Overview of the best beet varieties: early, mid-season and late. What varieties of beets are better to taste, yield other characteristics: photo and description


Beets are considered one of the oldest agricultural structures. People began to grow it about two thousand years ago. Beets are quite unpretentious and have the ability to adapt to different temperature conditions. Therefore, it is perfect for both warm and cold climates. To date, breeders have bred more than 70 beet varieties.

What are the characteristics of the best beet varieties?

Different varieties of this vegetable vary in:

· The appearance of the leaves of root crops;

· Productivity;

· Maturity;

· Taste;

· The size and weight of root crops;

and etc.

Some summer residents believe that imported beet varieties are in many ways superior to domestic ones. But this is not so - both among those and among others there are more or less worthy options. We will talk about the best beet varieties recommended for planting in various climatic conditions.

12 best beetroot varieties

Bordeaux 237

Soviet breeders bred this variety in 1943. It is one of the most popular among mid-season. Plants are thermophilic, drought-resistant, like good lighting. Their root crops are round and even, with a diameter of 12 to 15 cm and weighing up to 500 g, the flesh is burgundy, of delicate consistency. Beets of this variety are resistant to disease and stored for a long time. From one square meter of the garden you can harvest up to 8 kg.


One of the most unpretentious and best varieties of beets, the fruits are stored for a long time. This beet has smooth dark red root crops with a head diameter of up to 16 cm and a weight of up to 680 g. As a rule, about 98% of sown seeds germinate under normal conditions. From the first shoots to the maturity of beets, 3 to 7 months pass.


The fruits are small - up to 330 g in weight, but they are stored for a long time. The variety gives a high yield after 90 - 120 days after the first germination. The pulp of root vegetables is quite juicy, but has slightly pronounced rings. Ripe beets of this variety are easier to pull out from the ground than others. It withstands intense cold, but the yield is slightly reduced. On average, from 1 sq. M you can collect from 4 to 8 kg, depending on the conditions.


The variety belongs to the category of medium early and medium yield. In a good year, up to 7 kg of beets can be collected from each square meter of land. A single-sprout plant gives root crops of dark red color and a cylindrical shape. Their flesh is very juicy, sweet and literally melts in the mouth. In order to protect the plant from diseases, it is necessary to carry out loosening and top dressing more often.


Externally, the roots are round and even, and their flesh is very dark burgundy. They are small - from 10 to 12 cm in diameter, up to 360 g by weight. This beetroot is appreciated for its lack of rings and spicy sugar flavor. In addition, the plant is very unpretentious and practically does not require any care other than watering. Beet Mulatto is perfectly stored all winter.

Incomparable A463

Unusual root crops are flat in color, from 8 to 10 cm in diameter. They have a maroon skin, and next to the outlet its color turns to gray. Delicate dark scarlet pulp with rings has a sweet piquant taste. The variety ripens quickly - from 3 to 6 months. Fruits are perfect for any dishes and are stored for a long time.

Pablo F1

One of the best beet varieties is a hybrid species, bred not so long ago, but already quite popular. The main advantages are the unpretentiousness and taste of the fruit. Ripens in 6-7 months, the yield of the crop reaches 99%. With such a high yield, all the fruits are obtained "one to one" - even and smooth, about the same size - up to 15 cm in diameter. A small tail, bright red pulp without rings make this variety a very valuable crop. The plant is perfect for harsh climates. Fruits are stored without problems from autumn to spring.

Rocket F1

This variety is difficult to confuse with any other. Such beets are used for a wide variety of purposes, including the preparation of gourmet dishes. Its root crops of cylindrical shape have a glossy beautiful surface. Their color is uniform, purple closer to the outlet. The pulp has no rings. Excellent varieties complement the charm of the variety, high productivity - up to 7 kg of beets per square meter.


The variety is very good for cold climates. Plants do not freeze even during intense spring frosts and give early fruits of medium size. During its active growth, beets do not require active and frequent watering. Fruits of bright red color do not have whitish rings. The weight of each root crop does not exceed 210 grams.


Also an early and cold resistant variety. It is characterized by good productivity. But the root crops come out very small - between 10 cm and 160 g. Beets have a dark red color, quite juicy and tasty flesh. Despite the obvious presence of radial rings, they do not have a whitish hue, and the variety does not lose its value because of them. The fruits themselves are very smooth, look beautiful when sold on display.

In addition, the variety is characterized by good fruit preservation. They are not afraid of low temperatures and can be stored for up to six months in a warehouse or cellar.

Egyptian flat beets

It has very large root crops - from 500 - 600 g. The pulp has a purple-burgundy hue. There are small radial rings. The taste is ideal for salads, for example, for vinaigrette. Ripening period is average. Fruit ripening occurs in 80 - 100 days after the start of the first seedlings in the garden. The variety is resistant to arid areas. It has a long shelf life of more than 7 months.


These root crops have an unusual shape - oblong with a small "waist". Plants of medium growth, slightly susceptible to disease. Productivity reaches quite high rates - from 5 to 7 kg per meter of planted area. The sweetish taste allows you to use this beet for various dishes - from salads to borscht and marinades. The lack of whitish circles makes the “rolls” with this vegetable very beautiful. The elastic pulp is convenient when cutting and gratering.

It should be noted that not everything depends on the variety. Even the best beet varieties will not give the desired results with poor care. Correct fit, care and conditions are very important. In order for the beets to have a beautiful and bright color, to be tasty and stored for a long time, the summer resident needs to know the basic rules.

1. Adequate watering should be provided. After a drought, the color of the fruit becomes less bright, and the flesh acquires dry and whitish rings.

2. Excessive humidity is also harmful. The root crop becomes too large, and therefore watery. Voids appear inside, and this greatly reduces the shelf life of vegetables.

3. Do not plant beets immediately after fertilizing the soil with organic matter. In this case, the fruits will have a bitter taste.

4. Ensure that the plantings are not obscured. This reduces the amount of sugar and beneficial ingredients in the pulp, which makes the taste of vegetables deteriorate.

The right choice of the best beet variety is very important. If you plant such seeds correctly and care for them properly, then your crop will surely please you with both volume and quality.


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