Seize the moment: the last days of 3D cinema. Why manufacturers abandoned the 3D format


Giant companies Sony and LG have announced the discontinuation of 3D-compatible televisions.

Why has the demand for a previously fashionable format fallen? We figured out the situation.

Film boom declined

European sociologists have calculated: compared to 2010, when 70% of advanced viewers preferred 3D cinema, only about 40% of Europeans retained a love of glasses and special effects. In America, with a new-fangled format, everything is generally bad: in 2014, only 0, 04% of citizens preferred it to standard cinema and television.

Maybe this was due to the fact that large American television companies refused to broadcast in 3D format. In addition, the popularity of three-dimensional images is gradually falling in the film industry. The percentage of films intended for viewing with special glasses is steadily decreasing.

Shooting is too expensive three-dimensional cinema, and converting a standard 2D image into stereoscopic. One minute of spectacular special effects in 3D cinema costs the company no less than 75 thousand dollars.

Didn't viewers rate 3D movies?

Having tasted a 3D movie, the audience loses all interest in it.

Viewing often ends with dizziness, weakness, nausea. The fact is that the brain has to work tirelessly during the session. He focuses his eyes on the appearing picture, recognizing visual images impossible in everyday life. If for some reason the right image is confused with the left, the situation is aggravated, and the response intensifies.

The quality of stereo glasses also plays a role. If it is frankly bad, then a headache is guaranteed. In addition, there are people who cannot distinguish between physiological three-dimensional and two-dimensional image. They are not interested in stereo at all, as well as those who wear glasses with diopters.

Stereo has not taken root

It is clear why the appearance of 3D-TVs, on which the manufacturing companies had high hopes, was unsuccessful. For seven years, stereo models have been actively promoted by market leaders: Sharp, Sony, Vizio, LG, TCL. However, the time has come to admit: 3D home adaptation project failed.

Most likely, this is a lack of content. In the West, large TV channels that support the 3D format have almost disappeared, but in Russia they did not appear at all. It is clear that no one will buy a stereo TV to watch 3D movies once a year on their favorite couch. Especially since Such a TV is not cheap, but finding a stereo disc is a real problem.

Given the sad experience of the 3D format, you should seriously think about your future for manufacturers of TVs with VR, 4K, AR, SmartTV. Headsets and games are expensive, and whether they will be successful - God knows ...


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