Treatment of corns on heels at home or to the doctor? What should be the treatment of heel corns at home?


Corn is a thickened formation on the skin that most often appears due to friction. This common problem is not as simple as it seems, because calluses on the heels cause a lot of discomfort.

There are excellent methods of treating such a pathology at home, which will quickly get rid of corns.

Causes of Calluses

Corn is a common reaction of an organism to the influence of a factor such as friction. Local compaction of the epidermis occurs with prolonged friction. The main root cause of corns on the heels is tight shoes.

Direct causes include:

1. Shoes that are made of low-quality material. She rubs the skin.

2. The presence in the shoe is quite hard, rough rough seams.

3. Narrow shoes that have a very bad shoe. These shoes squeeze the feet too much.

4. The presence of sports shoes rather thin soles. In this case, the rise area also suffers.

5. The need for women to often walk in shoes or stilettos.

Obesity and overweight in humans also become a common cause of corns on the heels. The appearance of skin corns is often seen with constant walking on a bare foot on rocky ground. Initially, the soles are only injured, and later corns are formed. It is necessary to carefully consider all growths, since warts are often masked under them.

Recommendations of traditional medicine from corns

Treatment of corns on the heels at home should be carried out already at the first growths. Very effective recipes are the following:

1. Egg. It is used to rub the wound; it is necessary to break the shell and separate the white film from it. Apply the wet side to the corn. As it dries, it sticks. After a couple of days, everything goes away.

2. Dandelion. This is an excellent treatment option for dry corns on your heels. White grass juice helps to quickly soften growths. In this case, no harm is done to the surrounding dermis. On the stem, you need to make an incision and drip the juice that has appeared on the corn.

3. Bread and vinegar. These products will help get rid of old corn. Vinegar must be added to the crumb. Mix the whole mass very well. The procedure is carried out before bedtime. Put the resulting slurry on a painful place and fix it with a band-aid. After a couple of hours, vinegar will penetrate the affected tissue. A person learns about this when a sharp pain occurs. The growth will begin to increase in size, and the dermis will turn red. In the morning, remove the adhesive tape, and rinse the skin. A week later, corns no matter how it happened.

4. Propolis. If the corn is sufficiently dense, rough and painful, then you need to make a foot bath. After this procedure, take a piece of propolis and knead it in your hands. Apply the agent to the corns and fix with a band-aid. Wear this compress for three days. Then again make a healing foot bath. The corn will be gradually eliminated. Repeat the procedure until the corn is completely gone.

5. Pine resin. Before the session, the legs must be steamed well and wiped dry. Then apply pine resin to the lesion sites. Wrap gauze over your feet and put on warm socks. This procedure should last a day. After this time, wash your feet with soap and steam them again. Manipulations to repeat 10 days.

6. A tomato. This is a very simple, but very effective remedy against corns. Grate one tomato, place in a bowl and steam for a couple of minutes. Apply the resulting mixture to a bandage and apply to the affected area. Fix all this with oilcloth and adhesive. This procedure is repeated twice a day. The dressing should be on the leg for at least two hours.

7. Onion peel. Husk from one onion must be placed in a jar and pour 3 tablespoons of vinegar. Leave the resulting mixture for 14 days, then squeeze the husk and attach to the corns. The foot must be bandaged. Before the procedure, the skin must be greased with a fat cream.

8. Potatoes. Raw potatoes must be grated. Apply the gruel to the corns and secure with a bandage. Be sure to make a foot bath first. In 2 liters of liquid add 3 tablespoons of salt and 2 teaspoons of iodine. Keep the legs in the resulting solution for half an hour.

There are a number of recipes against calluses, but these are as effective as possible.

Recipes for quick ways to get rid of corns

The following effective recipes can help cope with calluses:

1. Steam the feet in a warm bath, to which should be added liquid soap and salt. For 3 liters of liquid, add a tablespoon of soap and 3 tablespoons of soda. Immerse your feet in such a bath for half an hour. The coarsened parts should soften. Using pumice to get rid of corns. This must be done extremely carefully. After such manipulation, smear the feet with a softening cream.

2. This recipe can help not only from dry corns, but also prevent the formation of cracks. Take 50 ml of glycerin and add 10 drops of ammonia. Mix the whole mass well. The resulting product is applied daily at bedtime to affected feet. Wear socks after applying the medicine. For a complete cure, you will need 10 sessions.

3. Porridge from ivy. The leaves of the plant must be washed and rubbed into gruel. The resulting product is applied to the corn. Apply a bandage over this. It should be two-layer. The first layer of diapers, and the second is a bandage. Such manipulations are carried out at night. For a complete cure, 5 procedures are required.

These recipes will help you get rid of such an unpleasant problem very quickly.

Home Remedies for Corns

Treating heel corns at home is not such a complicated matter. There are a couple of recipes that are absolutely safe for health. These include:

1. Callus ointment. Mix 100 g of alcohol, 30 g of camphor, 12 g of bodyaga and 30 g of red pepper. The resulting mixture must be applied to the affected feet. First, the legs must be steamed and wiped dry. Such manipulations should be performed before bedtime. Compress must be insulated and not removed for 6 hours. Repeat sessions every day until the seals are soft.

2. Kalanchoe from different types of corns. Before the procedure, the affected leg should be steamed. After wiping the limb dry and attach a piece of Kalanchoe. Secure everything with a patch. Repeat the procedure daily. First of all, the pain will be eliminated, after the callus will come off.

3. Korzhik from flour. This recipe is suitable for eliminating dry callus. To obtain a healing mass, vinegar must be mixed with flour. The resulting cake is applied to the affected area and left for three days.

4. Raw meat. Pig or cow meat is suitable. It should not be frozen. Put on a painful area and fix with a band-aid. Leave the compress for a couple of hours. Repeat as many procedures as needed.

5. Lemon. On a sore spot, you need to attach a lemon peel. It is necessary to remain on it a little pulp. The corn will come off after 5-6 treatments.

6. In a warm liquid must be diluted potassium permanganate until a pink tint appears. Add a little salt to the solution and lower the legs into the bowl. The procedure should last 25 minutes. After the session, you do not need to wipe your legs. It will pass quickly leave. You can anoint iodine with legs after the procedure.

7. Take streptocide tablet, onion, bandage and vinegar. Boil water and put half of the onion in it. Boil for three minutes. After getting the onion and let it cool. Feet steam in this warm water so that the corn can easily move away. After dripping vinegar into the center of the corn. After attach half of the bulb to the sore spot. Fix with a band-aid and leave overnight. In the morning, remove the compress and sprinkle with streptocide. If a tablet was bought, then it must be fixed with a bandage.

8. The use of a fat woman. Take a sheet of fatty, which is slightly larger in size than the corns itself. Remove the skin from it and put the pulp on the affected part of the foot. Hold for about 1.5 hours. The result can be seen after 5 sessions.

9. Vegetable oil and bread. Wash your feet and then massage, grease with vegetable oil. After 4 days, the corns will begin to soften and leave. This will only happen if such procedures are regularly applied. After bathing, be sure to apply bread crumb to the corn. In advance, bread should be dipped in vinegar.

10. Prunes Prune in advance to boil and apply to a sore spot. Do the procedure overnight and fix the dried fruit with a bandage. Do such procedures until the corn is removed with ordinary pumice.

11. Trays of oats. You will need oat straw, which pour straw in a ratio of 1:10. Cook this mixture for 10 minutes. After the broth, cool a little. Place a sore foot in it for 20 minutes. Repeat baths until the corns converge completely.

All these recipes are very effective and will help get rid of corns as quickly as possible. It is more effective to apply several recipes at once.


Watch the video: 30 Second Solutions - Callus Remover (June 2024).