Will a decoction of dandelions help cleanse the liver, expel parasites, cure joints? A decoction of dandelions: recipes, application


Despite the progressive development of pharmacology, many people prefer to get rid of diseases by non-traditional methods. One of the areas of traditional medicine is herbal medicine - the treatment of various pathologies through the use of medicinal plants. Positive aspects of herbal medicine:

• natural, natural raw materials;

• minimum number of contraindications;

• availability of ingredients;

• relative safety of use.

There are herbs with a wide range of medicinal properties. Common dandelion is recognized as one of such universal plants in folk medicine. It is able to have a beneficial effect on various organs and systems of the body, helping to get rid of painful manifestations. Traditional healers prepare tinctures, ointments, decoctions from this plant, and advise you to use fresh dandelion.

Chemical composition

The active use of a decoction of dandelions in herbal medicine is due to the chemical composition of the plant. Grass contains:

• vitamins: A (retinol), B1 (thiamine), P (rutin), B2 (riboflafin), C (ascorbic acid), B4 (choline);

• trace elements: iron, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and others;

• acids: cerotinic, oleic, palmetic;

• plant pigments: carotenoids;

• natural antibacterial substances - antioxidants: volatile and flavonoids;

• organic compounds: saponins; tannins, resins;

• hydrocarbon alcohols: terpenes.

Therapeutic action

With proper preparation of a decoction of dandelions, the properties of the plant turn into liquid, and do not lose their healing power. The main medicinal characteristics of dandelion decoctions:

• relieves inflammation;

• strengthens the immune system;

• reduces anxiety and nervousness;

• eliminates harmful bacteria;

• increases the tone of the body;

• eliminates pain;

• normalizes the process of bowel movement with constipation;

• eliminates stagnation of bile;

• promotes the outflow of urine;

• reduces the concentration of cholesterol;

• fights the activity of cancer cells.

Traditional Dandelion Treatment

A decoction of dandelions, according to recipes of traditional medicine, is prepared from the flowers, roots and leaves of the plant. The part of the herb that has the most effective therapeutic effect on the disease is used.

Depending on the disease, the recipes for preparing a decoction of dandelions, the method of use and dosage vary.


In the season you can use fresh roots, the rest of the time - dry. When preparing drugs based on the roots of a plant, it should be borne in mind that one part of dry raw materials is proportional to two parts of fresh.

• sleep and appetite disturbance, headache, increased nervousness. A liter capacity of water will require 5 tbsp. tablespoons of roots. Cook for a quarter of an hour. Cool. Take on? glasses before main meals;

• regulation of metabolic processes, purification of blood from toxins. 2 tbsp. tablespoons of raw boil in 2 glasses of water for 5 minutes. Drain into a thermos. Drink warm at 50-75 ml before meals;

• functional imbalance of the pancreas, hypoacid gastritis (low acidity). A couple of tablespoons of roots pour two cups of boiled water. Soak for a quarter of an hour in a water bath, filter. The dose is designed for three daily doses;

• endocrine disorders, including diabetes. Fry dry raw materials grinded in a coffee grinder in a dry pan. Brew 2 teaspoons with a glass of boiling water. Drink instead of tea;

• arthrosis, arthritis, joint pain. Boil 5 teaspoons of dried roots in a half liter of water for several minutes. Insist. Drink a quarter of an hour before eating 3 tbsp. spoons;

• parasitic infestations. Stir in 2 cups of water 2CT. tablespoons of raw materials. Steaming in a water bath for a quarter of an hour. Cool, add boiled water (fill the volume). Take before meals, dose - 150 ml. Preheat;

• increased flatulence in the intestines. A couple of tablespoons to fill in a liter liter thermos in the floor. Brew with boiling water. Insist. Use for 3-5 receptions throughout the day;


Equally effective is the use of a decoction of dandelion using plant leaves. The nuance of preparing such drinks is pre-soaking the leaves in salted cold water. This is done to remove specific bitterness. Raw materials can be procured for future use by freezing or drying.

• diabetes. To prepare a phyto-collection that lowers blood sugar, it is necessary to cut an equal amount of nettle and dandelion leaves, fill in a handful of blueberries, mix. 3-4 tablespoons of the mixture cook for about 20 minutes in a liter of water. Throw back on cheesecloth, squeeze raw materials. Drink 100 ml of liquid at a time before meals;

• post-traumatic bone pain. A tablespoon of 300 ml of water. Steam. To use after breakfast and at night 75-100 ml of the drink;

• improving the structure of the skin. Beauticians advise to freeze the decoction in the form of cubes, and wipe the face and decollete area in the morning.

If you can’t get a plant’s roots in a pharmacy or dig up fresh roots, you can replace them with leaves in all cases.


The basic version of the recipe for dandelion decoction is used to treat gynecological diseases, strengthen the body's immune system, for chronic constipation, to eliminate violations of the outflow of bile, and for painful digestion of food (dispersion).

Dry flowers 1? Art. tablespoons are steamed in a water bath in 300 ml of boiling water. To sustain the infusion should be in a thermos or wrapped in a blanket. Filter, and drink three times a day. The resulting drink should be enough for two days.

A combination of flowers, leaves and roots of the plant is allowed. In this case, the raw materials are mixed in equal parts. To prepare a therapeutic drink, the amount of the mixture is taken according to the recipe.

In addition to treating diseases, the properties of a decoction of dandelions are used in nutrition. As an aid to weight loss. The drink has a diuretic and soft laxative property, does not aggressively affect the digestive organs. If the recommended dose is observed, the decoction helps to tolerate the feeling of hunger during the diet easier.

Recipe: Grind dry roots, take a couple of tablespoons (without slide), pour boiling water (400 ml). Steam a quarter hour. Let it brew for at least 4 hours, filter, add boiling water (how much has evaporated). Drink in the interval between meals.


Any drug, regardless of natural or synthetic origin, can have side effects and contraindications. Dandelion treatment is not recommended for the following pathologies:

• hyperacid form of gastritis (high acidity);

• ulcerative lesions of the digestive tract;

• exacerbation of chronic diseases of the biliary tract;

• individual allergic reaction;

• acute digestive upsets.

Do not uncontrollably take a decoction of dandelions. The use of the drink in the wrong dose can cause stool upset, nausea, and vomiting.

Important: You can not use any means of traditional medicine without a preliminary examination and consultation of a medical specialist.


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