Genetic background of eczema discovered


Scientists from the University of Oregon announced an important find. The main genetic cause of atopic dermatitis, or atopic eczema, has been discovered. The disease is most common in infancy, but also plagues millions of people with dry, itchy, and inflamed skin lesions throughout their lives.

Pharmacists have discovered that the cause of eczema may be a malfunctioning Ctip2 gene, which ideally acts as a regulator of proteins and genetic functions. They identified two ways in which the malfunction of the Ctip2 gene leads to eczema.

Firstly, the biosynthesis of lipids is reduced in the skin, without which it cannot remain healthy, protect itself and perform its functions. Second, a malfunctioning Ctip2 gene suppresses TSLP, a cytokine protein produced by skin cells that can cause inflammation.

Individually or together, these problems lead to eczema.

The skin's ability to resist inflammation decreases, inflammation intensifies, and the main reason is that Ctip2 does not perform its functions.

Atopic dermatitis has always been associated with a poor immune response, but the cause has never been understood by researchers. Existing methods of treatment involve the use of moisturizing creams, in severe cases - strong steroid drugs. They help, but often cause serious side effects, worsening with prolonged use.

The results are expected to help develop new approaches to treating these despairing symptoms that are difficult to treat and cannot be completely cured.


Watch the video: Discovery Days 2017 - Prof Sara Brown - Eczema: Getting Under Your Skin (July 2024).