An appetizer with rice for the winter - and salad, and a hearty side dish, and an independent dish. The best recipes for rice snacks for the winter


If you have already prepared a lot of various preservation, but you still have fresh vegetables, try to cook a delicious snack with rice for the winter.

What is unique about this dish? It is hearty, tasty, ideal as an appetizer, cold salad, hot side dish. Here is such a versatile dish. Can't wait to try it anymore? Then let's get started.

Rice appetizer for the winter - general principles

The composition of the snack includes several ingredients:

• Fig. Use round grain or long grain groats. Here is an amateur. Round rice varieties perfectly absorb the taste and aroma of the other ingredients of the snack, they are soft and tender, but often boiled. Long varieties look great in the finished dish, but not as tasty as round-grain.

• Tomatoes. Mostly fleshy red varieties are used. They are washed, peeled, crushed. The tomato mass is cooked, in which rice and the additionally used components are subsequently lowered.

• Bell pepper, onion, carrots. Washed, cleaned, crushed. Depending on the recipe, they are pre-passaged or laid out in fresh tomato sauce and boiled in it.

• Garlic, chili pepper. Rarely used components, they are usually put to give spiciness, the amount is adjusted based on taste preferences.

• Optional. Often for taste and more satiety, other ingredients are added to the appetizer: cabbage (white cabbage, cauliflower), eggplant, zucchini, mushrooms, and more.

• Spices, herbs. Virtually not used. At will, put a little pepper, dried herbs, fresh herbs, favorite seasonings. The main thing is not to overdo it and not to kill the delicate taste of the snack.

The finished appetizer is laid out in sterilized jars in a hot form, cooled and stored. If the snack is not prepared in small quantities not for winter, it is not necessary to roll it up, just cover it with a plastic cover.

1. Rice appetizer for the winter


• 2 kilograms of red tomatoes (approximately 20 pieces);

• long grain rice groats - 250 g;

• sweet pepper - 800 grams;

• carrots, onions - five to seven pieces;

• sugar - 80 grams;

• vinegar 9% - 30 ml;

• vegetable oil - three glasses;

• salt - 40 grams.

Cooking method:

1. Wash tomatoes, fill with hot water, after a couple of minutes remove the skin.

2. Peel and rinse the carrots with onions, release the pepper from the seeds. Cut the pepper into strips, grind the carrots, cut the onion into a small cube.

3. Roll the prepared tomatoes through a meat grinder, salt, add sugar and pour in sunflower oil, stir everything well.

4. Put the tomato puree in a large metal container and cook, stirring, for about ten minutes over medium heat.

5. Put the carrots, onions, peppers in the tomato gruel and wait until the mixture boils.

6. Rinse the cereals well and put in a container for vegetables, simmer for thirty-five minutes.

7. Pour vinegar three minutes before cooking.

8. Arrange a hot snack in pre-sterilized jars, roll it up, wrap it in a dense cloth and leave it to cool for several hours.

9. Store in the cellar until winter.

2. Rice snack for the winter without vinegar


• ten cherry tomatoes;

• onion - two pieces;

• carrot - two pieces;

• bell pepper - four pods;

• rice groats - six large spoons;

• vegetable oil - five large spoons;

• 40 grams of salt and black pepper;

• granulated sugar - 30 grams.

Cooking method:

1. Thoroughly rinse and use all the vegetables used: pepper and onion into thin strips, carrots, straws, or on a coarse grater.

2. Cut the cherry tomatoes into several pieces.

3. Put onions, peppers, carrots in a hot deep frying pan, pour in oil and fry for half an hour over moderate heat.

4. Rinse the cereals and put them in a container with the rest of the ingredients, and put the cherry here.

5. Salt the appetizer, pepper, stir well with a wooden spoon and simmer for half an hour. Take a sample of rice, if it is still solid, pour a little water and stew for another ten minutes.

6. Sterilize the jars, put the hot appetizer in them, roll them up, refrigerate, store in the cellar until the winter.

3. Korean style rice snack for winter


• ripe tomatoes - six kilograms;

• two chili peppers;

• rice groats - 350 grams;

• seven sweet peppers;

• carrot - six pieces;

• eight bulbs;

• acetic acid 9% - 40 ml;

• vegetable oil - 350 ml;

• salt, black pepper - 40 grams each.

Cooking method:

1. Cook the tomato puree: rinse the tomatoes, scald with hot water to make it easier to peel, twist the pulp through a meat grinder. Add sugar, salt, pour in sunflower oil and boil over moderate heat for a little more than half an hour to a medium-thick consistency similar to tomato sauce.

2. Grind the peeled carrots with onions: onions in a cube, carrots on a fine grater. Stew the vegetables in a deep bowl with warmed oil until the onions are transparent, cool, put in tomato sauce and simmer a little more than half an hour.

3. Put the cooked and stripped pepper and boil for half an hour.

4. Wash the rice, fill with water and boil in a bowl separate from vegetables until softened, transfer to the container with the rest of the ingredients.

5. Remove the seeds from the hot pepper, cut into slices and put in a container with vegetables, boil for ten minutes.

6. Put the appetizer in clean jars, roll it up, wrap it in a blanket for cooling, and lower it into the cellar.

4. Rice snack for the winter with zucchini


• zucchini - two large pieces;

• tomatoes - 25 pieces;

• onion - five heads;

• seven medium-sized carrots;

• seven cloves of garlic;

• sweet pepper - three pods;

• three glasses of rice cereal;

• sugar - 125 grams;

• 35 grams of salt;

• 450 ml of vegetable oil;

• 50 grams of any seasoning.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the zucchini, remove the peel, if necessary, remove the seeds, cut the pulp into a cube.

2. Grind the peeled carrots in a food processor with a large nozzle for cutting vegetables, chop the pepper and onion with an average cube, squeeze the garlic through the garlic.

3. Scrub the washed tomatoes with boiling water, remove the skin and grind in a blender until puree.

4. Add the garlic to the tomatoes, put the mass on medium heat and boil, salt, add sugar, pour a small amount of vegetable oil, boil for several minutes.

5. Put the remaining vegetables in tomato puree, boil for twenty minutes.

6. Rinse cereals, pre-boil in another container and put in vegetables, simmer for 45 minutes.

7. Pour your favorite spices, for example, for Korean carrots, for vegetable dishes or others, mix. Remove from the stove.

8. Let the snacks brew a little, mix again, pour into sterile jars, roll them up, wrap them in a dense cloth to cool and lower them to the storage cellar.

5. Rice appetizer for the winter with eggplant


• tomatoes - twenty pieces;

• 2-2.2 kg of eggplant;

• bell pepper - 1 kg;

• onion - six pieces;

• carrot - six pieces;

• rice groats - 350 grams;

• vinegar 6% - 70 ml;

• sugar - one glass without a slide;

• black pepper, salt - 35 grams each;

• vegetable oil - 450 ml;

Cooking method:

1. Dice the washed and dried eggplants, put them in a hot oil in a frying pan, and fry for 12 minutes over low heat.

2. Cut the pepper in half, remove the seeds, cut into strips, grind the carrots, stew both ingredients in a separate pan for twenty-five minutes.

3. Cook the tomato sauce from the tomatoes: for this, peel the peels from the vegetables, chop the pulp, put the mass in a cauldron, simmer for 20 minutes.

4. Fried eggplant, carrots with pepper, put in tomato sauce, pour sugar and salt to taste.

5. Rinse the rice and put it to the vegetables, simmer another thirty-five minutes.

6. At the very end of the quench, pour in acetic acid and pour any seasoning of your choice, black pepper, simmer for another 15 minutes and pour into clean jars, cool for three hours and lower it into the cellar for storage.

6. Festive appetizer with rice for the winter


• ripe tomatoes - twenty pieces;

• two large forks of white cabbage;

• leek - ten bunches;

• carrot - 700 grams;

• sweet pepper - 700 grams;

• sugar - 190 grams;

• 100 grams of salt;

• vegetable oil - 350 ml;

• purified water - 450 ml;

• Long grain rice cereal - slightly less than half a kilogram.

Cooking method:

1. Wash white cabbage, cut into small cubes.

2. Cut the peeled carrot into a cube, too.

3. Wash leek under running water and cut into small rings.

4. Bell pepper without seeds and stalk cut with a medium cube.

5. Wash the tomatoes, dip in hot water, remove the skin, cut into cubes.

6. Rinse the rice groats thoroughly in a colander and put them in a deep metal bowl with all the vegetables.

7. Sprinkle all the ingredients with sugar and salt, put the container on medium heat, pour in sunflower oil and water, mix well and simmer for 55 minutes.

8. Wash glass jars, sterilize, dry a little on a clean towel.

9. Try the finished snack, if the rice is still hard, then leave to cook for another ten minutes.

10. Arrange the rice with vegetables in jars, roll up, let cool and clean in the cellar before winter.

Winter Rice Appetizer - Tips

To preserve during storage do not deteriorate, follow two important rules:

• Do not use spoiled vegetables. If they come across, carefully cut out the wrong places.

• Be sure to sterilize containers and lids.

Enjoy your meal and warm winter evenings.


Watch the video: HSN. Food Favorites - 06 PM (June 2024).