Making unique dandelion honey: recipes. What is useful dandelion honey: indications and contraindications for the drug


Ordinary dandelion weed has a lot of useful properties that have found application in traditional medicine. Various drugs are prepared from it for healing from all kinds of ailments, but the most delicious is dandelion honey. Its composition is saturated with useful substances, and therefore the product is recommended for use by both adults and children.

Features of the composition of honey from dandelions and the benefits of the product for the body

You can make dandelion honey yourself at home. To really be inspired by this venture, it will be useful to learn about the unique composition of the product. It includes the active substances of dandelion, among which:

• taraxacerin and taraxanthin;

• vitamins A, E, B2, PP, C;

• salts of iron, manganese, calcium, phosphorus;

• saponins;

• arnidiol;

• inulin;

• triterpene formations;

• choline;

• glycerides of organic acids;

• faradiol.

A huge influence on the composition of the drug has a preparation method. If it was created independently with the addition of lemon and sugar, then citrus substances will be present in the composition. Honey made from natural bee products contains substances:

• up to 18% of water;

• up to 82% of carbohydrates, to a greater extent glucose and fructose, less sucrose, disaccharides such as melitsitose and maltose are contained in small quantities;

• up to 3% of proteins, water-soluble vitamins, amino acids, enzymes and dextrins;

• less than 1% of minerals.

The product of natural origin contains about 400 compounds and biologically active substances. Depending on the conditions of germination and collection, varieties, the list of elements may vary. But unchanged, it always contains:

• minerals - a significant amount of iodine, potassium, a little manganese, selenium, copper, magnesium, sodium, calcium, aluminum and other metals;

• antioxidants, enzymes, dextrins, proteins, amino acids;

• a group of listed vitamins.

Using dandelion honey without harm: to whom the product is suitable

To use honey from dandelions costs both adults and children. There are many options for its use: you can use it in its pure form or dilute milk, tea, compote with it, eat some bite with pancakes, pastries or rolls. It is recommended to include a dandelion treat in the menu for the prevention and treatment of colds, SARS. Honey has a mild laxative effect on the body, which eliminates chronic constipation. To normalize the stool daily in the evenings you need to drink 1 cup of warm milk with the addition of 1 tablespoon of dandelion honey. The course of treatment is 1 month.

This is far from the limit of the possibilities of unique sweetness. It should be used for such ailments:

• arthritis;

• liver disease;

• urolithiasis disease;

• malfunctioning of the gallbladder;

• bronchitis;

• osteochondrosis;

• scurvy;

• cystitis;

• hepatitis;

• pricks;

• gastritis;

• flatulence;

• cholecystitis;

• helminthic invasion.

Thanks to the use of honey, the body will recover faster after suffering serious illnesses or in the postoperative period.

Among the beneficial effects on the body of dandelion honey are the following:

• treatment of diseases of the digestive tract;

• saturation of the body with vitamins and nutrients;

• normalization of metabolic processes in the body;

• restoration of kidney and liver cells;

• strengthening of the heart muscle;

• purification of blood from radicals and toxins.

Reception of honey in the spring relieves the body of vitamin deficiency. A composition rich in vitamin C increases the body's defenses, has a beneficial effect on the condition of nails, skin and hair. And all this thanks to antioxidant properties.

It is important to note the numerous positive properties of honey for the human body:

• anti-inflammatory;

• laxative;

• antimicrobial;

• antioxidant;

• antiseptic;

• antipyretic;

• sleeping pills;

• analgesic.

A carbohydrate-rich composition makes dainties an ideal remedy for fighting:

• with stress and nervous strain;

• with insomnia;

• with a breakdown;

• during mental and physical strain;

• with anemia.

It is very difficult to find natural honey in nature, as bees do not like nectar with a bit of bitterness. The finished product has a slightly tart taste and a rich floral aroma. Those who could not find natural dandelion honey should not be upset ahead of time. After all, it is not difficult to cook it yourself at home.

The use of dandelion honey with benefits: home-made recipes

A dandelion-based drug can be made from natural honey. The finished medicine has a positive effect on the condition of the liver. Several variants:

1. First you need to get fresh natural bee honey and prepare about a hundred dandelion flowers along with the stems. The plant must be crushed to a state of uniform mass and mixed with 1 kg of honey. The finished medicine can be used immediately.

2. In the second case, you will need 1 liter of liquid honey, about 400 dandelion flowers. In a jar you need to put layers of honey and flowers, constantly alternating them. The tank filled to the top must be closed with a lid and sent to the refrigerator for 2 weeks.

To prepare dandelion sweetness, you can take as a basis the method of heat treatment using sugar:

1. 400 buds will be needed, you need to fill them with brackish water for a day to remove bitterness and squirrels.

2. The next day, spin, pour 0.5 liters of water and boil for 20 minutes over low heat.

3. Pour in a mixture of 1 kg of sugar 2 crushed lemons, 1 tsp. citric acid and let the mixture boil for another 5 minutes.

4. The finished mixture must be filtered, and the resulting syrup boiled again for 2 minutes.

The delicacy should be allowed to brew for about a day in a cold place.

Contraindications of dandelion honey and harm

Any tool created on the basis of natural ingredients may have certain contraindications for use. A large amount of carbohydrates also does not make the product suitable for consumption by all categories of people. Caution should be used to treat delicacy and, at the same time, medicine to people in such cases:

• with an existing disease, diabetes mellitus of any type;

• with individual intolerance to the components of the product, as well as in the presence of an allergy to honey;

• while following a low-carb diet.

You can be completely confident only in the product that will be prepared with your own hands. Since there are no established quality standards for honey from dandelions, it is sometimes very difficult to determine a fake when buying. But the honey cooked at home will be completely natural and suitable for consumption. In addition, you can choose the recipe depending on the purpose of use.

Although sweetness has a lot of benefits for the body, you should always remember that this is not a panacea for any ailments. Healing with honey alone in the event of serious illness will be impossible. This remedy of traditional medicine requires long-term and regular use, but its effectiveness will be higher with complex exposure together with the therapy prescribed by your doctor.


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