Chicken breast broth - simple, tasty. The best recipes for flavored chicken breast broth with egg, celery, spinach


It is difficult to refuse a tasty, properly cooked chicken broth. It is not only tasty, but also fragrant, nutritious. Each housewife has her own secrets of making chicken breast broth: some use only spring water, others use certain spices and roots, someone prefers to salt the broth at the beginning of cooking, someone at the end. You can list endlessly, we have collected the best recipes, according to which you can cook a really tasty broth.

Chicken Breast Broth - General

For the broth, you need to buy chicken breast, it is better if it is a breast of domestic chicken, but the product sold in the store will do. Frozen meat must be thawed beforehand, but in no case in hot water, just transfer the breast from the freezer to the refrigerator in the evening.

Prepared breast is put in a pan with cold water, boiled until boiling, remove the foam and on low heat bring to readiness. For taste, color and aroma, you can add various ingredients to the broth: carrots, onions, garlic, parsley and celery roots, allspice and black pepper, greens, herbs, dried vegetables.

As soon as the breast is cooked, it is taken out, cooled, cut. The broth itself is filtered. Next, the broth is served hot with a slice of meat and fresh herbs. Often in boiled chicken put hard-boiled eggs, croutons. Or, on the basis of the prepared broth, soup is prepared: noodles, borsch, cabbage soup and any other.

1. Chicken Breast Broth


• three small chicken breasts;

• onions, carrots - one each;

• four cloves of garlic;

• spice for soups, salt - a pinch;

• four branches of dill and parsley;

• leaf of lavrushka;

• several peas of black allspice.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the breasts thoroughly, remove the skin, and dry.

2. Cut the peeled carrots into circles, onions - into rings, peel the garlic through the garlic press, parsley, finely chop dill.

3. Put chicken breasts in a pan of a suitable size, add water.

4. Bring to a boil, remove the resulting foam.

5. Add vegetables, lavrushka and peas of allspice, salt and boil first on a large flame, remove foam again, then cook a little less than half an hour on a small flame.

6. A few minutes before cooking, add chopped parsley with dill and seasoning, bring to a boil.

7. When serving, pour into plates, put a separate plate next to homemade crackers.

2. Chicken breast broth with celery


• one large breast of chicken;

• carrots, onions - one each;

• one bunch of parsley;

• one root of parsley and celery;

• three leaves of lavrushka;

• salt - a pinch;

• allspice - three peas.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the chicken breast, peel the peel, place in a saucepan, pour purified water, let it boil over moderate heat. Remove the foam with a spoon and cook a little less than half an hour in a small flame.

2. Coarsely chopped peeled parsley and celery roots and put in a pan.

3. Add carrots, chopped into large cubes, a whole head of onion half peeled, cook a little less than half an hour.

4. Three minutes before being ready, put the washed bunches of parsley and dill, not chopped, peas of allspice and lavrushka.

5. From the broth put all the roots, herbs and chicken breast.

6. When serving, pour the broth into plates, sprinkle with parsley, next to which you can put a plate with baked pies.

3. Chicken breast broth with fresh spinach


• two large chicken breasts;

• potatoes - two pieces;

• one onion;

• fresh spinach - six leaves;

• salt, seasoning - a pinch;

• Lavrushka - two leaves;

• allspice - four peas;

• sunflower oil - 50 ml.

Cooking method:

1. Put the breasts in the stewpan along with the lavrushka, peas of black allspice, pour water and cook over low heat until boiling. Remove the foam and cook a little less than half an hour in a low flame.

2. Add potatoes, diced into a pan, cook until soft.

3. Fry onion in a pan in hot oil, chopped into small cubes.

4. Put fried onions and finely chopped spinach into the broth.

5. Remove the prepared breasts from the pan, cool, separate the meat from the bones.

6. Grind the meat with a knife and put back into the broth.

7. Ready broth and insist a little on the plates.

4. Chinese Chicken Breast Broth


• two breasts of chicken;

• homemade soy sauce - four tablespoons;

• sherry - one teaspoon;

• salt, allspice in powder - 15 grams each;

• onion greens - three stalks;

• fresh champignons - four pieces;

• rice noodles - half a pack.

On soy homemade sauce:

• an incomplete glass of soy beans;

• two handfuls of flour;

• any broth - 250 ml;

• a piece of butter;

• a pinch of salt.

Cooking method:

1. Cook homemade soy sauce: in a small metal container, boil the soy beans until soft. Drain the liquid. Pass grains through a blender, mix with flour and mix well. Melt the butter in a pan and pour into the soybean mass, add salt, and mix well. Transfer the resulting mixture into a pan, pour a glass of any broth (you can chicken, vegetable or fish), mix and boil in a low flame. Remove from the stove, cool.

2. Place the washed and dried breasts in a small cup, pour a little cooked homemade soy sauce and sherry, pepper, let it brew.

3. Rinse the mushrooms, peel, cut into slices.

4. Break the noodles, put in boiling water, boil for five minutes, rinse in a colander.

5. In the broth left over from cooking the noodles, put the breasts, let it boil.

6. Add the mushrooms, cook for twenty-five minutes on moderate heat with the lid closed.

7. Transfer the boiled noodles to the broth, stir and boil.

8. When serving, pour into plates, sprinkle with green onions.

5. Chicken breast broth with egg


• chicken breast - three pieces;

• different greens - half a bunch;

• a few cloves of garlic;

• 15 grams of black pepper in powder and salt;

• egg - two pieces;

• bread from flour of the first grade - four slices.

Cooking method:

1. Put the breasts in a pan with water, let it boil over high heat. Remove the foam and cook for a little less than an hour on low heat.

2. Put the cooked breasts on a plate, cool, separate the meat from the bones and skin.

3. Strain the broth, add salt and pepper.

4. Cut the bread into cubes, mix it with chopped garlic and dry on a sheet in the oven until golden brown.

5. When serving, pour the broth into a portioned plate, put half of the hard-boiled egg, sprinkle with herbs. In a separate plate put fried crackers.

6. Chicken breast broth with vegetables


• two breasts of chicken;

• onions, carrots - one each;

• fresh celery - one stalk;

• salt - a pinch;

• Lavrushka - two leaves;

• allspice - three peas;

• any greenery - half a bouquet.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse breasts, remove skin.

2. Boil prepared meat in slightly salted water until softened.

3. After boiling, remove the foam and put the peeled carrots with the onion whole.

4. Add celery leaves, sliced, peas of allspice and cook a little less than ten minutes.

5. Salt water and boil until all the ingredients soften in a small flame.

6. Add the lavrushka.

7. Remove the pot of broth from the stove and leave for twenty minutes to insist.

8. Put the breasts on a plate, separate the meat, chop the fillet with a knife, throw out the bones.

9. When serving, pour the broth into plates, sprinkle with herbs and put a few pieces of chicken meat. Next to put a separate plate with slices of brown bread.

7. Chicken breast broth with rice


• chicken breast - half a kilo;

• two parsley roots;

• bow;

• carrot;

• 100 grams of rice;

• salt pepper;

• fresh dill.

Cooking method:

1. Peel and rinse carrots, onions, parsley root. Large cut.

2. Pour a little more than a liter of water into the pan, put the breast and prepared vegetables.

3. Bring to a boil, remove the foam, cook over low heat for 30 minutes.

4. Add thoroughly washed rice, cook until cereal is ready.

5. Remove the breast, cool, cut into pieces.

6. Return the meat to the broth, add chopped dill, salt to taste, mix.

7. Bring the broth to a boil, remove the pan from the heat, serve with croutons or homemade crackers, seasoning with ground pepper.

Chicken Breast Broth - Tips, Secrets, Tricks

1. Particularly tasty and rich is the broth from the breast of domestic chicken.

2. The broth will be beautiful, transparent, if after the first boiling remove the protein foam, and after the meat is ready to strain it.

3. Salt is added at the beginning of cooking, so the meat will turn out tastier. At the end of cooking, try the broth again on salt, add salt if necessary.

4. The amount of water depends on the desired concentration of the broth, on average, about two liters of liquid are used per kilogram of meat.

5. Breast is cooked very quickly, no more than 30 minutes, do not digest it, otherwise the meat will turn out tasteless.

6. Put in the broth at the time of cooking the unpeeled onions will make the color of the dish golden. It is important to thoroughly rinse the onion and peel it from the top husk.

7. Roots, dried vegetables, greens will make the taste of the broth especially delicious.

8. Chicken breast broth can be served with crackers, brown bread or pies. Enjoy your meal.


Watch the video: INSTANT POT Greek Egg Lemon Soup with Chicken & Veggies (June 2024).