Chemical element sodium: benefit. How to determine a shortage or excess of sodium, substance damage and contraindications


The chemical element sodium is in the group of macronutrients that perform a vital function in the human body.

Its main purpose is to maintain an optimal level of water-salt balance in the body.

But in combination with other elements, sodium is able to bring much more usefulness to the body.

Features of the sodium element: benefits and daily intake

Together with other micro and macro elements in the sodium group, it is necessary to ensure the normal functioning of both individual cells and the whole organism. All macronutrients existing in the human body occupy approximately 0.1-0.9% of the total mass. In addition to controlling the balance of salt and water, the role of sodium is to regulate the functioning of the kidneys and normalize neuromuscular activity. Sodium helps to preserve other dissolved minerals in the blood.

The main beneficial properties of sodium:

• the launch of pancreatic and salivary gland enzymes;

• active participation in the processes of formation of gastric juice;

• maintaining the acid-base balance at the required optimal level;

• vasodilating effects on the body;

• regulation of muscle and nervous systems;

• normalization of blood osmolarity.

The daily requirement for sodium in the body of an adult who is completely healthy and lives in a belt with an average air temperature is 1 gram. Subject to a healthy diet, according to all the prescribed rules, without inclusion of sodium chloride in the menu, the body will be provided with 0.8 g of sodium - an almost complete daily norm. If a person exists in conditions of increased importance, with regular power loads and activity, the daily need for an element should be increased to 2-3 grams. For children, the optimal figure is 0.3 g. This is until adolescence.

Sodium foods, good for the body

In different amounts of sodium can be found in most foods, but the body receives the bulk of the substance from salt - about 80%. The element is absorbed in the stomach, sometimes in the small intestine. Thanks to vitamin D, a better absorption of the macrocell occurs, but salted foods and protein foods, on the contrary, slow down the process of sodium absorption by the body.

When sodium is consumed in excess of normal, a negative reaction of the body may occur in the form of accumulation of fluid in the body, the formation of swelling, increased pressure. Abuse of sodium leads to a decrease in the stores of magnesium, calcium and potassium in the body.

The use of sodium for the body is obvious - it maintains its healthy state and ensures normal growth. In combination with chlorine, sodium is able to prevent the leakage of fluid from capillaries and blood vessels into adjacent tissues. Sodium is involved in the transportation of various substances throughout the body. So, it carries sugar through the cells, transmits nerve signals and impulses, and is involved in muscle contractions. Due to the availability of sodium, heat or sunstroke can be avoided.

Due to the fact that sodium is regularly excreted from the human body with sweat, there is always a need for it. Since the human body is not arranged in such a way as to independently produce sodium for itself, it is necessary to replenish supplies from the outside. This can be done quite easily with the help of consumed food and additives to it.

In addition to table salt, in 100 g of which contains about 40 g of sodium, the element is contained in such products:

• in sea salt;

• in high quality soy sauce;

• in a variety of salty foods.

It is better to give preference to alternative sea salt, as it does not retain fluid in the body.

Rich in sodium and such everyday foods:

• Rye bread;

• hard cheese;

• milk;

• chicken eggs;

• beef meat.

A small amount of sodium is contained:

• in oysters and crabs;

• in seaweed;

• in beets;

• in carrots.

There are a number of plants rich in sodium. Among them, dandelion, celery, chicory.

When consuming a significant amount of mineral water, you can not only replenish the body's sodium reserves, but also chlorine and calcium.

Side effects of sodium intake and substance harm

A fairly common problem is the accumulation of sodium in the cells and tissues of the body. In this situation, sodium displaces in its volumes other useful substances necessary for the body to function normally. This can happen unknowingly, because the "caring" product manufacturers have tried to provide most of them with sodium. As a result, a person consumes a daily rate of salt, without thinking that the right amount of sodium has already arrived in the body. Salt should be abandoned to such people:

• having blood diseases;

• suffering from lung problems;

• those who have liver and kidney diseases;

• those who have a weakened cardiovascular system and are prone to these organs with frequent diseases.

Excess and lack of sodium: harm to the body

The kidneys are responsible for the optimal sodium balance in the body. They act as regulators either by holding the element, or by secreting it depending on the amount of sodium entering the body. Therefore, with the proper functioning of this organ and the absence of external influences on the body, a surplus or lack of sodium cannot develop. Some unplanned situations can significantly reduce sodium levels. These include:

• vomiting for a long time;

• heavy physical exertion in extreme heat;

• increased sweating for a long time;

• severe diarrhea.

An increased sodium content in the body occurs when table salt is abused in cases of diabetes mellitus, neurosis, and hypertension. Prone to accumulation of sodium in the body and people with impaired excretory function of the kidneys, a predisposition to the rapid formation of swelling. Symptoms may result from an excessive amount of sodium in the body:

• increased excitability;

• the appearance of hyperactivity;

• development of sensibility and emotionality;

• manifestation of an allergic reaction;

• In certain cases, irresistible thirst, frequent urination and excessive unusual sweating may appear.

The following symptoms indicate a lack of sodium in the body:

• decreased appetite;

• loss of taste sensitivity;

• increased gas production;

• the appearance of spasms of the stomach and gastrointestinal tract;

• impaired memory function;

• sometimes cramps, skin rashes, nausea and vomiting.

When moving or walking, a person may experience difficulties in balancing the body, feel dizzy, feel fatigue, muscle weakness. Sharp mood swings, increased tearfulness, and memory problems are also considered characteristic symptoms of sodium deficiency.


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