Acid reflux: the main symptoms, causes, treatment. Acid reflux diet, traditional methods of care


Acid reflux provokes digestive juices, rising from the stomach up the esophagus (their movement is accompanied by burning). Most people believe that the cause of discomfort is the use of foods with a lot of acid. In fact, the opposite is true: low acidity and poor digestion are to blame.

Symptoms and causes of acid reflux

The esophageal sphincter during normal operation prevents the return of acid to the esophagus. With dysfunction, the valve opens, the acid exits, causing not only discomfort, but also destroying the mucous membrane, which is fraught with scarring of the tissue, in severe cases - cancer of the esophagus.

The following symptoms are characteristic of reflux:

- burning and chest pain;

- bitter taste in the mouth;

- sleep disturbances;


- nausea, loss of appetite;

- dry mouth.

Provoke a malfunction of the esophageal sphincter can:

- binge eating;

- improper diet - the consumption of large portions for 1-2 times, instead of 5-6 receptions;

- overweight;

- hiatal hernia;

- pregnancy;

- some products (processed, refined, fried, sweet);

- taking antibiotics, drugs for the treatment of hypertension, asthma, arthritis, osteoporosis, heart disease;

- chronic stress;

- nutritional deficiencies;

- smoking, alcohol and caffeine abuse.

Traditional reflux treatments

Heartburn and reflux are treated with painkillers, inhibitors, antacids, histamine receptor blockers (cimetidine, ranitidine, famotidine).

Among the side effects: indigestion, anemia, increased fatigue, depression.

With prolonged use of inhibitors, the risk of infection with clostridia and the development of pseudomembranous colitis increases (the intestines become inflamed, bleeding ulcers appear, diarrhea does not stop). The risk of side effects is higher in older people and those who have chronic diseases that require long-term use of antibiotics.

Acid Reflux Diet

Products that help fight heartburn and improve the condition of acid reflux:

- kefir and yogurt - maintain a balance of beneficial bacteria, improve digestion, calm the digestive tract. It is important that fermented milk products contain live active cultures (the fermentation process should last about 24 hours);

- beef bone broth - contains collagen (healing the mucous membrane), glycine (having a sedative effect), proline (participating in the synthesis of collagen), glutamine (strengthening the immune system);

- fermented vegetables (kimchi, pickled tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage);

- kombucha - source of probiotics;

- Apple vinegar - normalizes acidity;

- coconut water - it contains potassium and electrolytes that help maintain an optimal level of hydration (yogurt can be made on the basis of this product);

- Coconut oil - a source of healthy fats. Contains lauric acid, which eliminates inflammation, enhances immunity, destroys pathogenic bacteria;

- leafy vegetables, artichokes, asparagus, cucumbers, pumpkin;

- hard cheese;

- tuna, herring, salmon, cod;

- almonds, walnuts, pumpkin seeds;

- honey;

- fennel, ginger;

- aloe juice.

A diet built using these ingredients is also indicated for leaky gut syndrome, ischemia, hyperactivity disorder, and attention deficit disorder.

Products to avoid:

- alcohol - it is especially dangerous to abuse such drinks before bedtime;

- caffeine (found not only in coffee, energy drinks, but also in black tea) - irritates the esophagus, disrupts the functioning of the sphincter;

- carbonated drinks (both alcoholic and non-alcoholic);

- sugar, artificial sweeteners - fuel inflammation;

- fried foods - fatty and fried foods take longer to digest, causing excessive acid production;

- processed products, which include white flour, salt, corn starch, molasses (chips, crackers, cookies);

- chocolate - fats, caffeine and sugar in its composition exacerbate the condition of reflux;

- dairy products (pasteurized, high fat, sugar containing) provoke acid release;

- refined vegetable oils;

- spices - cinnamon, cayenne pepper and other spices for a healthy person are useful, but with reflux enhance the burning sensation;

- Tomatoes and dishes from them - in general, it is healthy food, but the use of ketchup (even natural), sauces with the inclusion of tomatoes can increase heartburn;

- citrus fruits;

- creamy and butter salad dressings;

- mint - reduces pressure in the sphincter by passing acid into the esophagus.

Additional remedies for reflux

Special supplements recommended for acid reflux

1) Digestive enzymes - help break down food and assimilate nutrients.

2) Probiotics - healthy bacteria support the intestinal microflora, displace pathogenic microorganisms.

3) Betaine and pepsin (taken before meals) - eliminate discomfort, establish digestion.

4) Ginger and chamomile tea (can be sweetened with honey) - reduce inflammation, anesthetize.

5) Magnesium - effective against heartburn.

6) L-glutamine - heals a leaking intestine, effective for colitis.

7) Melatonin - in people with acid reflux, the concentration of this hormone is significantly reduced.

8) Lemon juice - allows you to relieve symptoms of reflux, but not for everyone. You can combine lemon juice with ginger, adding to tea or water.

Conscious food intake

In reflux, it’s important to stop eating “on the run,” swallowing huge chunks. The better the food will be processed in the oral cavity, the easier it will be for the stomach to cope. It is important not to overeat, to eat fractionally, so that the pressure on the sphincter is minimal (otherwise, regurgitation of acid and undigested food is possible). Dinner must be planned 3 hours before bedtime or earlier. If you are hungry, drink herbal tea with crackers from whole grain bread.

It is necessary to wear loose clothing, avoiding pressure on the stomach and esophagus (do not get carried away with corsets and tight belts).

Lifestyle changes

In addition to following a diet and taking special supplements, heartburn can help prevent:

- stress management - It is important to learn how to relax (using meditation, art therapy, yoga). Some reflex points in the chest area are associated with digestion, exposure to them (during massage, acupressure, acupuncture) can bring relief;

- sleep on your side (the head should be on a raised platform). Raise the pillow, adjust the headboard, put a small roller under the mattress - these actions will help prevent acid from returning to the esophagus;

- sport in the morningmoderate loads. A definitive "no" twisting - in the process of performing this exercise, the stomach is squeezed, which increases pain;

- to give up smoking.

When treating reflux, you should not rely on medications, they only temporarily relieve symptoms. To get a positive result in the long run, you will have to follow a diet and adhere to the rules described above. If the symptoms are accompanied by hoarseness, shortness of breath, pain in the stomach after eating, diarrhea, problems with swallowing food, you should visit a gastroenterologist immediately.


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