The benefits and harms of canned beans. What is the best way to eat canned beans: good nutrition recipes


Beans - a plant of the legume family, originating from South America, known almost everywhere. Bean seeds are consumed fresh or in cooked form (boiled, canned), added to salads, first and second courses. Canned beans are a very tasty and healthy product available to the majority of the population.

Useful properties of canned beans

The main types of beans: white, red, green, black - everything can be preserved in your own juice or with the addition of tomato paste. Asparagus bean varieties are plants that use immature pods that can also be pickled.

Beans contain many useful substances that quickly saturate and are well absorbed:

• vitamins (A, PP, B, K, C, E) - exhibit antioxidant properties, increase the body's immune capabilities, improve metabolic (metabolic) processes;

• minerals (iron, potassium, magnesium, copper, sulfur, zinc, phosphorus) - are necessary for updating the cell structure, for the proper functioning of all systems and organs;

• vegetable proteins (more than 20 grams per 100 grams of product), so many diets use beans instead of meat;

• amino acids lysine, tyrosine and methionine - contribute to the rapid absorption of protein and help to increase muscle mass;

• arginine - an aliphatic amino acid that participates in nitrogen exchange processes and regulates blood sugar, increases the amount of growth hormone (growth hormone).

Canned beans retains many beneficial properties and contains 70-80% of the amount of vitamins and minerals in fresh bean seeds:

• improves digestive processes;

• contributes to the improvement of blood tests;

• helps to reduce the symptoms of atherosclerosis, hypertension, heart rhythm disturbances;

• reduces inflammatory diseases, including in the urinary system;

• has a diuretic effect, helps reduce swelling;

• Helps to quickly restore strength and improve performance.

Canned Bean Recipes

For the preparation of recipes, you can use both white and red canned beans at your discretion. After opening the can, the beans should be transferred to a glass dish or used immediately, in any case should not be stored even in the refrigerator for more than a day.

Red Bean Salad with Red Onion

Beans - 100 g

Ham - 50 g

Walnuts - 1 piece

Red onion - 1 piece


Cut the ham into cubes, and the red onion in half rings, add canned beans, mix everything, add salt and a few drops of lemon juice to taste. Crush a walnut to make small crumbs, sprinkle salad and garnish with herbs.

Omelet with beans and tomatoes

Beans - 100 g

Tomatoes - 1 piece

Eggs - 2 pieces

Milk - 100 ml


Scald tomatoes with boiling water and peel, cut into semicircles, fry a little in vegetable oil, add beans. Beat eggs, add milk and a little salt, pour into a frying pan with tomatoes and beans, close the lid and cook until the omelet is fried.

Roast with mushrooms and beans

Beef - 500 g

Potato - 1 kg

Mushrooms (champignons) - 100 g

Beans - 200 g

Garlic - 1/4 cloves


Salt, spices

Cut the meat as if for goulash, put it in a goulash bowl or in a saucepan with a thick bottom, add salt, pepper and any spices, fry first over high heat, and then leave it to simmer for a little time. After half an hour add chopped champignons, fry together for 5-6 minutes, squeeze a quarter of a clove of garlic for a faint smell, so as not to interrupt the taste of mushrooms. Add beans and then potatoes, which are pre-peeled and cut into large pieces. Pour boiled water so that it slightly covers the food, bring the liquid to a boil, remove the foam and leave on low heat for 40-45 minutes. Add greens to the finished dish when serving.

Soup with Beans and Chicken Giblets

Chicken Stomachs - 100 g

Chicken hearts - 100 g

Beans - 200 g

Potato - 400 g

Carrots - 1 piece

Onion - 1 piece

Bay leaf



Salt, spices

Cut the stomachs and hearts, add 1 liter of water and bring to a boil, remove the foam, add salt and cook over low heat. After half an hour add potato peeled and chopped into strips, and after 15 minutes beans. Chop the carrots and onions, fry in a skillet with vegetable oil, add a spoonful of flour, mix everything thoroughly and add to the broth with giblets and potatoes. Add greens and bay leaves a few minutes before being ready.

Bean marinade fish

Fish fillet (cod, hake or any sea fish) - 800 g

Beans - 200 g

Tomatoes - 1 piece

Carrots - 1 piece

Onion - 1 piece


Salt, spices

A denser version of the famous fish-marinade dish. Peel the fish or take the finished fillet, salt, roll in flour and lightly fry in vegetable oil until half cooked. Prepare the marinade in a saucepan: peel and chop carrots and tomatoes without skin, salt, and also lightly fry in vegetable oil. Crush the onion or grind it with a blender to make a homogeneous gruel, then the marinade will turn out to be aromatic and juicy, mix with vegetables. Put the beans in an even layer on the fish and cook the marinade on top, close the lid and simmer for 30-40 minutes on low heat.

Spicy appetizer with eggplant and pepper

Beans - 400 g

Eggplant - 400 g

Bulgarian pepper - 200 g

Tomatoes - 200 g

Carrots - 1 piece

Garlic - 1 clove


Salt, spices

Peel and chop the eggplant, feathers and carrots, put in a skillet with vegetable oil, salt and fry for several minutes until the vegetables are softened, leave it under a lid over low heat. Scald the tomatoes, peel them, chop the pulp with a blender or grater, add to the stewed vegetables, mix and add the beans. Simmer for 15-20 minutes, add crushed garlic, red hot pepper, cilantro, basil and any spices to taste at the end of cooking.

Side bean and cauliflower side dish

Green beans - 200 g

Cauliflower - 200 g

Zucchini - 400 g

Mayonnaise - 100 g

Garlic - 1/2 cloves




Beans and cauliflower put in a saucepan with vegetable oil, fry a little until half cooked and add mayonnaise, simmer for 15-20 minutes. Peel the zucchini and cut into circles (you need to take small vegetables with a dense core), crush the garlic, salt, mix and leave for a few minutes so that the salt is absorbed. Heat a frying pan with vegetable oil and fry the zucchini slices, chopping in flour. Put the side dish on a dish, decorate with greens.

Possible contraindications for canned beans

Beans are not recommended for use by people of advanced age and patients who have such diseases: peptic ulcer, gout, cholecystitis, poor bowel obstruction.

You should consider the presence of additives in canned beans: animal and vegetable fats, vegetables, which may be contraindicated for certain categories of people.

Excessive consumption of canned beans may cause increased gas formation in the intestines, bloating and flatulence. In this case, it is necessary to take measures to relieve such symptoms and take carminative drugs or enterosorbents.

Prokinetics stimulate intestinal motility and eliminate excessive gas formation.


Watch the video: How to Meal Prep - Ep. 57 - RICE AND BEANS (June 2024).