Vitamins for women after 40 years to preserve health and beauty. What vitamins for women after 40 years to support the body


A 40-year-old woman needs to take vitamins to slow down the physiological process of the extinction of reproductive functions. At this age, the ovaries are no longer able to produce the necessary amount of female sex hormones in the same volume, in addition, the absorption of nutrients from food is reduced. The intake of vitamins for women after 40 years is the only way to long preserve youth and beauty.

Changes in the body of women after 40

After the fortieth anniversary of a woman, negative changes in her body begin, associated with active hormonal restructuring.

Firstly, the amount of estrogen and progesterone produced by the ovaries, the main female hormones, is reduced. The ovaries no longer work as actively as in their youth. The so-called premenopausal period begins - preparation for the cessation of menstrual flow. At this point, women notice that menstruation has become irregular, too meager, or, conversely, too plentiful.

Secondly, the vast majority of women after 40 are diagnosed with thyroid disease. Both a deficiency (hypothyroidism) and an overabundance (hyperthyroidism) of hormones cause a metabolic failure, which immediately affects the well-being and appearance of a woman. Hormone therapy, nutrition correction, and vitamins for women after 40 years are required.

Signs of Vitamin Deficiency for Women Over 40

From this age, a woman should be examined annually by a physician, and if a hormonal disorder is detected, the gynecologist-endocrinologist will prescribe a hormonal correction. Forty-year-old women should pay special attention to nutrition. Hard diets and any nutritional restrictions are unacceptable. It is important to ensure the intake of natural vitamins with food.

The deficit of nutrients can be judged by some external signs:

• deterioration of the skin, increased dryness, which at the same time can be a symptom of hypothyroidism - a lack of thyroid hormones;

• digestive problems;

• enhanced hair loss;

• decreased hearing and vision;

• weakening of memory and concentration of attention;

• increased fatigue, apathy;

• fungal diseases of the external genital organs;

• tooth decay, gum disease.

All of these symptoms cannot be ignored. Age-related changes need to be controlled to prevent the development of formidable diseases: cancer, stroke, ischemia, heart attack, thrombophlebitis. Vitamin preparations and complexes at the age of forty are very important. In addition, taking high-quality vitamins for women after 40 prevents early menopause.

What vitamins are important for women after 40 years

Making a diet for a forty-year-old woman is not as difficult as it might seem. The main thing is to take into account the increased need of the body for the following substances:

• retinol (Vit. A);

• cyanocobalamin (vit. B12);

• ascorbic acid (vit. C);

• tocopherol (vit. E);

• cholecalciferol and ergocalciferol (vit. D3 and D2).

In addition, a woman should normally receive other B vitamins, as well as vitamin K.


It is necessary to maintain the normal condition of bone tissue, cartilage, tendons, skin. He is involved in the production of a special protein - collagen, due to which the skin retains elasticity. With a deficiency of vitamin A, which can become chronic in a forty-year-old lady, the face “swims”, the oval loses its clarity, and the skin becomes flabby and dry.

Retinol strengthens the walls of blood vessels, ensuring the health of the circulatory system:

• speeds up blood circulation;

• improves heart function;

• saturates cells with oxygen.

The composition of orange and red fruits contains a special substance that turns under the influence of enzymes into beta-carotene (provitamin A). In the diet of women should definitely be present fresh carrots, bell peppers, sweet pumpkins, ripe apricots. A lot of carotene is found in celery and parsley.


Helps synthesize enzymes that break down fats. The intake of vitamin B12 normally prevents various ailments:

• obesity of the liver;

• accumulation of subcutaneous fat;

• pathological deformation of bone tissue;

• insomnia;

• depression and irritability.

To get cyanobalamin from food, you need to eat fish, meat, seaweed, spinach.

Vitamin C

A powerful antioxidant, thanks to which the immune system works perfectly, the aging process slows down, the skin maintains elasticity and beauty. The normal intake of vitamin C provides:

• good blood supply;

• normal metabolism;

• sufficient collagen production;

• protection against infections.

To get vitamin C from food, you need to eat fresh vegetables, fruits, citrus fruits, sauerkraut, drink fresh natural juices and a rosehip broth.


It normalizes the production of thyroid and ovarian hormones, participates in the synthesis of collagen, and prevents the appearance of visible signs of aging. This powerful natural antioxidant fights against free radicals, preventing the tissues and organs of the human body from aging.

Unrefined and thermally untreated vegetable oils can provide the body with vitamin E: olive, sunflower, and linseed. They need to season salads, add to porridge. When frying, tocopherol is destroyed.

Vitamins of group D

They prevent brittle bones, ensuring normal absorption of calcium, and help relieve depression. Entrance into the body is possible thanks to sunbathing and food. Vitamins of this group are found in yolks, oily fish, mushrooms, liver, dairy products of normal fat content.

Vitamin K

Among other vitamins for women after 40, pay attention to vitamin K. This is a very important substance for health that improves blood coagulation, strengthens capillary and vascular walls. Vitamin K:

• gives vivacity;

• prevents osteoporosis;

• heals the kidneys;

• prevents the appearance of black circles under the eyes;

• prevents atherosclerosis;

• improves memory and attention.

To get vitamin K, drink green tea, eat cabbage, spinach, tomatoes, olive oil, lean meat, avocados.

In addition, after forty years, vitamins B3 and B9 (pyridoxine and folic acid) become important for the female body. They normalize the activity of the nervous system, improve metabolic processes, help to better cope with stress, stimulate cell renewal.

Pharmacy complexes of vitamins for women after 40

To maintain health, a woman with the onset of her 40th birthday is important to eat properly and periodically maintain the body with vitamin therapy. The course intake of the necessary vitamin-mineral complexes should be selected by the doctor, especially if there are serious or chronic health problems.

If there is no opportunity to get a doctor’s consultation, and signs of vitamin deficiency have appeared, you can buy special vitamin preparations at the pharmacy. Trustworthy serious manufacturers label vitamins intended for free sale, indicating age.

The following vitamins are the best vitamins for women after 40 years:

• brewer's yeast with various mineral additives (calcium, magnesium, selenium, etc.);

• Calcium D3 Nycomed Forte;

• Magne B6 (domestic analogue of Magnelis);

• Doppelgerts Asset Omega3;

• anti-aging line Chi-Klim.

All these funds are aimed at improving the condition of women who entered the period of premenopause. They improve metabolic processes, restore the normal functioning of the adrenal glands and the heart, maintain vascular health, increase bone density, and have a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

Vitamins for women after 40 are crucial. They are necessary to feel vigorous, strong, be in a good mood and look great.


Watch the video: Vitamins: do you need supplements? (July 2024).