How to sit on the twine from scratch at home? Recommendations for those who want to learn the technique of twine from scratch at home


Which of us does not dream of having a slender, beautiful body that attracts admiring glances? Elastic buttocks, a flat stomach, a good stretch are synonyms not only for beauty, but also for health.

Elastic stretched ligaments are the ultimate desire of many people. How to sit on the twine from scratch at home, if you have never done so?

Twine from scratch at home - step by step

Any aerobic load, as you know, should begin with a gradual warming up of the muscles. They must be kneaded, saturated with oxygen and improving blood circulation. Traditional stretching happens:

• dynamic

• static

The first method of warming up the muscles involves various hand and foot swings, intensive walking, jumping rope, running and even cycling.

The second way is a "frozen" stay for a while in a certain position. Definitely stretched. Both one and the other options, their quality and duration depend on your physical fitness.

So, what should I do before sitting on the twine from scratch at home?

1. To start stretching, lean on a support, level up and make arbitrary movements (swings) alternately with one foot or the other. Perform such manipulations 20-30 times.

2. With a wave of the foot, hold it for a few seconds. This is the so-called static.

3. Raise your leg to the maximum for you and take it to the side. Hold up. Do the same with the other limb.

4. In the prone position, raise your legs up, trying to maintain an angle of 90 *. Spread your legs apart (as far as possible) and hold in this position for several seconds. Then connect and slowly lower.

5. In a standing position, lunge forward. Nothing complicated! Like at school in a physical education lesson. Try to stand so that your legs form a right angle. Spring a little and do the same with the other leg.

6. Statics. Place one limb on a hill (table, chair, window sill) and carefully, without bending your knees, try to lean forward on your raised leg, clasping it. Exercise should be done without sudden movements, smoothly, sparing yourself. Repeat with the other foot.

7. Stand on the floor and, like a runner at the start, rest your foot firmly on the floor, and bend the other leg at a right angle to the knee. Put your palms on the floor, while keeping your back straight. Spring a little.

8. Improve the previous exercise: straighten, bend your back, raise your arms up, and clasp your palms above your head. Stretch out. Feel the pleasant feeling of stretch? So, doing the exercise correctly.

9. “Butterfly” is loved by those who attend aerobics. Sit in the famous lotus position and place your hands on your knees. Slowly push your hands on your knees, trying to press them to the floor. Do not despair if it does not work out right away. If you did not do stretching for a long time - this is not surprising. Hard training will do the trick!

10. Sitting, try to spread your legs as wide as possible. Lean on your elbows and linger a little.

11. Sitting on the floor with legs wide apart, try to grasp the socks and make springy tilts, touching the chest of the floor (gently).

12. Standing rest your foot on a support and, without bending your knees, bend over, trying to reach the floor. Exercise for the trained.

Interesting! Depending on the position of the legs and hips, the twine is classified into two main and several additional types. Basic: transverse and longitudinal twine. Longitudinal is considered easier. After all, transverse stretching requires the maximum possible formation of an angle (close to 180 *).

Twine from scratch at home - get down to business

You have flexed well, warmed up your muscles, made easy self-massage, now it’s time to proceed directly to the splits. The main thing here is leisureliness. Do not strive to overcome the twine in a week. It may take a month or two to achieve the result. Let this not be an obstacle to achieving the goal.

So, spread your legs as wide as possible (until you feel a slight! Muscle pain). Then, with your back straight, place your hands in front of you and, bending over, swing from side to side. Thus, how would evaluate your strength.

After that, lower your elbows to the floor and swing forward / backward. After a few minutes, increase the tension by spreading your legs even more. Do the same swaying. If the discomfort is disturbing, annoying, carefully pack yourself and pause. At the end, return to the starting position and make several turns with the body in one direction or the other.

The described exercise is the main one. You can add pelvic rotations from longitudinal to transverse twine to it, rotations and tilts of the body forward and to the side directly in the twine itself. The greatest effect is achieved when combining static and dynamic exercises.

Twine from scratch at home - useful tips

1. Do you dream of having a good stretch and easy to sit on the twine? Or not have health problems and surprise your loved ones with their flexibility? Then remember the main rule: no rush. An unhealthy tendency to sit on the splits here and now leads to serious injuries and pain.

2. In the matter of stretching, constancy and regularity are important. Need to do daily. Let it be half an hour, but permanent half an hour. The effect is achieved faster than through sharp uneven training.

3. Listen to your body during exercise. What is good and useful to one will harm the other. When training, feel your weaknesses and concentrate on them. And to those parts of the body where it’s painful and not very pleasant to show “leniency”.

4. Much has been said about the benefits of water. A sufficient amount of it contributes to the high efficiency of exercises.

5. Start training small, gradually increasing the load.

6. Classes are best done in the afternoon towards evening. It is at this time that the joints and muscles are as elastic as possible. In the morning, you can do traditional exercises to relieve tension after sleep.

7. To avoid the risk of sprains and injuries, twine exercises should begin with a gradual warming up of the leg muscles. Squats, jogging, swinging - the simplest thing you need to do for 10-15 minutes.

8. There is one rule: if during stretching there is pain in the knees or back, then the exercise is not performed at the proper level. Try to distribute the load and not sit lower due to the knees.

9. Develop both types of stretching: dynamic and static. Be especially careful when dynamically stretching when there is a high risk of injury. Do the exercises smoothly, without jerking.

10. When stretching, pull the sock towards you. This is extremely important!

11. Exercise in leggings or golf, which would allow the legs to glide slightly on the floor. Athletes are advised to wear just warm attributes in order to warm the muscles to a sensation of heat.

12. In contrast to the power load, stretching does not require long rest. It can be practiced daily.

13. The use of a hot shower will benefit those who decide to learn the twine from scratch at home. Your ligaments will become more elastic, resilient to stretch.

14. To record your results (and this is extremely important!), Use a stopwatch. Start with a small amount of time (30 seconds) and gradually increase it.

15. To stretch smooth without unnecessary jerking, lean on your hands. For the best, start with transverse twine. Its a little easier to perform. Having mastered the transverse, proceed to the longitudinal.

16. After achieving the result, it is not recommended to stop training. Otherwise, all labor will be meaningless. The muscles will quickly return to their original state and will have to start all over again.

17. Doing twine from scratch at home means learning to breathe properly. Thanks to breathing, you can slightly reduce tension, allow the muscles to relax, and finally, switch the attention of consciousness from discomfort to inspiration-exhalation. So, during the exercise, breathe deeply through the nose and exhale slowly through the mouth. “Breathe,” says the midwife at birth. And not in vain.

18. Another important aspect is the knees. Try not to bend them so as not to damage the tendons.

Twine from scratch at home - precautions

To sit on the twine is beautiful, cool, worthy of respect! But this is a serious burden for the body. Accuracy and gradualness are important here.

The desire to attract an assistant from the outside can be expensive. No one except you knows your condition. An outsider, out of the best of intentions, may simply break your ligaments. How it ends is known - surgery, pain and a long recovery period. Before you trust someone to “stretch” yourself, think carefully.

In addition, stretching has its contraindications:

• inflammation in the ligaments, tendons of the groin and knees

• hip pathology

• spinal injury

• gynecological problems in women (in the acute stage)

Remember that stretching cannot be done through pain. But it should not be pleasant either. That is, on the one hand - the maximum diligence, diligence, patience, and on the other - the absence of severe pain that can permanently bind you to the hospital.

The Chinese say: if you work well, you will certainly succeed. Twine from scratch at home is not easy.

Good motivation, patience, constancy are important. Only in this case, you can count on an excellent result.


Watch the video: 12 Minute Splits Stretch Flexibility Workout For Beginners How To Tutorial For The Splits (June 2024).