Do-it-yourself floor vase in various techniques. How to make a beautiful floor vase with your own hands at home


A large floor vase adds a twist to the interior; the room looks more interesting. Even better when this vase is made by hand.

The variety of models is amazing, but one thing unites them - they are made from simple materials at hand. Everyone can make such a vase.

Do-it-yourself floor vase: features

As a rule, floor vases are weighty and large. The larger the weight of the vase, the more difficult it is to knock over and smash. Therefore, if the floor vase is made with your own hands and turned out to be light, you can pour heavy stones into it. Pebbles are great.

Be patient, because this work is not fast, even if you decide to make the simplest model of a floor vase with your own hands, just decorating it. Be prepared for the fact that the product is large, time will be spent on placing rhinestones and sparkles in their places. Not to mention complex elements.

Do-it-yourself floor vase: materials and methods

Of the basic materials you will need scissors, glue, a vase mold and those parts or substances with which you can decorate a vase.

Cardboard vase

An interesting decision was to make a vase out of cardboard. This is the most budgetary and very convenient option, because the vase can be given a variety of shapes and sizes.

Think about how large and large your vase will be. Cut the walls out of the cardboard box and fasten them together with tape. Treat the upper cut at the neck with plain, color or paper tape so that the edge does not fluff.

Glue the vase with decorating elements. In this case, these are small pebbles planted on glue tightly to each other. One drawback of such a vase is that cardboard will have to be decorated with a dense canvas without gaps. And if you suddenly decided to leave the gaps, then they need to be painted over. It is impossible to suppose that guests would suspect that this is a budget version of a vase. Therefore, cardboard should not be seen.

Do not stop at the solid decoration of the vase. Decorate it extra. For example, pinpoint small and large rhinestones.

Painted Vase

An interesting solution was a vase painted in metallic color and aged. For work you will need a form for a vase, small figures, parts, buttons, shoelaces, glue and paint. If you want to get the effect of an old thing, then the paint should be two colors that are combined with each other, dark and light shade. For example, if these are warm shades of metal, then the colors should be dark metallic and gold for the effect of an aged thing. If you chose cool shades, then the colors vary in the spectrum of gray metallic and silver.

An elongated square cardboard box or pipe from linoleum is suitable as a form for a vase. In the second case, the vase will turn round and elongated.

Work on the top edge of the vase by gluing a protruding strip, or just wrap it with tape. Glue the shape with the prepared small parts, grouping them with a dense cover or sections, combining with large figures.

Wait until the glue dries and you can start painting. First apply a dark paint, preferably in two layers, so that extraneous shades would not be visible. If you decide that the craft should be aged, then with a large brush with dotted strokes with light paint, draw only over the protruding parts, creating the effect of wear.

If you want the vase to be solid, then after painting you can cover the surface with varnish. And if the vase is aged, then in this case you do not need to varnish, otherwise the desired effect will not work.

Do not rush and wait for the vase to dry, it can take about a day.

Floor vase decorated with threads

You will need a large vessel. Also, for a form that can be decorated, a pipe from linoleum is suitable. Also stock up with threads, glue and small elements that you want to finish the composition. For the pattern, the same thread glued over the general background may be suitable, as well as buttons, rhinestones or even voluminous flowers made of threads. This is how a vase decorated with voluminous flowers will look like.

How to make such flowers will be described below, but first make the vase itself. To do this, coat the finished vessel with glue and tightly wrap the thread. It must be applied in one layer. Let the vase dry.

If you want to decorate a vase with flowers, then you need to make them separately, and then fix it on a vase. There are two color options, these are those shown above and from a mouline thread on a spring.

To make the same flowers as in the picture above you need a bottle, cling film, glue and thread. Put a cling film on the bottle and on the film across the bottle, start making one flower petal. Fold an elongated drop from a piece of thread. Coat the next piece of thread with glue, a little more than the previous one and wrap the first drop along the outer edge, repeating the shape and tightly pressing the layers of thread. You will get a drop, which with each layer of thread will become more and more.

Continue until you find that a petal of this size is enough. Wait for the craft to dry and unstick it from the bottle. You have got only one petal of a curved shape in the form of a bend of the bottle. And for a whole flower, 4 or 5 petals are needed. Do the same until you get the amount you need.

Glue the petals to the vase and plant a large rhinestone or bright button in the center, the flower is ready. Do not stop there, make a magnificent pattern consisting of several elements.

Now consider a multi-colored flower made of floss and spring threads. To do this, you need a thread of beautiful color, a long wire, a pen and a strass, or a bead, or a button for the center of the flower.

Wrap the wire around the handle about 6-7 cm., You will get a spring. Connect the edges to form a drop. Starting from the bottom, pass the thread from one edge of the spring to the opposite edge, rising to the top of the petal. Follow the same path of thread back to the base. The petal is ready. For a whole flower, they will need 4 or 5, at your discretion. Fasten the flower to the vase, glue the rhinestone or button or bead in the center.

Do-it-yourself floor vase: professional advice

• Choose environmentally friendly materials for the vase that will stand in the living room. Do not risk your health and put in the house materials that release toxic compounds into the air.

• Be patient, because to make a beautiful vase means to make a complex product. Before you get your final look, the vase goes through several stages: cleaning, decorating and, in some cases, painting.

• Choose the color scheme and material for decorating the vase that is completely suitable for the style of the room in which you plan to put the finished floor vase. Otherwise, a feeling of disappointment may arise, and all the work will go down the drain.


Watch the video: How to make flower vase from cardboard. DIY cardboard flower vase. DIY Home decor. artmypassion (June 2024).