Stretch marks during pregnancy - how to prevent and how to deal with them?


Many pregnant women are faced with such a not very pleasant phenomenon, like stretch marks or striae. During the period of bearing a child, the female body undergoes a large number of changes.

At this time, the stomach not only enlarges, but the skin is stretched in different parts of the body, and the entire hormonal background is completely rebuilt. In the process of the appearance of stretch marks, a significant role is played by such a factor as heredity.

However, prevention of the appearance of striae is also necessary. These unaesthetic scars on the woman’s body after pregnancy remain for almost the entire life, they tan very poorly and resemble small scars in their appearance.

Creams for stretch marks during pregnancy

Today's pharmaceutical market is replete with various remedies for stretch marks; expectant mothers are offered special nourishing and moisturizing creams and lotions. All these funds must be started to be used long before the appearance of striae, they must be applied even during the first trimester of pregnancy, when there are no external signs of a change in the female figure. Regardless of the cost of the specified category of goods, before purchasing it, you need to carefully study the composition of the cream.

In order for the remedy for stretch marks to be the most effective, it must be made from natural ingredients to prevent any harmful substances from entering the baby's body. On a jar or tube must be present a note stating that this tool is approved for use during pregnancy. If such an inscription is missing, then you should not buy the indicated product.

To prevent the occurrence of stretch marks during pregnancy the cream will have to be used regularly, preferably at least twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. The product is applied to damp clean skin in problem areas: on the abdomen, chest, hips. Most of these creams contain unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, seaweed, wheat germ extracts and all kinds of oils. All these components are designed to increase the elasticity of the skin, as well as soften, nourish and moisturize it.

Depending on its purpose, all creams from stretch marks can be divided into several types. For example, in the area of ​​the abdomen and chest, various creams are used. Means used on the stomach should contain special herbal ingredients, natural oils and natural protein. Creams used on the chest are characterized by a high content of hypoallergenic components, since the skin in this place is the most sensitive and prone to rashes. Today, women have the opportunity to choose remedies for stretch marks that suit them. Such products are presented in a wide price range and are produced by a variety of companies.

Prevention of stretch marks during pregnancy

In addition, prenatal bandages and a special bra for pregnant women, which will hold the breast well, but do not squeeze it, can be excellent means for the prevention of stretch marks during pregnancy. A cold shower is also useful, during which it is necessary to do a firming circular massage that perfectly tones the skin. A good tool to improve skin firmness and elasticity is a superficial peeling, which is done with a massage mitten using an exfoliating cream.

To avoid stretch marks, you need to eat properly and balanced, include in your diet dishes from white meat of poultry, oily fish, as well as fresh vegetables and fruits. A good prevention of the appearance of striae will be the use of fresh juices rich in vitamin C, which contributes to the synthesis of collagen in the body. In addition, pregnant women need to limit the amount of sugar eaten, as it adversely affects the elasticity of the skin.

Getting rid of stretch marks during pregnancy

It is necessary to continue to struggle with the appearance of stretch marks after childbirth. If striae did appear, then you need to drink as much fluid as possible, and also use these creams daily so that the problem does not worsen!

Sometimes all the described means do not bring the desired effect, then you can resort to the help of modern cosmetology. Today, special vascular lasers are used to get rid of stretch marks, as well as a method such as masotherapy.

However, it is better not to delay the appeal to a cosmetologist, since in this way you can get rid of only young stretch marks. For later striae, microcurrent therapy or microdermabrasion are better suited. But more accurate information in each particular case can only be given by an experienced practicing cosmetologist.


Flower 03/25/2016
I believe that it is best during pregnancy to monitor your weight, not to gain a huge amount of extra pounds, then the likelihood of stretch marks will be reduced. Well, if you have a predisposition, then there's nothing to be done, then with creams you can fix the situation.

Larisabel 03/25/2016
I have two children, there were small stretch marks on my chest. I used essential oils, took a bath with them, and it helped very well. At first, all turned white, and eventually disappeared completely. Well, if there are strong stretch marks, then there is a laser at last.

Valentine 03/25/2016
Oh! Yes, it's all very individual! Someone smears all sorts of creams, and the shower takes a cold, but what's the point! Will give birth and one continuous stretch. And my mother, for example, didn’t use anything at all, she’s just a face cream, only at 55 she started to smear, so what ?! I gave birth to three, and not any stretch marks.

Mandarin duck 03/25/2016
I didn’t have any stretch marks with my first pregnancy. You need to keep yourself in shape, eat less, do exercises, etc. and then nothing will be stretched. This depends on the elasticity of the skin, if it is flabby, then there will be stretch marks, and getting rid of them is not easy.

Angelina 03/25/2016
I wore a bandage during pregnancy and I have practically no stretch marks. And the roommate (now a friend) was all stretched out. But the creams helped her, all the stretch marks were not quite straight yet, but they became less noticeable.


Watch the video: How To Prevent Stretch Marks During Pregnancy (June 2024).