Fish cake is a great snack: what ever happens! Delicious and simple recipes for canned fish and fresh fish cakes


Cooking does not stand still. Every day, new, sometimes the most unexpected recipes of dishes appear.

Of the latest inventions of folk culinary experts, the Napoleon fish cake and other variations of cakes made from a wide variety of fish and savory products are of interest.

It is difficult to answer the question of who invented this dish, and to what type it can be attributed - snacks, salads or pastries. All the better. There is great scope not only for combinatorial combinations of products, but also for methods of their culinary processing, design options for serving.

Fish cake - basic technological principles

Even if we talk about the technology of making sweet cakes, then this is a very voluminous topic, which includes different types of dough, creams, impregnation, and so on. There are desserts that are prepared with and without baking.

If we recall that the word "cake" itself means a pie or sweet bread, then, in relation to fish dishes, most likely, they mean their shape and the presence of several layers consisting of different fish fillings (minced meat, pastes), instead of creams.

The basis of unsweetened cakes may consist of dough when bread is baked (cakes, flat cakes) of a special form or according to a special recipe, as is the case for making classic sweet desserts, followed by the formation of a multi-layer dish.

The use of various types of finished bakery products as the basis for unsweetened cake allows the preparation of dishes in cold ways. Options for combinations of fish cake can be very different.

Having reached the necessary taste harmony of the dish, pay attention to its consistency.

The multicomponent filling, which combines the “cakes”, should be homogeneous, easily applied to bread layers, moderately soak them and hold together so that a piece of fish cake does not crumble when sliced, even before it gets on a serving plate. Ideal for connecting the layers - cream cheese, curds, fish or vegetable pastes.

Balance the products used to prepare the fish dish so that in general you get normal humidity, not more than 30-40%. Be sure to ensure that juicy fish supplements, such as cucumbers, apples, citruses, are ideally balanced, say, with eggs, hard cheese, boiled potatoes - products that have less moisture. This principle will allow you to avoid getting wet bread base, dripping juice and other minor troubles that can ruin the appearance and texture of the dish.

1. Frozen Tuna Fish Snack Cake


Armenian lavash 4 pcs.

Tuna fillet 400 g

Cream, whole 20% 280 ml

Onion, spicy 150 g

Butter, natural 50 g

Lemon 150 g (1 pc.)

Marjoram 50 g

Mustard, spicy 50 g

5 eggs

Oil, olive 120 ml


Garlic to taste

Wine Vinegar 30 ml



Sprinkle the prepared fish fillet slices with lemon juice, pepper, add marjoram. Soak the fish in the marinade for at least an hour. Heat the oil in a saucepan, put the chopped garlic and fry the fish. Add chopped onion, a slice of oil, pass for 5-7 minutes. Pour the cream into a saucepan, cover, and turn off the stove after 5 minutes. Chill the stew fish. Peel the eggs and put them in the blender bowl, along with the fish in a creamy sauce. Add two teaspoons of Dijon mustard, salt, pepper, vinegar or lemon juice. Beat the mass to a puree state.

Cut the finished pita bread in half to get 8 sheets of the same size. With the prepared paste, grease each rectangular sheet of pita bread. Lay the oiled sheets on top of each other. Garnish the top with chopped herbs and the ingredients of the dish.

2. Fish cake "Napoleon" with herring oil

Essential Ingredients:

Flour 0.6 kg

2 eggs

Milk, whole 150 ml

Small salt

Refined sugar 50 g

Yeast, dry 11 g

Spread or margarine 100 g

Butter (72.5%) 300 g

Herring marinated 600 g

Green onion 200 g

Juice, lemon 150 ml and slices (for decoration)

Sprigs of dill

Caviar, red 50 g (for surface decoration)

Cooking Technology:

Dissolve the yeast in warm milk by adding 150 g of sifted flour and sugar. As soon as the mass begins to foam, add salt, beaten eggs, soft butter. Sift the flour and knead the dough until cooked: it should easily lag behind hands and utensils. Cover with a napkin or towel, put in heat: let rise. Preheat the oven to 200 ° C. Prepare a round shape: grease it with vegetable fat. Bake for 40-45 minutes.

When the bread has cooled, cut it into layers, across. Remove the zest from the lemons and squeeze the juice. Sprinkle bread with fresh lemon juice.

Wash the fillet of peeled herring. If you use ordinary salted fish, prepare a marinade for it with vinegar, sugar, allspice and cloves. Soak for at least a couple of hours to soak the fish in spicy spices. Then remove from the marinade and, combining the pieces of herring with butter, kill with a blender. Spread herring butter on each layer of baked bread, sprinkle layers with chopped green onions. Stack them on top of each other. Decorate the top of the cake with caviar, slices of lemons and dill.

3. Cake with canned fish in its own juice


White loaf 1 pc.

Onions, pickled 120 g

Boiled eggs 6 pcs.

Mayonnaise (67%) 180 g

Mackerel in its own juice (canned) 400 g


Cut the top of the loaf and chop it. Add mayonnaise, eggs, pieces of mackerel (along with juice), pickled onions to slices of loaf. Grind all the ingredients with a blender until smooth.

Cut the loaf in half, across. On the bottom of the loaf, apply 1/2 of the prepared paste of mackerel and eggs. Cover the paste mass with the second half of the loaf. Spread the top layer of the rolls with the remaining mixture. Garnish a large sandwich, giving it the appearance of a fish: for this, from the components of a fish dish or boiled vegetables (eggs, potatoes, carrots, cucumbers) lay out “fish scales”, “fins” and “tail”.

4. Fish omelet cake


Hake (filet) 600 g

Eggs 8 pcs.

Milk, whole 140 ml

Lemon ½ pcs.

Oil (for frying) 50 ml

Onions, 150 g

Onions, green 300 g

Butter (72.5%) 140 g


Rice, boiled 300 g

Smoked Mackerel 350 g

Mayonnaise 180 g

Fresh cucumbers 400 g

Canned corn 200 g

Operating procedure:

Soak the fish fillet for 30-40 minutes in water, adding half a lemon, spices, salt to it. After drying the filet with a napkin, cut into medium cubes; fry the fish in vegetable oil with chopped onions. Put the fish on a plate, dividing it in half.

Separate the eggs and milk in two. Beat 3 eggs to a three-fold increase in volume, gradually pour half of the milk in a thin stream without stopping beating. Add some salt. Melt 50 g butter in a pan, put half of the fried fish and pour in the beaten eggs. Cover the pan, fry the omelet with fish over low heat. Transfer it to a dish, sprinkle with chopped green onions. Fry the second part of the omelet in the same way.

Wash boiled rice in cold water, sprinkle with lemon, pepper. Combine it with corn, finely chopped smoked fish. Season with mayonnaise (1/2 part). Put the cooked salad on a layer of omelet. Put a second omelet on top, covering the filling of the cake. Lubricate the surface of the cake mix with mayonnaise, place the circles of cucumbers, decorate with greens and mayonnaise. Such a fish cake should be served immediately; keep it no more than two hours from the date of preparation, in the refrigerator

5. Fish cake "Napoleon" with salmon and rice cakes


Rice flour 450 g

Corn Starch 50 g

2 eggs

Water 70 ml


Vegetable Fat 120 ml

Soy sauce

Ginger pickled 100 g

King boiled shrimps 12 pcs.

Sweet and sour apples 350 g (net)

Red fish fillet 600 g

Whole milk curd 400 g

Cream (33%) 250 ml

Sesame 100 g

Cooking Technology:

Sift rice flour onto a work surface, mix with starch and small salt, collect with a slide and make a depression in the center. Beating eggs with water, add oil. Pour the liquid ingredients into the flour mixture. Knead the dough like dumplings. Divide into 12 parts, roll thin round cakes (ᴓ22-24 cm), dry them, leaving them open on the table. To assemble the cake gradually, each of the rice cakes hold for 1-2 minutes for a couple.

For the filling (minced meat):

Put the cottage cheese in a blender bowl, add the cream and beat the mass. Add herbs, spices, if desired. Add the chopped fish fillet and apple slices (without skin) to the curd mass.

On a prepared dish, set a round shape without a bottom, and put steamed rice cakes in it, covering each of them with cooked minced meat and soy sauce. Seal the cake assembled in this way: cover it on top with a plate or a lid, set the load (a jar of water). Soak the cake in the refrigerator for about an hour, and then cover the surface with curds, sesame seeds, pickled ginger, put the shrimp around the circumference and pour the sauce. Before serving, it is more convenient to cut a fish cake into portions.

6. Cake with canned fish


Bread, white (round loaf) 200 g

Sprats in oil (large) 400 g

Cucumbers, fresh 200 g

Cream Cheese 450 g

Green onion (feather) 200 g

Apples "Renet Simirenko" 300 g (net)

Lemon 1 pc. (150 g)

Order of preparation:

Cut the “bottom” of the round loaf: it will serve as the basis of the fish cake. Put the rest of the bread in the bread box. Drain the oil from the canned sprats, add a spoonful of lemon juice to it and sprinkle the bread base of the cake. Spread the bread with cream cheese, a layer of 0.5-0.8 cm. On a cheese layer lay the plates or slices of peeled apples and immediately sprinkle them with lemon juice. Put the sprat tightly on the apple layer. Cover them with fresh and thin lemon peel. Fresh cucumbers, cut into round plates, lay on a fish layer. Repeat laying the ingredients, starting with the cheese layer, in the same sequence. After that, cover the entire surface and sides of the cake with cream cheese. Garnish the dish with chopped onions, slices of cucumbers and a few sprats.

Fish cake - useful tips and subtleties of cooking

Using large fish for pastes, it is advisable to remove the skin from it before cooking to get a beautiful, pleasant-looking creamy consistency for forming a fish cake, without dark inclusions.

If you use low-fat fish to prepare a fish dish, be sure to add such fish with cream, fatty and soft cream cheese or butter, a sufficient amount of sauce.

To eliminate an unpleasant fish smell, which not everyone likes, add lemon wedges, chopped greens, bay leaf to the fish marinade. At the end of work in the kitchen, a lemon peel can be used to wipe tools, a work surface, cutting boards.


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