Native Whitney Houston filming the new reality show Houstons: On Our Own.


On American television channels, a new reality show started, which immediately received a stunning success.

Not even a year has passed since the death of the legendary singer, and her family is already making a film about it. It’s hard not to wonder whether the relatives grieve as they say ...

The first series began to be shot three months after the death of Whitney Houston. In the first episode, the 19-year-old daughter of the singer, Bobby Christina Brown, first visited her mother’s grave, where, while drinking wine, she talked about her relationship with her brother Nick Gordon. Nick was Whitney's step-son.

ABC decided to sort out and question the sister of Whitney and her former manager, Pat Houston, what she thinks of this film.

Answering a question about such a hasty beginning of filming a reality show, Pat assured that the whole family is still grieving for her loss. And it doesn’t matter when it was worth starting the filming process - now or then - it hurts equally: "We really miss her."

Pat Houston plays an important role in the reality show. She took on the role of Bobby Christina's mother, teaching her that she should not spend so much time with Nick and that she should not drink. However, according to Pat, she was never just an aunt: "I was always with her."

Talking about the real relationship between brother and sister, Pat, of course, was disingenuous, hinting that we need to watch further series of reality shows.

Whitney's daughter, Bobby Christina Houston-Brown, also dreams of becoming a singer and actress, but, unfortunately, she did not inherit her mother’s voice. But, according to the aunt, the actress is just phenomenal. “I don’t want to rush her into this business. It will take her time to get to know herself.”


Watch the video: Whitney Houston's Brother Makes a Shocking Revelation. Oprah's Next Chapter. Oprah Winfrey Network (July 2024).