Prayers to Peter and Fevronia to preserve the family


As human development progresses, people's priorities change. Now more and more put in the first place material well-being, creativity and career. However, the church teaches to follow the main principle: first of all love, strong family and children. It's hard to argue with him, because when the home and family thrive, the rest is applied by itself.

But sometimes to keep the family becomes difficult under the influence of life circumstances. Then the church recommends seeking help from the Lord. And in the matter of preserving the family, the prayers addressed to Saint Peter and Fevronia are most effective.

History of Saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom

Related: Prayer for the return of the beloved

Few people in our time do not know these names: Peter and Fevronya, princes of Murom. The Church respectfully honors them for the saints, because their history, beautiful and tragic, is immortalized in the annals as an amazing example of strong love and the Christian faith.

Peter, the younger brother of Prince Pavel of Murom, in his youth suffered from his own benefactors and a nagovor of ill-wishers. It so happened that Paul’s wife was overcome by a curse sent by the unknown: a serpent flew to her. As the legend about them says, yielding to the evil demonic spirit, the wife told Paul about it and, imbued with her fear, ordered her to find out how to kill the monster from the serpent. Having gained confidence in the snake, the princess learned that he would find his death from the shoulder of Petrov and the sword of Agrikov. Prince Peter, who was immediately told about this by Paul, immediately went to the temple and the Lord revealed to him the place where the magic sword was kept. Armed, Peter tracked down the snake and, after a long bloody battle, pierced him with a sword. However, before his death, the cunning demon managed to hit the winner with his poisonous blood. The prince was immediately covered with sores and scabs.

Peter's Appeal to the Lord

The prince’s illness was incurable, and Peter treated her with all humility, giving himself up to the Lord with thoughts and deeds. Seeing his true Christian attitude, the Lord penetrated to His slave and told him that the prince would find his cure in Ryazan.

One of the princely envoys, wandering around the land of Ryazan in search of a healer, entered one of the houses where Fevronia, a sweet and religious girl, lived alone. As the daughter of a woodcut, she was famous among the locals for her gift of insight and ability to heal with a touch. After hearing the envoy's request, she ordered him to bring the prince to her. "Humble and sincere in his words being healthy will become he" - were her parting words.

The prince, who did not go after the illness, was immediately taken to her house. Once at the gate, the prince sent to ask who this unknown healer was and promised a huge reward for his healing. Fevronia told him that she sincerely wanted to cure Peter, but did not require any reward from him, except for one. "Only by becoming his wife, can I heal him." Peter, surprised by these words, immediately agreed, but in his heart he was not sure that he could keep his word. The princely position and responsibility to his family was an insurmountable obstacle.

Treatment of wise Fevronia

Fevronia, as mentioned before, is a marvelously insightful maiden, pretending to believe the words of the prince, invited him into the house. Seeing her, the prince felt a great attraction and could not take his eyes off the Russian beauty. In the meantime, she scooped sourdough bread, whispered a prayer to her, blew and ordered the prince to wash in the bath, grease all the scabs with leaven, and leave one alone.

Surprised the second time the prince, nevertheless, executed the order. A wise woman knowingly prescribed such a strange treatment to him. Being blessed by God and having the wisdom of the holy fathers, she knew a lot about the treatment of ailments. Like the Lord, who healed the lepers and the sick, bodily healed the soul through illness, so she appointed healing for the body, aiming at healing the soul. Knowing that the Lord permits all sorts of illnesses to test the soul and atone for sins, she sent the prince to the bathhouse. For according to the Holy Scripture, it was the bath that had the image of baptism and the purification of sin (as stated in the Epistle of St. Paul to Ephesians 5:26). But the leaven of the Lord Himself was timed to resemble the Kingdom of Heaven, which inherits the souls made with the baptismal bath.

Knowing the cunning and disobedient pride of the prince, she commanded him to leave one of the scabs for good reason - thus he testified his sin. After the ritual Fevronia let the prince go and immediately he ran back to Murom. Soon, however, the disease resumed from the scab and he returned to the girl. This time, he firmly decided to keep his word and atone for his sin. Having recovered, the prince took Fevron in wives and took him to the city of Murom, where they began to live piously, according to the commandments of God.

Rise of the boyars against the unrecognized Princess Fevronia

Soon Paul rested peacefully and power fell on Peter’s shoulders. He was respected and honored by the boyars, but their wives disliked the healer, for she was a peasant, and it hurt because of their pride. The boyars began in every way to harass Fevronia, raising slander upon her, persuading her husbands, slandering to the prince about her fall. Fevronia was resistant to attacks, until, rebelling, the people did not offer her, taking anything, to leave Moore. The princess succumbed to their influence, but did not want to take anything but her husband. Inspired by the boyars, they immediately told the prince about this, in secret to the sword in its place. And Blessed Peter, seeing that the people rebelled in their sin, forgave them, voluntarily renounced everything and went into exile along with Fevronia.

While sailing along the river in two ships, Peter suddenly saw that a certain man, having looked at Fevronia, forgot about his own wife nearby. The prince wanted to be outraged, but the act of his princess surprised and delighted not only him, but all those present. Having guessed the man’s thought, the saint reproached him: “Scoop water first from one side, then from the other. Will water taste the same, or is it sweeter on the left? ”The same thing, the Murom man was embarrassed. “So is the feminine bosom equally,” smiled Fevronia. “What are you, forgetting about your wife, thirsting for someone else?” The accused immediately repented of his sin and knelt before the woman’s holiness.

Having landed on the shore, the princes settled for a night's sleep, and Petra overcame her sadness. Seeing the condition of the spouse, the wise wife comforted him: “Fully mourn, my prince, the Lord is merciful and will not leave us!”

Happy return

The next morning, Peter was awakened by the ambassadors of Murom, who begged the prince to return, because during his absence the boyars quarreled, quarreled and again sought peace. The blessed ones humbly followed the ambassadors and reigned in Murom again, reigning for many years wisely and mercifully.

In old age they accepted monasticism, taking the names of David and Euphrosyne, and publicly asked the Lord to allow them to rest at one time. They bequeathed themselves to bury them in a special coffin with a thin partition between them. The Lord heard their prayers and they died on the same day and hour in their cells. However, people considered that it was unholy to bury them in one coffin and violated their covenant. But twice their bodies, divorced in different temples, miraculously became again near. And the people, seeing the miracle, buried them in one coffin near the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Most Holy Mother of God. This place became a place of pilgrimage and power.

Memorial Day to blessed Peter and Fevronia is celebrated on June 25 / July 8.

Family prayer

If you ask any priest who most often pray for marriage, the priest will immediately answer: the princes of Murom. The prayer to Peter and Fevronia is indeed the most frequent after the prayers to the Lord God and the Mother of God. Her strength is supported by time, the faith of people and miracles known to history.

Prayer about love and marriage to Peter and Fevronia read on the image of the saints. You can read it with your spouse, holding hands.

“As the All-Merciful Lord bestowed upon you with his grace, the departed princes of Murom, so you, blissful, bestow upon the servants of God (your names) with your mercy and attention. We pray you for the holiness of your indulgent, guard our marriage and our love from the serpent of the ferocious, from the wrath of men Indicate the true path, save from misdeeds on the thorny path, protect your wing of love. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen. "

About conceiving a child

It is possible to pray to holy monks not only about love and the strength of marriage, but also about the birth of a new life in circumstances when this does not happen for a long time.

The prayer to Peter and Fevronia for the conception of a child reads:

“God-pleasers, pious princes Peter and Princess Fevronia, worship you, trusting in your favor, praying for the ascension of us, sinful servants of God (names of spouses), with your holy prayer to the Lord. We proclaim the faith of the right, the hope of the good, the true love, and intercede with our good works. Present before the Lord, pray for the blessing of the highest, for the blessed child, in the conceived faith. Give a blessed blessed life to the new, do not leave the child on the human path, keep your servants from heaven. We bow in that, in the name of Our Father, Amen. "

Appeal about love and marriage

Of course, the saints also help the virgins who seek their own happiness, but who have not found it. They help in cleansing the spirit and directing gaze to decent people, pointing out the right choice and blessing marriage in front of Heaven.

Peter and Fevronia's prayer for love is read on a candle lit before the image of the saints, while you should cover your head with a handkerchief:

“Saints and blessed Peter and Fevronia, great saints, patrons of marriage, love and strong union. Who, if not you, will be able to help the servant of God (name) in the plea to our Lord. Your life, filled with true love and faithfulness, blessed by the Most High Himself, ignites admiration in the hearts of people to this day. The protectors of the souls of the erring, the guardians of the hearts of those who seek comfort, peace and grace, respect the request of God's servants for faith, hope, love and piety. With your help, let the Most High hear my prayer and illuminate my life with good news, strengthen my love, and endow me with a strong and faithful marriage. True, sincere, infinite love, bright feelings I ask you, Saints, do not turn away from your slaves in a difficult hour. Be glorified, blissful, forever and ever, now and ever. Amen".

On the return of a loved one

Anything happens in life, marriages collapse and couples break away, not expecting life without each other. Sensing the futility of trying to survive the separation, many turn to St. Peter and Fevronia with a prayer for a second chance.

They are praying for the return of their loved one and help in strengthening the relationship with the following prayer:

“The Lord, who is looking from heaven, omniscient, all-knowing, will hear my prayer, but will not hear — send him my message, O saints Peter and Fevronia, the pious. News slave bastard (name) about my regret and low admiration. I pray for the remission of my sins and the correction of my mistakes, I ask Heaven for the return of my beloved with all my heart, God's servant (name). I ask, give me the last chance, give me strength in the name of the Holy Spirit, for life is not sweet to me without him. I promise to put all my strength at his feet, and to establish happiness in our love, to protect from troubles and to surround us with care in marriage. Do not retreat, saints, do not turn away, blissful, deign to the request of the humble servant of God. Amen!".

When is it better to read the prayers to Peter and Fevronia?

There is no set schedule for the prayers to be read by these saints. Heaven can hear us at any time of the day, on any day of the week, and on any day of the month. The strongest prayers to Peter and Fevronia for the preservation of the family on the day dedicated to their memory: June 25 and July 8, but on other days the saints are also supportive of those who pray. They should be read without dropping their hands, not once, but several, every day, until the wish comes true.

After the desired is achieved, the saints should be respected, carrying the flowers to their burial, or, if there is no such possibility, put a svyachyu in their name in the temple. You can put an icon with their image in the house and set a vase with fresh flowers next to it, changing them as needed.


Watch the video: St. Peter, the First Pope HD (July 2024).