A simple cake in five minutes - it's possible! A selection of the simplest cake recipes in a hurry: quick and tasty


Guests should come to you any minute, but you have nothing to serve for tea? We offer you a selection of the simplest cake recipes that can be prepared in just a minute.

The easiest cake recipe - the basic principles of cooking

To prepare a delicious cake, it does not always take a lot of time and effort. Sometimes it’s enough to have the most affordable products and a couple of minutes of free time.

Cake in a minute can be prepared from ready-made cakes, which can be purchased at the store. In this case, it’s enough to cook your favorite cream and collect the cake by smearing the cakes.

Non-baking cakes made from biscuits are very popular. Sometimes they are simply layered with cream, collecting into a cake, or crushed into crumbs, combined with butter and form the basis of the resulting mass.

If you still prefer homemade cakes, you can bake cakes yourself. The easiest way to bake a biscuit. A minimum set of products is required for its preparation, and the result is always excellent. On the same principle, bake cakes on sour cream or kefir.

In general, a cake in a minute can be prepared even from the minimum set of products that you have, you just have to show a little imagination.

Recipe 1. The easiest cake recipe


two large eggs;

two stacks. flour;

10 g of baking soda;

250 g of granulated sugar;

stack liquid jam;

250 ml of milk.


a pound of sour cream;

icing sugar -? stack

Cooking method

1. Beat two eggs into a small bowl, add sugar and beat at high speed.

2. Add a glass of milk and jam, soda and flour to the egg mixture. Knead the dough, consistency like a fritters.

3. Bake two cakes at 180 degrees. Cool on a wire rack and divide each lengthwise into two equal parts.

4. Beat sour cream with powder until lush.

5. Soak cakes with cream and collect in a cake. Put in the cold soak.

Recipe 2. Honey cake per minute



three stacks. flour;

two large eggs;

drain. fat - half a pack;

stack granulated sugar;

30 ml of table vinegar;

60 ml of honey;

5 g of slaked soda.


400 g of condensed milk;

oil drain. - a pack.

Cooking method

1. Sugar the sugar with two eggs until foam. Add slaked soda, honey, and soft butter. Place the cookware with the contents over the pot of boiling water and warm until the mass increases. Remove from heat, add flour and knead plastic dough. Divide it into eight identical parts.

2. Roll each part, cut the same circles and bake until ready at 150 C. Cool the cakes.

3. Fold them on top of each other, smearing with butter cream. Also cover the cake with cream on all sides, and sprinkle with crumbs.

Recipe 3. The easiest coconut cake recipe


one ? stack milk;

2 g of soda;

400 g finely ground sugar;

100 g of flour;

4 large eggs;

100 g of cocoa;

120 g of drain oil;

125 ml of liquor;

200 g coconut flakes.

Cooking method

1. Squirrels are separated from the yolks. In the latter, add a spoonful of fine sugar and rub well.

2. Add 150 g of sugar to the proteins and beat at high speeds with a mixer until a dense foam is formed. Add the yolks, slaked soda, cocoa and flour to the protein mixture. Knead the dough, the consistency of thick sour cream. Bake cake at 180 C for half an hour.

3. Pour milk into the saucepan, add the remaining sugar, coconut and butter to it. We send to a small fire and warm, continuously mixing. As soon as the mass becomes dense, remove from heat and cool.

4. Divide the chocolate cake in half and saturate it with diluted liquor. We spread the filling on the bottom cake and cover with the second.

5. Combine milk with cocoa and sugar. Constantly mixing, cook until thickened. Then add the butter, mix and pour on the cake.

Recipe 4. Curd cake per minute in a pan


slaked soda - 5 g;

cottage cheese - a pack;

wheat flour - 1? glass .;

sugar - glass .;



? liter of milk;

oil drain. - 200 g;

large egg;

vanilla essence;

sugar - glass .;

flour - 80 g;

shredded chocolate and nuts.

Cooking method

1. Pound the egg with flour and granulated sugar. Add vanillin and pour in the milk. Shake with a whisk and send to a small fire. Cook with constant stirring until thickened. Cool completely.

2. Beat butter with a mixer, gradually adding the cooled custard mixture.

3. Mix the egg with granulated sugar. Add cottage cheese, soda and vanilla. Gradually pour the flour until it turns out not too cool, but thick dough.

4. Divide it into six parts. Roll out thinly, prick in several places with a fork so that they do not swell during baking. Bake in a pan on both sides until golden brown. Cut the uneven edges and cool.

5. We put in a pile, smearing each cream. Cover the surface of the cream with cream and decorate with grated chocolate and chopped nuts.

Recipe 5. Cake per minute "Zebra"


a pound of sugar;

60 g of cocoa;

2 stack flour;

pack of oil drain .;

stack sour cream;

five large eggs.

Cooking method

1. Beat sugar with eggs until a white foam forms. Pour the flour, sifting it with soda, add melted butter and sour cream. Beat everything with a mixer until smooth.

2. Divide the dough in half. Add two tablespoons of flour in one part, and in the second as much cocoa. Stir until lumps remain. It should turn out the dough is not too thick sour cream.

3. Pour in small portions alternately white and chocolate dough. We send for half an hour in an oven preheated to 200 ° C.

Recipe 6. Cake per minute in the microwave


baking powder;

large egg;

30 g of starch;

? glasses of milk;

wheat flour - 100 g;

rast. oil - 100 ml;

sugar - 100 g;

cocoa - 60 g.

Cooking method

1. Beat the egg with a mixer at high speed with sugar.

2. Add cocoa to the egg mixture and mix gently.

3. Pour the remaining bulk products into the resulting chocolate mixture and mix thoroughly.

4. Pour milk and vegetable oil into the resulting dough. Stir again.

5. Pour the dough into the dishes and put in the microwave at maximum power. Bake for three minutes.

6. Beat sour cream with sugar. Divide the crust lengthwise into two crusts and layered each cream.

Recipe 7. Tiramisu Cake per Minute


grated chocolate;

condensed milk - 5 tbsp;

a cup of coffee;

cream cheese - 110 g;

fat cream - 100 ml;

Ladies' fingers cookies.

Cooking method

1. In a deep bowl we place cream, vanillin, cream cheese and milk. Beat everything with a mixer until smooth.

2. Dip the cookies in sweet coffee and put it on the dish in one layer.

3. Put the cream cheese mass on the cookies.

4. Spread the second layer of cookies and cover with the remaining cream. Sprinkle with grated chocolate on top and send to the cold for several hours.

Recipe 8. Curd cake per minute with cream


? liter of fat cream;

15 g of gelatin;

half a kilogram of cottage cheese;

30 ml of brandy;

350 g of sugar;

10 g baking powder;

five large eggs;

50 g of white chocolate;


50 g of potato starch;

75 g of premium flour.

Cooking method

1. Beat two eggs with two tablespoons of drinking water. Without stopping the process, add the zest of lemon, salt and 100 g of granulated sugar. Beat for three minutes. Introduce flour, baking powder and starch.

2. Turn on the oven for 200 C. Put the dough in the prepared form and bake for 25 minutes. Cool the finished cake and divide it into two parts horizontally.

3. Beat three egg yolks with sugar, add cognac and cottage cheese. Dissolve the gelatin and inject it with a thin stream, while continuously stirring. Separately, whip the proteins and cream and introduce them into the curd mixture.

4. In the detachable form, put the cake, pour on it most of the curd filling and cover with the second cake. Spread the remaining curd cream on top. Leave overnight in the refrigerator. Before serving, decorate the cake with berries and grated chocolate.

Recipe 9. Cake in a minute from marshmallows


marshmallow - half a kilogram;

can of boiled condensed milk;

200 g of cookies and plum butter;

chopped walnuts - a glass.

Cooking method

1. Each marshmallow is cut in half lengthwise. Grind cookies.

2. Rub the condensed milk with soft oil. Set aside some nuts for decoration, and pour the rest into the cream. Here we send 2/3 of the crushed cookies. Mix.

3. Put the marshmallows on the dish with the slice up and cover with cream. By this principle, we continue to spread the cake until the ingredients run out. Coat with cream on all sides and sprinkle with nuts.

Recipe 10. Fruit Cake per Minute


800 ml of sour cream;

400 g of any cookies;

250 g of granulated sugar;

two bananas and a kiwi;




Cooking method

1. Soak gelatin in a cup for forty minutes. Beat sour cream with vanilla and granulated sugar. Peel and cut the fruit into small pieces. We cover the bottom of the deep salad bowl with cling film so that its edges can cover the cake from above.

2. Dissolve the gelatin and combine with sour cream.

3. At the bottom of the salad, spread the kiwi, lay the cookies on the sides. Pour much sour cream. Next, put the bananas and cookies broken into small pieces. Continue to lay out the cake in this way. The last layer should be cookies.

4. Cover the cake with foil and send it for a couple of hours in the cold. Then open the cake and turn it over to the dish.

The easiest cake recipe - tips and tricks

If you add soda to the dough, be sure to quench it with vinegar or lemon juice.

Use only high quality cocoa for the cake.

It is advisable to soak cake cakes with diluted alcohol or fruit syrup.

Any cake must be kept for several hours in the cold so that it is saturated.
