How to make an original cracker cake without baking. Delicious cracker-free cakes: quick and easy recipes


Cracker is a frequent guest on our table. Sweet and salty, with various additives - this biscuit cookie is popular with both children and adults. An original way to diversify your menu is to make a sweet cake out of crackers.

Why make a cake out of crackers without baking

To prepare this hearty and tasty dish, you do not have to be an experienced chef. All you need is desire, a little time and a few simple ingredients. There is no need to follow the test in the oven, look for inaccessible products for the recipe. A cake made from crackers without baking can be a worthy dessert for a holiday if there is no time or desire to cook for a long time.

This is a great opportunity to introduce your child to work in the kitchen. Older children will be able to cope with such an activity on their own, delighting their parents with the first personally prepared masterpiece. It’s enough for mom just to unobtrusively keep the process under control. Kids will easily take their first steps in culinary affairs, they will be able to believe in their capabilities.

Features of the preparation of cake from crackers without baking

The basis of a cake made from crackers without baking is ordinary cookies. Sweet varieties of this versatile product perfectly replace cake layers. Using the appropriate cream, fruits and imagination, you can quickly make a delicious dessert for the whole family.

Non-baked cakes typically use different fruits and berries. There is no heat treatment, so they retain the most beneficial properties.

A large amount of cream is an important feature of a cookie cake, otherwise crackers will not be able to soak well.

Sour cream cracker cake


• 270 g of sweet crackers with poppy seeds;

• 0.5 kg of sour cream with 20% fat content;

• 2 bananas;

• 180 g of sugar;

• 15 g of gelatin;

• vanillin and walnuts - optional.

Cooking method

1. Prepare the cream. In an enamel or glass bowl, beat the sour cream with sugar, add a packet of vanillin.

2. Pour hot water with a temperature of about 70 degrees into gelatin, mix. Let it dissolve well and cool.

3. Slowly pour the resulting mixture into sweet sour cream, constantly thoroughly mixing the cream.

4. Finely chop the bananas, pass the walnuts through a meat grinder.

5. Combine the cream with sweet cookies, add chopped bananas and nuts. Let it brew.

6. Cover the cling film with a clean bowl.

7. After about 15 minutes, pour the cracker mixture into the prepared container.

8. Cover the cake with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 3-4 hours.

9. Turn over the finished product before serving, remove it from the bowl and remove the film.

10. Put a cake from crackers without baking on a dish and garnish with slices of banana or grated chocolate.

Cake with condensed milk and dried fruits

The use of dried fruits saturates the body with useful trace elements and vitamins. Dried apricots can be replaced with dates, figs or raisins. It is allowed to combine dried fruits, you can use them depending on personal tastes.


• 0.5 kg of crackers;

• 200 g dried apricots (or a mixture of dried fruits);

• 600 ml of sour cream with 15% fat content;

• 250 ml of condensed milk;

• 90 g of granulated sugar;

• 15 g of gelatin;

• 0.1 l of water;

• 100 g of dark chocolate.


1. Pour gelatin with 100 ml of cooled boiled water. Let it swell.

2. Cool dried apricots in hot water, cool, cut into small pieces.

3. Combine the sour cream with sugar, pour in the condensed milk.

4. Grate the chocolate. Preheat the gelatin.

5. Combine crackers, dried fruits, gelatin, chocolate and sour cream with condensed milk.

6. Pour the mixture into a silicone mold slightly greased with vegetable oil.

7. Put the dessert in the refrigerator for 8 hours.

8. Before use, remove the cake from the mold and decorate as desired.

Chocolate Yogurt Cookie Cake

A healthy and tasty treat.


• cracker - 160 g;

• butter - 70 g;

• banana - 2 pcs.;

• yogurt (preferably homemade) - 0.4 l;

• milk - 0.1 l;

• granulated sugar -180 g;

• cocoa - 60 g;

• gelatin -2 tsp.

Cooking steps

1. Pour gelatin according to instructions.

2. In a blender, grind the cracker.

3. Combine cookies with melted butter, mix thoroughly.

4. Pour the mixture onto the bottom of the mold.

5. In a saucepan, combine sugar with milk, cocoa and gelatin. Preheat gelatin to dissolve (do not boil). Cool.

6. Pour yogurt into the resulting mass.

7. Place banana slices on cookies, pour yogurt-chocolate mixture on top.

8. Allow to brew in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours.

Strawberry Cracker Cake

A nutritious dessert for lovers of fragrant berries.


• 2 kg of strawberries (fresh frozen);

• 2 cups of fat homemade cream;

• half a kilogram of crackers;

• a glass of granulated sugar;

• 50 g of dark chocolate;

• a package of vanillin.

Cooking steps

1. Wash and dry the strawberries.

2. Prepare the cream: whip the cream with sugar and vanilla.

3. Divide the crackers and strawberries into four equal portions.

4. Place the cookies in portions in pieces, smearing the cakes with cream and placing the strawberries.

5. Top off the cake with chocolate and strawberries melted in a steam bath.

6. Let it brew for several hours.

Waffle Cake with Crackers


• 1 pack of wafer cakes;

• 350 g of cookies;

• 1 can of condensed milk;

• 170 g butter;

• half a liter of sour cream;

• half a glass of granulated sugar;

• bag of vanillin;

• a thickener bag for cream;

• 500 g of tangerines;

• 2 bananas.

Cooking method

1. For the first cream, thoroughly mix the condensed milk with softened butter.

2. Prepare cream No. 2: mix the sour cream whipped with vanilla and sugar until smooth with a thickener.

3. And the bottom of the dish, place the waffle cake, spread with the first cream and lay a layer of crackers on top.

4. Moisturize with cream No. 2, make a layer of tangerines and bananas cut into small pieces.

5. Next - again the second cream, then the waffle cake. Repeat the sequence.

6. Alternate the layers until you use all the crackers and fruits. The last layer is cake.

7. Combine the remaining two creams, coat the cake completely.

8. Garnish with fruit if desired. Put in the refrigerator for the night to soak well.

Coconut cracker cake without baking

Need such products

• 400 g cracker;

• 200 g coconut flakes;

• 0.5 l of milk;

• package of vanillin;

• 0.2 kg of animal oil;

• 5 tbsp. tablespoons of granulated sugar;

• 2 egg yolks;

• 60 g of flour;

• 2 tbsp. tablespoons of starch.

Cooking method

1. Beat half a glass of sugar with yolks.

2. Pour flour, starch and pour half a glass of milk into the resulting sweet mass.

3. Beat the mixture with a mixer until smooth.

4. Boil the remaining milk and sugar. Pour the mass from the mixer.

5. Simmer until thickened. Stir constantly. Remove the mixture from the heat and cool.

6. Whip the soft butter in the mixer, add the sweet mass and coconut, mix.

7. At the bottom of the dish, place part of the crackers, then pour a small portion of the cream.

8. Repeat the layers several times, cover the top of the cake with the rest of the cream mass.

9. Garnish with coconut. Insist in the refrigerator for about 3 hours before use.

Cottage cheese dessert with cherry

A healthy dish - tender cottage cheese and a pleasant sourness of cherries perfectly complement each other.


• 270 g of cracker;

• 250 g of fat cottage cheese and sour cream;

• 3 tbsp. tablespoons of granulated sugar;

• a tablespoon of gelatin;

• 0.1 l of water;

• 200 g of cherries (can be frozen);

• 60 g of chocolate.

Cooking steps

1. Dissolve a tablespoon of gelatin in 100 ml of water. Let it swell.

2. Wash and free the cherries.

3. In a blender, beat sour cream, cottage cheese and sugar until smooth.

4. Heat gelatin in a water bath (do not boil!) And pour into the mixture, mix thoroughly.

5. At the bottom of the dish lay a layer of crackers, place cherries on top.

6. Fill the workpiece with part of the sour cream mixture.

7. Place another layer of cookies, then cherries, refill with the rest of the cream.

8. Rub the chocolate on a fine grater, sprinkle them with dessert.

9. Cover with cling film and place the cake from crackers without baking in the refrigerator overnight.

Orange miracle


• 750 g sour cream;

• a glass of granulated sugar;

• 350 g crackers;

• 25 g of gelatin;

• 1 packet of orange jelly;

• 2 oranges;

• packaging of vanillin.

Cooking method

1. Dilute gelatin in hot water (150 ml).

2. According to the instructions, dilute the jelly in 0.3 liters of boiling water.

3. While the jelly and gelatin are cooling, grind the cookies and dice the peeled orange.

4. At the bottom of the pan, place the pieces of fruit, fill them with jelly and put in the refrigerator to cool.

5. Beat sugar, sour cream, vanilla until smooth. Pour in the gelatin and mix thoroughly.

6. Combine the resulting cream with slices of crackers, make the mixture homogeneous.

7. Take the slices of orange from the refrigerator, pour them with sour cream.

8. Refrigerate for 2-3 hours.

9. Remove the dessert from the pan before use. To do this, warm it over the fire for a few seconds, turn the container over and put the cake on a large plate.

Tips and Tricks for Making Cracker Cake

• For dessert cakes, use sweet crackers. When buying this product, give preference to the liver, which contains the minimum amount of flavorings and other chemical additives.

• Frozen fruits can be used in recipes for cakes made from crackers without baking with fruits and berries. Before use, they must be thawed, drained excess fluid.

• The cake is very convenient to cook in the evening, and then put in the refrigerator overnight. By morning, the cracker will be well saturated with cream, the dish will become very tender and juicy.

• Fruits and berries in the dessert without baking can be changed to your liking. Bananas, apples, cherries and strawberries perfectly occupy each other's place in such sweet cakes. Pears, raspberries, apricots, blueberries, cherries and other fruits and berries are also used.

• If desired, you can divide the products in the recipe into two parts and prepare two small desserts with different fillings. One cake is not forbidden to make with several types of sweet fruits.

• The rate of sugar changes depending on the acid of fruits and berries.


Watch the video: No-Bake Chocolate Biscuit Cake Recipe (June 2024).