Self-whitening face with masks, lotions, decoctions and lotions. The best ways to whiten at home


The whiter the skin of the face, the younger the woman looks. Brown spots and a strong tan are aging, so every girl can think about whitening her face at some point. What methods of facial whitening at home are the most effective and safe?

When facial whitening is required

The condition of our skin indicates the state of health in general. If areas of hyperpigmentation appeared on the face (dark spots similar to freckles), then there was a hormonal malfunction. It is worth paying special attention to your health.

However, most often facial whitening is required for other reasons:

• ugly, too strong or uneven tan;

• freckled or too bright freckles in spring;

• an ugly, dull complexion;

• Acne, red spots from acne.

If the reflection in the mirror is not pleasing, you want to even out or lighten your complexion, it's time to do whitening. You can go to the beauty parlor, but it's expensive. You can buy special bleaching agents. This is more economical, but for high-quality cosmetics, you also have to pay a considerable amount.

For those who are not ready for financial expenses or time costs, nothing is better than self-bleaching. For this procedure, there are many ways to whiten the face. At home, you can get the result no worse than in a beauty parlor, and spend on everything about all the pennies.

Ways to whiten face at home

For face whitening, available remedies are used: juice and decoctions of plants, household chemicals and pharmacology. Soda, hydrogen peroxide, fresh lemon and parsley juice, kefir, egg white, and yeast have excellent whitening properties.

In home cosmetology apply:

• masks;

• compresses;

• lotions.

For their preparation, the products are mixed immediately before application or herbal decoctions of medicinal plants are prepared in advance. Masks and lotions are made on the basis of broths, the remains of the infusion are frozen and used to tone the face with ice cubes.

Face whitening masks

Masks for whitening the skin are applied either pointwise to age spots, or on the entire face. The easiest option is to wipe the skin with 3% hydrogen peroxide. The product dries the skin, so after the procedure, be sure to apply a moisturizer to the face. On oily skin, the product can be used twice a week, on normal and dry skin - once a week. The course is one month, it is impossible to use peroxide longer. Repeat the procedure after 4-5 months.

For owners of sensitive skin, this method of whitening the face at home is not suitable. Choose masks with a bold component in the composition. You need to keep them for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water, wipe the skin with a tonic.

Lemon Protein

Combine raw chicken egg protein with a tablespoon of fresh lemon juice. Using a brush, apply the composition on the skin of the face, let it dry and rinse off. If you add 10 drops of camphor alcohol to this composition, you can apply the mixture pointwise to freckles or areas of hyperpigmented skin.

Honey Lemon

A useful mask will not only whiten the skin, but will give elasticity, freshness, and saturate the skin with nutrients. After applying the mask, massage your face along the massage lines to increase blood flow and increase the benefits of the procedure. Warm liquid honey, fresh lemon juice, olive oil, mix and use immediately.

Lemon and potato

A great tool to get rid of ugly traces of acne. Grate fresh potatoes, mix with lemon juice in equal proportions and keep on your face for 20 minutes. For convenience, you can wrap the mass in gauze. Gradually, dark spots from acne rashes will even out and brighten.

Fruit Glycerin

Buy glycerin at the pharmacy. Mix a spoonful of the solution with half a tablespoon of lemon and apple juice. If the skin is thin, dry, reduce the amount of lemon juice.

Soapy soda

A natural soap made with oils is an excellent base for preparing an original and effective mask. Rub a small piece of soap, whip it into foam and apply on the face with light massaging movements. Immediately, until the foam has dried, rub regular baking soda into the face (enough a teaspoon). Let the bleach run for five minutes and rinse.

Soda rubbing fights against oily skin, helps cleanse and narrow pores, dry acne. If the skin is dry, soda can dry even more, so the mask is suitable for owners of oily skin type.

Yeast with hydrogen peroxide

For dry skin there is a wonderful yeast mask. You need to dilute a tablespoon of dry active yeast in a tablespoon of peroxide and apply the mass on the face or in separate areas. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes. The mask works great on normal skin.

Curd and egg

To prepare the mask you need a raw yolk, a spoonful of natural fat curd, a teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide. Rub the ingredients thoroughly and apply on face.


The composition will not only lighten the skin, but also cleanse the pores. Two tablespoons of oatmeal or small oatmeal, fill with half a glass of kefir, let stand for about ten minutes. Apply the mass on the skin, lie down and relax the muscles of the face.

Kefir Castor

Mix five three to four tablespoons of kefir with a tablespoon of castor oil, apply on the area of ​​hyperpigmentation. This mask is especially good for aging skin: it will not only whiten, but even out wrinkles, refresh, and improve complexion.


Fresh cucumber juice is a popular home cosmetology product. Many girls know the secret: rubbing the face with a cucumber circle, you can keep the skin in good shape for a long time. To prepare a whitening and nourishing mask, half the average cucumber should be grated and mixed with any moisturizing face cream.

Another option for this mask is to apply cucumber pulp to the skin without any additives. So that the mass does not spread, it can be put in a gauze napkin, lie down and lay on the face.

You can combine the whitening and anti-inflammatory effect, if 2-3 drops of tea tree oil are added to the cucumber base, mix well.

If you need to whiten aged flabby skin, combine mashed fresh cucumber and a tablespoon of liquid natural honey.


Ripe strawberry juice is an excellent bleaching agent. Crush several berries, apply gruel on the face.

Pea Serum

A not too well-known way to whiten darkened skin is a mask of two tablespoons of young green peas. It must be ground into gruel and mixed with two tablespoons of whey.

Whitening face with homemade lotions and tonics

Whitening lotions can be prepared with alcohol, herbal decoctions, milk. Depending on this, the shelf life of the prepared product will be different. Alcohol tinctures are stored longer, but are not suitable for dry skin.

• Lotion of parsley and fresh cucumber whitens perfectly. To cook it, you need to take four tablespoons of chopped herbs and grated cucumber, pour 100 g of good vodka. Keep in a glass container at room temperature for seven days. Strain the finished infusion, dilute with water (half of the entire resulting volume). To lighten the skin, wipe the face after morning and evening washing, store in the refrigerator.

• If the skin is dry, prepare milk instead of alcohol lotion. Mix milk with fresh cucumber juice in equal proportions, wipe your face in the morning and evening. You can store the product in the refrigerator for no longer than two days, so it is best to cook a new portion every day.

An effective tonic with a whitening effect is obtained from a decoction of fresh mint and lemon juice. Three tablespoons of grass pour a glass of boiling water, let it brew. Strain the cooled liquid, add the juice squeezed from two lemons, use twice a day. The tonic gradually evens out skin color.

Facial lotions and decoctions

A very simple lotion from kefir will quickly whiten a sun-tanned face. Saturate the cloth with a dairy product of normal fat content and apply for twenty minutes.

Juice of berries and fruits will also help whiten the skin.

• If there are bleaching dark spots on your face that you want to get rid of, mix a teaspoon of freshly crushed blackberry with the same amount of milk powder. Apply with a cotton swab to freckles or hyperpigmented areas, hold for five minutes. The result will appear on the fourth day.

• Rub two handfuls of fresh viburnum or mince, squeeze the juice. Soak a piece of gauze on them and put on your face for 10-15 minutes. The skin will not only brighten, but will become more elastic, clean.

• Prepare a lotion of blackcurrant juice. Squeeze juice from berries, moisten gauze, apply to dark areas. It can be applied to the whole face or frozen and used for morning wiping.

• You can use grapefruit juice in the same way.

For flaccid skin with fine wrinkles, a whitening scrub from orange zest is suitable. It must be removed from the fruit with a fine grater, mixed in equal proportions with honey, and then used as an ordinary scrub. After the procedure, the wrinkles will even out, the skin will turn white and become more elastic.

To make your face look fresh and keep its color even, wipe the skin with cubes of frozen decoctions. Herbs can be mixed or brewed separately. Whitening properties are possessed not only by parsley and mint, but chamomile, flowers and dandelion leaves. In broths, it would be nice to add the juice of cucumber or lemon. It remains only to pour in the molds, freeze and use every morning instead of the usual tonic.

Frozen rice broth also bleaches well. Pour a tablespoon of rice with a glass of water, simmer until cooked. Strain the resulting broth, after cooling, pour into molds and freeze. Use rice ice in the morning and evening.

Porcelain whiteness of the face can be achieved independently, without the help of cosmetologists. Along with whitening, the skin is nourished with vitamins and other useful substances, it becomes elastic, clean and beautiful.


Watch the video: TAN YOUR SKIN WITH COFFEE! (July 2024).