Is it possible to treat hypotension at home? Effective methods of treating hypotension at home with folk remedies


If there is a deviation from the norms of blood pressure, this is a consequence of disturbances in the work of the heart. A pressure indicator below 100/60 is called hypotension. Today we will talk about the means of treating hypotension at home.

Causes of hypotension

To understand how to be treated for hypotension, you need to understand why this disease occurs. The main reason is vascular disease and disturbances in their work. Due to improper blood circulation, body tissues get less nutrients.

Also, hypotension can be caused by the following factors:

• decrease in hemoglobin;

• lack of sleep or overwork;

• If a person has an ulcer and at the same time hypotension, drinking large amounts of coffee worsens peptic ulcer. Therefore, with hypotension, the state of the gastrointestinal tract should be examined;

• change of weather negatively affects the state of hypotension;

• during and after menstruation, the condition of women worsens, as the amount of thyroid hormones decreases;

• vitamin deficiency and starvation;

• the use of certain drugs;

• with constant psycho-emotional overload;

• subsequently massive blood loss, myocardial infarction, shock, thromboembolism.

Treatment of hypotension at home with folk remedies

You can name a lot of folk remedies for hypotension, but when choosing them, you need to take into account the individual characteristics of the body and the effect of such funds on it.

Many traditional healers advise to drink more coffee and red wine in order to treat hypotension at home. But in fact, this can lead to disruption of the heart.

We will consider the most effective and safe recipes for getting rid of hypotension.

Immortelle Broth

Medicinal decoctions prepared on the basis of immortelle flowers do not harm the cardiovascular system, do not cause allergies.

To prepare a single dose of the medicine, you need to take a tablespoon of flowers, pour 250 ml of boiling water, stand for another 15 minutes in a water bath. The broth is ready.

Take a remedy to achieve the effect should be three times a day before meals, drink a third of a glass.

Hypericum broth

It is good to take hypericum decoction with the goal of treating hypotension at home. But in order not to harm yourself, it is better to consult a doctor about this. It is also necessary to strictly adhere to the recommended dosage, which is 250 ml per day. The course of treatment is a month, no more.

We prepare a decoction similar to the previous one.

Infusion of calamus, burdock, chicory

To prepare the infusion, take 100 grams of chopped calamus swamp, chicory, burdock roots. Everything is placed in a liter jar, completely filled with vodka. We put the bank in a dark place where it should be 10 days. Take the medicine in five drops, adding them to a tablespoon of water. Drink 3 times a day after meals for 3 weeks.

Grape or Pomegranate Juice

Grape juice perfectly increases pressure, as it is able to improve the condition of blood vessels. But to obtain the effect, it is freshly squeezed juice that is used. Canned, which is sold in the store, will not work. It is better to buy a dark tart grape and squeeze the juice out of it just before the reception in the morning and evening. Take half a glass twice a day for two weeks.

It is also good to take freshly squeezed pomegranate juice, it perfectly tones the body, is able to eliminate headaches and dizziness.

Treating hypotension at home with procedures

Along with medicines prepared at home, home procedures can help with increasing pressure in case of hypotension. So at the end of the gymnastics it’s good to take a contrast shower, which will help expand the vessels, narrowing their lumen.

Massage as one of the methods of treating hypotension at home

An affordable and easy method is massage. Acupressure is known to many, and its use will necessarily be followed by a positive result. It can be done by a non-specialist. It strengthens blood vessels, and they are weak in hypotensive patients, and also positively affects the brain and the work of the cardiovascular system.

1. On the thumb, we look for the greatest bulge, from it we must move half a centimeter to the next finger. Thus, we improve brain function.

2. The index finger is lowered to the center, now to the outside of the foot. It will be on the line between the middle finger and the index, which is the point of the heart.

Massage should be given 15 minutes in the morning and evening every day. Before holding it, it will be good to take a 10-minute bath, after which the feet should be wiped and massaged. At the same time, kneading and stroking should be alternated. Initially, the points should be stroked for several minutes, then knead.

Nonspecific techniques

Sometimes it happens that the pressure drops very quickly and sharply. The hypotonic feels an approaching fainting. In this case, you should:

1. Lie down or at least sit down to avoid falling.

2. Lower the hypotonic head, and slightly raise the legs.

3. Earlobes rub intensively until redness appears.

4. If the patient's condition improves, he can be put down, his head slightly lowered from the bed.

5. When the condition improves, you should eat or drink tea.

How to quickly increase pressure at home

If the pressure drops suddenly, and there is no way to contact a specialist, you can increase it at home using folk remedies.

The first way. Put a pinch of salt on the tip of the tongue, dissolve without water.

The second way. A well-eaten piece of bread with honey helps, which was previously sprinkled with cinnamon.

The third way. A quarter of a teaspoon of cinnamon is poured with boiling water (200 ml). When the mixture becomes warm, add 2-3 teaspoons of honey. Drink twice a day: before breakfast and before bedtime for 2 hours.

If the pressure drops in hot weather due to excessive sweating, you can improve the condition by drinking cool water or coffee. Thus, we can restore water balance and increase pressure.

Important! The most common mistake of hypotonics is the use of green tea. This remedy does not increase, but decreases, despite the high caffeine content. And if lemon is added to such tea, the effect is enhanced.

Hypotension Prevention

To prevent the occurrence of a disease such as hypotension, it should:

• First of all, pay more attention to your diet, increase the tone of the whole organism. So in the diet should include nuts, fruits, honey and royal jelly, infusions of herbs, celery. The food you eat must have the necessary vitamins, elements and fatty acids;

• normalize the regime of the day: smooth calm rise from bed, physical activity, walks in the fresh air;

• abandon bad habits and lead a healthy lifestyle - this is the key to normalizing blood circulation and, accordingly, reducing the risk of hypotension;

• consume pomegranate, buckwheat, apples, carrots, eggs, liver, greens, dark chocolate, this will not only serve as a preventative measure against hypotension, but will also increase pressure if necessary;

• there are plant biostimulants, this is tincture of lemongrass, aralia, ginseng, pink radiola, their periodic use will help in the fight against hypotension;

• eliminate the possibility of dehydration. For this, a person must drink at least two liters of fluid;

• devote time (several minutes a day) to physical exercises: jogging, swimming. But here should be a measure, physical activity should alternate with rest;

• Do not forget about a healthy full sleep, it should be at least 9-11 hours. It is the key to the health of the whole organism;

• have breakfast daily, even if it is light food in small portions;

If symptoms of hypotension appear with good health, you should immediately consult a doctor. The fact is that such symptoms could be caused by internal bleeding, which is life threatening.

If you follow the above recommendations, the risk of hypotension is significantly reduced. But in the event that the cause of hypotension is a congenital form, it is much more difficult to control the pressure.


Watch the video: 10 Home Remedies for Low Blood Pressure (June 2024).