Life-giving food - amaranth seeds. The benefits and harms of amaranth seeds for the body. How to use amaranth seeds for the best effect


Amaranth is an amazingly useful plant that our ancestors used as food. Its name is translated as "saving from death", and in Russian the name "shiritsa" was assigned to the plant. The unusualness of amaranth lies in the fact that absolutely all parts are edible in it, and all of them are useful and nutritious for the human body. Let's try to figure out how to properly take amaranth seeds in order to get the most benefit and not bring harm to the body.

Amaranth discovery story

Amaranth is the closest relative of quinoa, and experts equate it in terms of nutrition and useful properties with the so-called "superfoods" - goji berries, flax seeds, etc. Amaranth was originally very popular in eastern and southern countries. It was revered by the Incas and Aztecs, and, according to sources, it was amaranth seeds that accounted for 80% of their diet. Gradually, amaranth gained its distribution and recognition in European countries, and today it is the main component of gluten-free diets.

Today, the popularity of shiritsa in Europe has a history of more than 30 years. Specialists put shiritsa seeds on a par with buckwheat and quinoa in their dietary properties and do not deny their beneficial qualities, diligently continuing to study the plant in search of new opportunities and new ways of applying not only in dietetics, but also in cosmetology and medicine.

Useful properties of amaranth seeds

It is well known that the seeds of shiritsa, or amaranth, are the richest source of vitamin A. Everyone knows that this vitamin is responsible for improving the functioning of vision, the digestive system, and also helps in the formation of bone tissues. In addition, vitamin A is a wonderful prevention of insomnia, tumor formations and even senile dementia. But, vitamin A is absorbed only if applied simultaneously with fats. The uniqueness of amaranth seeds lies in the fact that the oils containing in them contribute to the best and speediest absorption of vitamin A, and, during the heat treatment of seeds, their benefits are not reduced.

In addition, shiritsa seeds are rich in a substance called squalene. This substance helps the synthesis of vitamin D in the human body.

A high fiber and fiber content helps to improve the digestion of the body, and also acts as a kind of brush, cleansing the body of deposits of toxins.

Amaranth is useful, especially its seeds, and for people with cardiovascular problems, because they contain a large amount of magnesium, iron, potassium and calcium, which help improve the condition of the heart, blood vessels, and generally strengthen the body.

And the protein contained in the seeds of amaranth is able to quickly saturate the body, eliminating the need for overeating and, as a result, unpleasant sensations.

It is also interesting that amaranth seeds are eaten not only for weight loss, but also for weight gain. Given the enormous amount of protein contained in amaranth seeds, they are recommended for athletes and bodybuilders. Amaranth is used by them as a stimulant for gaining muscle mass, because it contains 3 times more protein compounds than in chicken meat.

How to use amaranth seeds to get the most benefit?

As with any product, there are several ways to consume amaranth seeds.

Firstly, they can be boiled like buckwheat porridge, which is usual for us.

From amaranth seeds, flour can be made by grinding them, for example, in a coffee grinder. This flour can be used for baking, making cakes, bread or cookies, as well as breading.

By the way, on the shelves of supermarkets, amaranth seeds are most often found in the form of flour or cereal, but their cost will be significantly higher than a similar product from other ingredients, because amaranth seeds, although popular, are not very common.

Thirdly, you can squeeze oil out of fresh amaranth seeds and use it as an ordinary vegetable oil as a dressing for salads or for frying. But do not make oil from fried seeds, so its beneficial properties will be significantly reduced. An ordinary spice mortar is best suited for this purpose. Of course, purchased oil from amaranth seeds will also be useful, but making it at home, you can be sure that it will bring the greatest benefit to you.

Also, germinated seeds can be used as ingredients for salads and other traditional dishes. This will be the most successful way to consume seeds, because in sprouted form they contain as much as 5 times more nutrients, vitamins and minerals. In sprouted form, thyme seeds can also be added to smoothies.

And it turns out that you can even make popcorn from the seeds of shiritsa!

But it is better to store amaranth in any form in a cool place in a well-closed container. That is how he will retain all his benefits in order to bring it to you in a plate and will not become prey for small midges and kitchen ants.

What dosage of amaranth seeds for beginners should be observed to obtain the greatest effect?

Despite all the wonderful and useful characteristics of amaranth seeds, experts strongly recommend not to use it thoughtlessly, but to adhere to certain dosages. The thing is that biologically active substances in tandem with the vitamin-mineral complex of the seeds of shiritsa are so active that even a small dosage in the body starts a lot of processes.

Of course, you can decide that the more, the better, but excessive consumption of amaranth can cause nausea and upset stomach. These processes are not so much harmful to the body as they are inherently unpleasant. In fact, this is how toxins are cleansed. Simply, due to the increased dosage of seeds, the reaction of the body accelerated.

And in order to avoid such unexpected turns, amaranth seeds are recommended to be introduced gradually into the diet, starting with a small amount. As you get used to it, you can increase the dosage, but switching to dishes completely consisting of amaranth seeds should not be earlier than 2-3 weeks after the start of its first intake.

What harm can amaranth seeds bring to the body and what are the contraindications?

Contrary to its unique beneficial properties, amaranth seeds also have a harmful side with their contraindications. Unfortunately, the use of amaranth seeds is not suitable for everyone. This category of people includes patients with kidney disease, with chronic pancreatitis and cholecystitis. You can, of course, consult your doctor about the use of seeds, but keep in mind that the benefits they can bring can be much less than the harm done.

Also, eating amaranth seeds can cause flatulence and bloating. There are two reasons for this: individual intolerance to shiritsa and dysbiosis.

Raw food also should not be particularly carried away, because raw seeds are quite difficult to digest and can inhibit the absorption of nutrients. It is best to give the seeds a minimum thermal treatment, for example, scald with boiling water.


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