to the child. And developed intuition helps to be good lifeguards. Surely everyone heard about how St. Bernards save people from under the thickness of the snow.


The size of this breed is small. In height up to 35 cm, weighing 9 kg. It takes its origin from southern Germany. The character is cheerful, active. Used as a companion dog and hunter.

The nature of this breed has many positive qualities, it is a great activity, courage, excitement. Dachshunds are loyal friends, friendly towards others, but at the same time remain independent. Such a dog gets along well with all family members, even the smallest. It is worth noting that she can adapt to the mood of the owner, has a good sense of humor.

Well suited for living in apartments, as it is a clean animal.


This aristocratic breed got its start in France. The sizes of the poodle are different, from 28 cm to 60. All from 3 kg and above. The character is fun, playful. Often used as a companion dog.

This representative of the breed of the kindest dogs feels good both in the circle of adults and in the company of children. A poodle allows kids to do whatever they want with them. It gets along well with older people.

They are emotional, attached to their masters, and can hardly endure parting. They are the safest breed for allergy sufferers.

Basset hound

It comes from the UK, has a height of up to 38 cm. The character is calm, balanced. Used in hunting and as a companion.

Although this breed has a long body, short legs, it is considered a hound. Such a dog is a separate person, which has its own principles, outlook on life. He is a true friend to his masters, although sometimes he tries to manipulate them, seeking for himself profit. These manipulations are not insidious, but, on the contrary, look funny. When raising and training the owner needs to be patient and persistent.

This breed is loyal to both outsiders and other animals. Basset Hound is absolutely not aggressive. He loves the company very much, so even when watching TV it will be nearby.


The country of origin of this breed is Scotland. Her height reaches up to 65 cm, weight up to 25 kg. Has a modest, shy character. Used as a companion, shepherd and watchman.

Collies have a friendly character and high wit. They can be completely entrusted with their herd, since they can perform even better people’s shepherd’s work. Due to physiological characteristics, this dog is not able to bite strongly.

A special feature of the collie is its shyness. Therefore, the location of this very kind dog will need to be earned. After she sees a friend in a person, she becomes extremely attached and devoted.

Since she is a shepherd by nature, she can be trusted to babysit a child. She is worried when the owner moves far away, therefore it will be good to follow the baby, and return him to his place when he moves away.


Pugs got their fame from China. Dimensions are small 28-32 cm, and weight up to 8 kg. They are extremely calm, friendly, a little lazy. Are a good companion.

Under their soft shell plush toys hides a true loyal friend. They are affectionate, selfless. Although they like to be subject to soft pillows, do not give up active games.

They are cheerful, friendly, love to play with children. Kids also reciprocate. Since pugs have funny facial expressions and they are clumsy, which may not cause a smile. Such a dog will not run around the house with a loud bark, so it will not scare the child. They never show aggression. They are sensitive to various noises, warning the owner about them.

The disadvantages include snoring in a dream, but otherwise they are well suited for living in apartments.


The country of origin of this breed is Germany. They grow up to 63 cm, weigh up to 35 kg. This dog is active, balanced. He is a good security guard and companion.

They are extremely loyal to their master, will protect him to the last. They rarely bark. They love children, and never harm them consciously. If pushed during the game, then by accident. Active and cheerful remain until the very advanced age.


Watch the video: How to Choose the Perfect Dog Breed Just for You (July 2024).