How to make jelly from juice with gelatin and without at home. Recipes for desserts for the festive table, healthy berry jelly from juice for the winter


Making jelly from a ready-made store mix in a bag is very simple. But the same cold dessert will be much more useful if you choose the ingredients yourself. In jelly from the juice of fresh berries and fruits, there will be guaranteed no artificial flavors, dyes or flavors. The basis, the amount of sugar and the type of gelling component can be chosen at your own discretion. As for the features of making jelly from juice with gelatin for the holiday table or jelly from natural berry juice without gelatin for the winter - there is nothing complicated. Subject to the recipe, the dessert always freezes well, it turns out delicious and beautiful.

Technology for making jelly from juice: general rules

Classic jelly is nothing but a natural fruit (berry) juice with sugar, boiled 3-4 times. Gelatin is not used for dessert - the gelling of the product is due to the high content of pectin in fresh fruits (berries).

The best for making classic juice jellies are:


Sour varieties of apples;

Black and red currants;




How to make jelly from gelatin-free juice? About 700 grams (plus or minus 100 g) of sugar are added per liter of liquid and boiled at a slow boil until the fruit (berry) syrup thickens. The degree of readiness of the jelly is determined by the consistency of the mass - if the liquid does not drip from the spoon, but stretches like honey, the jelly is ready. You can pour it into molds (pots, jars) and cool.

By the same principle, jelly without gelatin is prepared from the juice of other fruits and berries. With a single digression: in order for dessert to freeze, you need to add to the base sugar-free fruits (berries) from the above list in a 1: 1 ratio.

Jelly from gelatin juice is much easier and faster to cook. Gelatin is allowed to be used both ordinary or sheet, and instant. Ordinary gelatin is soaked for 40-60 minutes in cold water before combining with juice (50 ml of water is enough for a bag weighing 15 -25 g). Instant add immediately to the heated juice.

You can use the juice as you like - thanks to the gelling component, the dessert will solidify well anyway. Juice can be prepared independently from fresh or frozen fruits (berries) or you can buy 100% store juice in tetrapacks and 3-liter jars.

The consistency of jelly after solidification depends on the proportions of a gelling agent and juice with sugar. If you want the jelly from the juice to be as dense as marmalade, take 60 g of gelatin per liter of liquid. To prepare a gentle, "trembling" jelly, an average of 20 g of gelatin is added to the same volume of liquid.

Important! Jelly from juice with or without gelatin cannot be cooked in aluminum utensils. All containers involved in the process must be glass or enameled. To mix the ingredients, it is better to use wooden spoons or silicone spatulas.

Classic gelatin-free apple juice jelly

Because apples contain a lot of pectin, gelatin is not needed in this recipe. Jelly cures well without this ingredient, it turns out to be very aromatic, soft and delicate in taste.


Fresh sour apples - 2 kg;

· Water - 1 l;

Sugar - 800 g.


1. Apples are washed, core removed. Cut in pieces, without removing the peel.

2. Pour into a pan, fill with water. Fruits are cooked on medium heat for half an hour.

3. For jelly, only apple broth is taken from the juice, for which it is poured through a sieve into another container. Slices of boiled apple can be used to decorate the finished dessert or to make mashed potatoes, sweet pastries.

4. Add sugar to the apple broth. Stir.

5. The syrup is brought to a boil over high heat. After the flame is reduced to a minimum and juice is boiled with periodic stirring for 50-80 minutes.

Decreased in volume by a factor of 2–3, the thick fruit mass is poured over the bowls. It is cooled to room temperature and rearranged in the refrigerator for solidification.

Jelly from raspberry juice for the winter (without gelatin)

According to this recipe, jelly is obtained of medium density, with a very mild taste. It is good to use it as an independent dessert, for filling cakes-baskets and sweet cakes, for a layer of cake layers. Delicate raspberry jelly can be added to creams, served with cheese soufflé and ice cream.


· Fresh (frozen) raspberries for juice - 1500 g;

· Water - 100 ml;

Sugar - 1000 g.

Raspberry juice can be obtained using a centrifugal juicer. Or do as described below.


1. Fresh berries are cleaned of trash. Washed in a colander under running water. Tilt back onto a dry, clean towel to remove excess fluid.

2. Raspberries are poured into a saucepan and crushed with a crush.

3. Add water to the berry puree, put on medium heat. After boiling, boil for 5 minutes.

4. Remove raspberries from the stove, cool a little.

5. The mashed potatoes are ground through a sieve and additionally filtered through cheesecloth.

6. Pour sugar into the resulting raspberry juice. Mixed.

7. Put the syrup on medium heat, bring to a boil.

8. The flame is reduced to a minimum. Boil the berry mass with periodic stirring for 50 minutes. From time to time, foam rising to the surface is removed.

When the raspberry syrup thickens so much that the drop will not spread on a dry plate, the jelly is considered ready. You can pour it into pre-sterilized jars (volume 0.2-0.5 l) and roll it up.

Jelly from raspberry juice is left warm for a couple of days (turn over the jars with the workpiece, wrap them with a blanket). After transferred to the pantry or dry basement.

Raw jelly from sea buckthorn juice (no gelatin) for the winter

Since the boiling step is not provided in the recipe, sea buckthorn jelly is not only fantastically delicious, but also very useful. All vitamins and minerals present in fresh berries are completely preserved in the finished product. Therefore, this winter harvest can be considered not only as a dessert, but also as a remedy for colds, cough, seasonal vitamin deficiency.


· Sea buckthorn fresh for juice - 1200 g;

Sugar - 700 g.


1. The berry is cleaned of debris, washed, dried on a towel.

2. Pure dry sea buckthorn is twisted in a meat grinder and then rubbed through a sieve. Or squeeze the juice with a juicer.

3. Sea buckthorn juice is divided into fractions - liquid and dense. For jelly, you need a thick part with pulp. Therefore, the liquid top layer is selected ladle.

4. Pour sugar into the juice with pulp. Stirred for 5 minutes.

5. The berry mass is kept for 7 hours in cool. Stir periodically so that the sugar is evenly distributed and dissolved in thick juice.

Ready raw jelly from sea buckthorn juice is poured into pre-sterilized jars. Cork. Store in a cold (up to +4 degrees) basement or in the refrigerator.

Lemon juice jelly with honey (with gelatin)

Very beautiful, fragrant, delicious dessert without sugar, containing only healthy ingredients. Cooking it is simple and enjoyable. For decoration, you can use white chocolate, mint leaves, fresh soft berries (raspberries, strawberries, blueberries).


Lemon - 300 g;

· Water - 1000 ml;

Honey - 6 tbsp. l .;

Ordinary gelatin - 6 tsp.


1. Gelatin is poured with a glass of water and left for 40 minutes to swell.

2. Lemons are washed with a brush under a stream of warm water. Cut off the thin upper (yellow) layer of the zest. Grind with a knife.

3. Pour the zest into the stewpan. Pour the remaining volume of water, put on fire. Boil at a slow boil for 15 minutes.

4. The broth is cooled a little, filtered through a fine sieve.

5. Lemons are cut across the fruit. Squeeze the juice. Combine with a decoction of zest.

6. The swollen gelatin is heated in a steam bath until the granules are completely dissolved. Poured into lemon juice.

7. A mixture of lemon juice, zest decoction and gelatin is heated to 40 degrees above a steam bath.

8. Add honey. Mix until the substance becomes homogeneous.

Warm lemon-honey jelly from juice with gelatin is poured into a bowl, allowed to cool and rearranged in the refrigerator. After 3-5 hours, dessert can be served.

Multilayer jelly from pineapple juice and pomegranate with cream (with gelatin)

This recipe uses only two types of color-contrasting juices. But if desired, dessert can be prepared with a large number of color layers. You will get a multi-color rainbow with white creamy layers. For presentation, such gelatin jelly with juice is best taken out of the tins and served on portioned plates.


Pineapple juice - 250 ml;

Pomegranate juice - 250 ml;

· Liquid cream (10%) - 250 ml;

Sugar - 3 tsp;

· Instant gelatin - 3 tbsp. l .;

A pinch of vanillin.


1. Juices and cream are poured into separate containers. Pour a spoonful of gelatin into each. Leave for 5 minutes.

2. Heat all types of liquid base multilayer jelly from juice with gelatin in a steam bath or in the microwave to 70 degrees.

3. Mix alternately for 95 minutes) until the gelling agent is completely dissolved.

4. Pour into a pomegranate, pineapple juice and cream on a teaspoon of sugar. Vanillin is added to the cream to give them the aroma of ice cream. Mix the liquids well.

5. In the prepared forms (glasses, glasses, bowls, bowls) pour one of the juices (optional) with a layer of 1 cm. Send the jelly in the refrigerator for at least 20 minutes.

6. The next layer of jelly is creamy white. It is made when the first layer completely hardens.

7. Next, the third layer is formed - from juice.

8. In this order, act until the jelly molds are filled to the brim.

Containers with ready-made multi-layer jelly from juice with gelatin are immersed in hot water for a couple of seconds and gently turn over onto clean, dry plates. Before serving, decorate with fresh fruit slices, berries, chocolate chips.

White grape juice jelly with pear

Light sourness of grape juice goes well with the honey sweetness of ripe pears. Thanks to this, the dessert acquires spicy notes. Preparing jelly is quick and easy.


Grape juice - 500 ml;

· Fresh pears (with dense pulp, sweet) - 3 pcs.;

· Water - 2 tbsp .;

Sugar - 100 g;

· Ordinary gelatin - 3 tbsp. l


1. Grapes juice is slightly warmed up. Pour gelatin into it, leave it alone for 40 minutes.

2. Pears are washed, peeled, core removed. Dice 1x1 cm.

3. Syrup is made from water and sugar.

4. Pour slices of fruit into boiling sweet water. Cook until pears are soft.

5. The grape juice is placed in a water bath. They are heated with constant stirring until the gelatin granules dissolve.

6. Pear syrup with fruit slices combined with grape juice. Gently mix.

7. The jelly is allowed to cool. Poured into cups (tall glasses, glasses).

For final solidification, the dessert is rearranged in the refrigerator. After 3-6 hours, the jelly with grape juice and pear will be ready. Before serving, you can decorate it with fresh grapes, whipped cream.

How to make the perfect jelly from juice with and without gelatin: tips and tricks

Classic jelly without the addition of gelatin is excellently obtained from cranberry, cherry, strawberry juice. You can prepare dessert immediately before use or prepare it for the winter.

To make the dessert beautiful, it is recommended to choose transparent drinks. To get a clear juice, mashed berry puree twice through a sieve. After filtered through cheesecloth. However, this does not affect the quality of the dessert - from juices with pulp, jelly is just as tasty.

Jelly-free gelatin juice for the winter is thicker if the proportions of sugar and liquid are equal.

If berry jelly seems overly sweet before hardening, you can add a couple of spoons of lemon juice to it. This will give the finished dessert a nice subtle acidity.

For a beautiful presentation and a variety of flavors, jelly from juice with gelatin can be prepared with fresh berries and fruits. To preserve the composition inside the dessert, first put the filler in the molds. Then drop by drop pour it a little warm juice with gelatin so as to barely cover the berries. Cookie cutters are put in the refrigerator. The following layers are formed similarly.

When preparing multilayer jelly, each subsequent layer is more convenient to pour directly in the refrigerator. So the jelly does not spread and the strips turn out perfectly even.


Watch the video: Russian Pork Holodec Recipe. Holodec. Xолодец (July 2024).