List of products that can significantly increase intelligence


In the course of experimental research, American scientists have compiled a list of products that can increase human intelligence.

Studies have shown that a number of products are able to activate a number of processes that occur in the brain, which allows a person to easily solve various intellectual problems.

The list is small - there are only four products, which, however, contain a huge amount of vitamins and minerals that help the formation of nerve cells and affect their activity.


  • Fresh sea fish. Enriched with omega-3 fatty acid, involved in the formation of the gray matter of the brain.
  • Milk and fermented milk products that help develop logical thinking and strengthen memory.
  • Beans containing a huge amount of protein, nutrients and vitamin B.
  • Tomatoes contained in which lycopene protects nerve cells by various damaging effects (by the way, scientists came to the surprising conclusion: heat treatment of tomatoes only increases significantly increases the amount of lycopene).


Watch the video: The Best Brain Foods That Helps Increase Your Memory! (June 2024).