Why many can not lose weight after childbirth? We analyze errors.


Many young mothers are often worried about the appearance of excess weight.

They will feel a little sad and reassure themselves that being overweight after giving birth is normal. But for some reason we often see women with a child in their arms, who have a perfect order with a figure. They look so slender, as if they did not give birth at all. What is the reason?

Maybe they just have such a feature of metabolism? Ah no! It’s just that these mothers know about the most common mistakes of “their comrades in the rear”, as a result of which weight is gained very quickly.

First mistake. Many young mothers think that with the birth of a child a sedentary lifestyle is guaranteed. And with it, completely unnecessary kilograms. And if you look at the situation from the other side? Do numerous washings - ironing children's clothes, washing a child several times a day, periodically preparing fresh food for your beloved child make momma sit in one place and inevitably grow stout? What do you say to that?

Second mistake. Many mothers believe that the reason for breastfeeding requires eating often and in large quantities. This is not entirely true. Eat, of course, now have to two, but who said that it should be fatty and high-calorie foods? Is it possible, after eating the required daily amount of calories, to eat not cutlets and butter pancakes, but fruits and cereals? With this approach, you can eat and plenty, and do not gain pounds.

Third mistake. Due to the fact that the whole time is almost entirely devoted to the child, during the day there is simply not enough time to eat normally. And this moment of eating food usually moves far after midnight, for a future dream. Yes, such a thing happens quite often and carries with it the well-known half-consequences. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to carve out at least 20-30 minutes for a normal meal a day.

Fourth mistake. Having a baby is often accompanied by strict budget management. A menu usually consists of "food of the gods - food of students" - pasta and potatoes. Of course, this happens. But inexpensive and very useful cabbage, carrots, beets and apples have not been canceled yet.

Consider other people's mistakes and your former figure will return to you without much effort.


Watch the video: MY BIGGEST MISTAKE. Weight Loss Update (July 2024).