What does the military dream about: a man in uniform, with shoulder straps? The main interpretation of what a military uniform is dreaming of


Everyone dreams of living in peacetime. Therefore, when you meet a military man on the street, you are discouraged, because peace and rest reigns around you. But the military can be seen not only in reality, but also in a dream. Why dream of a military uniform? It’s worth sorting out.

What the military dreams of - the main interpretation

The dreams in which you see the military should not frighten and alarm you, they often carry favorable symbols and signs, portents of favorable events. In order to understand what the military dreamed of, you should definitely remember the circumstances under which the meeting took place:

• You met a military man on the street;

• You met a military man at your doorstep;

• On the battlefield;

• You yourself were a military man;

• Some of your friends accompanied you to the meeting;

• Your friend was a military man.

It is also important to remember exactly how the meeting took place, and at which stop. If it was peaceful and there was a conversation between you and the military, try to remember all the details of the conversation and not to miss a word. Most likely, you will get practical advice in it that will help you to organize your whole life and the life of your loved ones. If you dream that you talked with a military man, and he didn’t answer you in any way, you will ask the wise person for protection and advice but you won’t get it because of the difference in views.

To meet a young girl on the street of a military man - to meet a man who can protect her. If this man can also convince her of her own virtues and beauty - she will stay with him forever. Because such dreams often say that the girl has a weak will and in order to confidently move forward, she needs support and a firm male shoulder.

If a married woman dreams of a meeting with a military man and even an affair with him, such a dream will mean that she will soon receive not just a gift of fate, but the opportunity to break off her boring relationship and change her partner. But do not rush to those women whose military passed them in a dream. Such a dream suggests that she should not change her husband for an unfamiliar gentleman.

If a man dreams of meeting a military man, in reality he will get the opportunity to receive the patronage of a rather famous and noble man. He will find those opportunities that will solve all his problems in business and in other areas of life. A new life will begin for a man. But on condition that he will fulfill all the guidelines and wishes of his new mentor.

If a man dreams that he shakes hands with the military, but does not know him in life - such a dream promises him new acquaintances in the financial sphere. If a man does business, he will receive new contracts and unlimited opportunities to develop his business.

If a man sees a prisoner of war in a dream, then soon he may have a marriage. If the girl is in her mind, then she will become a legitimate wife, but if she is not in her mind, he will quickly find a second half for himself and legitimize her marriage.

If a man dreams that he himself has become a prisoner of war - he needs to take a closer look at his beloved, perhaps she is holding him close to her by force and is not talking about any feelings. Most likely, this is a marriage of convenience, and the man feels it himself in reality, and a dream tells him again.

If a lonely man dreams that he has become a prisoner of war, he will meet a girl on his life journey who will take possession of not only his feelings, but also his thoughts and life. He is fully committed to relationships. If in a dream he manages to escape from captivity - the relationship will be short-lived. If he fails to escape, they will last quite a long time, but will not bring pleasure to the partners.

What military uniforms dream of - basic interpretation

The military uniform in the first place denotes the status of the one who wears it. If you have a dream in which you put on a military uniform and joyfully wear it - you will want to get someone else's status, which rightfully does not belong to you. It can be about both work and personal relationships.

So, you may wish to get someone else's position, and this dream will say that this is a very likely prospect, especially if the form fits perfectly on you. If you measure your military uniform, you will receive recognition in those areas in which you have distinguished yourself long ago. Also, your soulmate will appreciate you as you deserve, and you can enjoy an ideal relationship for a long time.

If your soulmate will try on a military uniform in your dream - temporarily it is better to give control of the situation in the family into his hands. It is also important to remember that many people forget about the needs of a partner and decide a lot for him. If you have a dream in which you are forced to put on a military uniform - it will mean that your partner will force you to certain actions.

It can be either a recognition of something, or the fulfillment of those duties that you have been trying to take off of yourself for a long time. If you dream that the man you love is putting on a uniform and is going to go to war, you should not panic and be so upset.

Such a dream foreshadows him only troubles in especially important issues, and you can help him solve these issues like no other. In order to simplify the relationship within the family during this period, just take his side and give him maximum support.

If you dream that you are buttoning a military jacket that is dressed on top of your usual clothes - you are in vain preparing for trouble and for the machinations of enemies. Most likely - you exaggerate the scale of the disaster for yourself and for others. You should seriously think about exactly how to get out of a difficult situation, if it exists, and not over who is to blame for it.

What does the military dream about in Freud’s dream book

In Freud’s dream book it is said that if a girl dreams about how she dances with a military man, in reality she will receive a sufficiently advantageous offer from a man that she cannot refuse. If a girl dreams that she is circling in a waltz among many military men, she will have a wide choice of gentlemen.

If a man dreams of a military man who speaks decently with his lover, he should not be nervous, most likely, such a dream speaks of far-fetched jealousy and that nothing threatens their relationship. He invents reasons for himself to be jealous.

If a man dreams that he has been looking for a long time among other women in military uniforms for his beloved, then it’s time for him to reconsider his life positions and choose for himself his wife who will become not only his mistress, but also his friend and ally.

Why does the military dream of other dream books

Why dream of a military uniform? In the dream book, Grishina says that she dreams of the personification of masculinity and honor of a man. If a woman dreams such a dream, she does her best to support her man and not deny him anything. She does everything absolutely right, one only has to believe more in his superiority over others.

But in the Great Dream Book it is said that to see a soldier in a dream is to disappointment and grief. If you dream of an officer, violence awaits you. If the general is patronage. If you dream that you yourself have become a military - a quarrel will occur between you and your soulmate.

If you see a large number of military men - such a dream bodes joy. If you dream of a military attack on you - you will get into a fight, but if you saw military exercises in a dream - your financial affairs will gain momentum.

Why dream of a military uniform? It all depends on who wears and wears it. If this is you personally - you should think about changing your status and the possibility of promotion. If you dream that one of your friends wears a military uniform, you can always rely on this person.

Sewing a military uniform is the beginning of an important matter that will lead you to victory in many other matters. You will prepare for an important and crucial stage in your life, and this preparation will be justified.

Whatever the dream is, you should interpret it in its entirety, then it will be possible to compose the most clear picture of future events and incidents. It is important to take into account the prompts of sleep, especially if the dream recurs. Sometimes people dream not only about the events of the future, but also about the past. They are also worth considering. Because many future events have their roots in the past and it is important to take into account all their nuances.


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