The medicinal properties of the wormwood plant: the benefits of the composition, methods of application. The dangers of home treatment for wormwood: harm to the body


Although gardeners do not like wormwood because of the difficulty of eradication, this does not prevent it from being an effective medicinal plant.

To treat a variety of diseases, all parts of the plant are used - flowers, leaves, shoots, roots.

The unique composition of wormwood and the benefits of the components

Being one of the oldest and most valuable medicinal plants, wormwood has a rich chemical composition, which mainly includes bitterness and essential oils.

In the composition you can find:

• natural amino acids;

• tannins;

• potassium salts;

• organic acids: succinic, malic;

• vitamins A, group B, ascorbic acid;

• minerals: iron, magnesium, zinc, calcium, molybdenum, potassium, copper, sulfur, aluminum, nickel;

• bitter glycosides: anabsintin and absintin;

• resins;

• protein;

• flavonoids;

• volatile;

• alkaloids;

• saponins.

The bitterness included in the composition improves the functioning of the digestive system, stimulates the production of gastric juice, has a choleretic effect on the body, and ensures the stable production of pancreatic enzymes. Essential oil consists mainly of terpenoids pinene, bizabolone, selinene, thujone and others, and is also enriched with vitamins. It is the chemical composition that determines the presence of a universal therapeutic effect on the body.

Useful properties of wormwood and harm to the body

The beneficial properties of grass were discovered in antiquity. The ancient Greeks discovered and described the possibilities of herbs to eliminate digestive problems and treat all kinds of disorders associated with the activity of the digestive tract. Today, wormwood is often the main ingredient in finished preparations for the treatment of gastritis, gall bladder and liver diseases. The substance chamazulen is extracted from the upper part of the plant, which eliminates the symptoms and manifestations of rheumatism, malaria, asthma, eczema and skin diseases.

Healing decoctions for home treatment are prepared from wormwood, which are effective in homeopathy. Wormwood is able to increase appetite, normalize and regulate all digestive processes.

Wormwood-based medicines can be used both internally and externally. Herbal ointment, for example, can be used to heal wounds, relieve pain and inflammation from damaged areas of the body. Compresses from a decoction of wormwood are effective for sprains and dislocations.

It has wormwood and such beneficial properties for the body:

1. Enhances the outflow of bile, which helps to improve digestion.

2. Has a pacemaker and anti-inflammatory effect on the body.

3. Normalizes the central nervous system.

4. Hydrocarbon saturation gives the grass a fungicidal and bactericidal effect.

A wormwood is able to affect the body from such positive aspects:

• cleanses the stomach;

• relieves pain and cramps;

• is a diuretic;

• has an antifungal and anti-inflammatory effect;

• acts as an effective antipyretic;

• tones and relieves disorders, irritations.

The use of wormwood in traditional medicine: the benefits of plants and methods of preparation

The numerous saturated composition of wormwood allows you to use the plant to treat various diseases and solve various problems. In order to better manifest certain useful properties of the plant, various home remedies can be prepared from it.

1. Fresh juice is able to prevent bleeding, have a disinfecting effect, heal corns. Elixir relieves pain during dislocation, damage, eliminates swelling. Juice is able to effectively fight parasites, harmful microorganisms and pathogenic microflora. You just need to eat raw materials, washing them down with water.

2. A solution of worms helps to clear the stomach. Normalize intestinal microflora and get rid of parasites. It is only necessary to prepare a decoction, strain it and carry out the procedure through an enema.

3. The remedy for hemorrhoids should be taken orally and administered with an enema. The treatment will be long. To create an infusion or broth, you need to use grass. Activities will help relieve pain, inflammation and improve the general condition.

4. Infusion against herpes - an infectious disease in the form of wounds on the lips, in the mouth, on the face. Brewed infusion should be consumed 3 times a day, regular intake of wormwood tea will also be useful.

5. A lotion of wormwood decoction on the front of the forehead will help overcome insomnia. The grass must be brewed, filtered and can be used.

6. Wormwood from fibroids - uterine tumors. Grass is considered an effective medicine for this ailment. It is necessary to prepare tincture on the basis of dry collection - pour grass in alcohol in a volume of 0.5 liters and let it brew for 1 week. Store the finished infusion in the refrigerator, and take 1 tsp. remedies with meals.

7. A decoction of diarrhea. You need to prepare half a liter of the product and drink the drink at a time to quickly eliminate anxiety.

8. In case of impotence, it is necessary to turn the seeds of the plant into powder and consume in this form daily for 1 tsp.

9. In combination with other herbs, such as buckthorn and tansy, an infusion of wormwood will effectively affect excess weight, starting the process of losing weight.

10. For pain in the stomach, it is necessary to drink a cooled and strained broth of grass three times a day.

11. For the treatment of alcoholism, a recipe from wormwood, water and thyme is used. The broth should be drunk 1/3 cup for a month.

Contraindications to the use of wormwood: harm to the body

In addition to benefits, wormwood also has some side effects from the use. Minor flaws of the plant can lead to serious consequences for the body, so you should be careful when taking medications based on it.

First of all, it is strictly necessary to observe the prescribed dosages, in no case exceed the permissible norm and limit the use of such groups of people:

• women during pregnancy and lactation;

• asthmatics;

• people with low acidity or stomach ulcers;

• those who have anemia;

• if there is an allergy to the plant or its components.

Ready-made medicines are not recommended for use in such diseases:

• duodenal ulcer or stomach;

• increased secretion of the stomach.

The harmful effects of wormwood on the body can be expressed in the form of symptoms of poisoning. Due to the high content of toxic substances with accumulative ability, the body can easily be poisoned with wormwood.

Eating large amounts of wormwood can lead to nervous disorders, the appearance of hallucinations, which can develop into more severe forms - convulsions and convulsions.

The duration of use of the product should not exceed a 2-week period, otherwise the accumulating poisons will lead to a breakdown of nerve endings.

If treatment with wormwood is required longer, then you should maintain a pause between courses, so that the body has time to rest. The optimal break can last 1-2 months.


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