Umbilical hernia in men: causes, symptoms, possible complications. Methods for the treatment of umbilical hernia in men


An umbilical hernia is a pathology in which there is a strong protrusion of the peritoneum through the umbilical ring of a person.

This disease, according to statistics, is observed in 6% of all representatives of the stronger sex.

Consider in more detail the symptoms of umbilical hernia in men and ways to eliminate this ailment.

Umbilical hernia in men: causes

The following reasons can provoke the appearance of umbilical hernia in men:

1. Congenital defect of the umbilical ring, which is accompanied by its expansion. It does not heal completely, so a small hole remains in it. In childhood, this anomaly may not manifest itself in any way, but in adulthood, when a person gains excess weight, the disease may become more visible.

2. Excessive exercise. It is especially harmful to lift weights, since this provokes an increase in intra-abdominal pressure, which in turn gives an impetus to the development of umbilical hernia.

3. Obesity (subcutaneous fat layer gives an additional burden on the body, in particular, on the abdominal cavity). With excess weight, the abdominal wall is also greatly stretched, which affects the formation of an umbilical hernia.

4. An insufficiently active lifestyle leads to weakening of the abdominals. This is not the direct cause of the disease, but in this condition, the person becomes more prone to hernia.

5. Recently undergone abdominal surgery. In this case, a hernia usually occurs in the area of ​​postoperative scarring. It is provoked by the patient’s non-compliance with medical recommendations and early physical activity (even before the wound is completely healed).

6. Recently suffered blunt abdominal trauma. This can happen with a fall, a direct hit in the stomach or a car accident.

7. Diseases that can cause a constant increase in intra-abdominal pressure.

8. Too fast weight loss. This can happen when a person is sick or follows a strict diet, which is why exhaustion develops in his body. This leads to a weakening of the umbilical ring and the creation of favorable conditions for the formation of a hernia.

Umbilical hernia in adults: symptoms and signs

The course of an umbilical hernia largely depends on the weight of the person, the pinched organ and the total duration of the disease. Sometimes it may not be felt at all for several years (if the hernia does not change in size).

For this reason, far from all people rush to the doctor if they suspect a hernia, which is a huge mistake, because at the first "opportunity" the disease can cause a lot of dangerous complications.

The following features of the course of umbilical hernia in men are distinguished:

1. First, a slight protrusion is observed in the patient's navel. At the same time, the person himself does not feel any pain or discomfort. In this case, the hernia may not be felt at all and can be adjusted independently without medical assistance.

2. Over time, adhesions form in the hernia area. This is a long process that can drag on for years. The result of the appearance of adhesions is that a person will no longer be able to independently adjust the hernia.

3. After this, a pain syndrome appears. At first, it occurs only with severe exertion, coughing, constipation and sneezing, but then it can disturb a person even when walking.

4. In more advanced conditions of the disease, the patient may experience frequent nausea, belching, loss of appetite, vomiting, impaired stool and urination. These symptoms will also largely depend on the specific organ or part of the digestive tract that has fallen into the hernial sac.

5. Ultimately, the umbilical hernia is greatly increased in size. It is difficult for a person in this state to bend down and even sit. The resulting "puck" literally prevents normal movement. In this condition, the patient needs to see a doctor as soon as possible.

Umbilical hernia in men: treatment features

Traditional therapy for the treatment of hernia in men involves the following:

1. Total removal of umbilical hernia is used in the advanced state of the disease (observed in more than 60% of all cases). During this operation, the navel is removed to the patient along with the hernia. Unfortunately, such a procedure does not give an absolute guarantee that the hernia does not form again. Another disadvantage of this method is long-term rehabilitation - more than a year.

2. The second method of treating umbilical hernia is an operation called hernioplasty. It provides for the installation of special implants under the umbilical ring of a person after removal of a hernia. Thanks to this implant, it is possible to significantly reduce the risk of re-formation of a hernia.

Hernioplasty has been widely practiced by doctors recently, since it is quite effective and has a quick rehabilitation period. Moreover, now there is also one of the types of hernioplasty, which provides for minimal skin damage.

Unfortunately, such an operation cannot be performed for all needy patients. Perform it is contraindicated in such cases:

• in case of blood coagulation;

• with weakened immunity;

• during the course of acute infectious or respiratory diseases;

• in the presence of additional severe chronic diseases.

Also, during therapy, the patient must adhere to such medical recommendations:

1. Refuse the use of alcoholic beverages.

2. Avoid stress and nervous strain.

3. Completely reduce any physical activity, as well as inclines.

4. Avoid eating foods that can increase gas formation and make stool difficult. These include sweet sodas, white bread, preserves, salted fish, smoked meats, pastries and potatoes. The ration with an umbilical hernia should be as soft as possible. In this condition, a person is recommended to use cereals, vegetable soups, fruit purees and casseroles. It is also allowed to eat dairy products, jelly and drink decoctions of dried fruits.

5. With a strong protrusion of the hernia, sometimes patients are shown wearing special supportive bandages. Also, their use is useful after an operation to remove a hernia. You need to wear them constantly, taking off only at night.

Umbilical hernia in adults: treatment, complications, prevention

In the absence of timely treatment, umbilical hernia in men can cause the following complications:

1. Infringement or squeezing of the hernial sac. This will lead to the death of the organs that are located in this bag. Moreover, in this condition, a person will suffer from acute pain and may even receive pain shock (due to pinching of nerves and blood vessels).

2. With severe infringement of the patient, nausea, vomiting, constipation can torment. In more severe cases, internal bleeding may develop. In this condition, the patient will need urgent surgical treatment.

3. If untreated, an infection may join an inflamed organ that is in the umbilical loop. This, in turn, can lead to fever, purulent discharge and severe pain.

4. If the patient begins tissue necrosis, then he will gradually develop peritonitis or, as it is also called, inflammation of the abdominal cavity. This is a very serious disease that puts the patient's life at risk.

5. Intestinal obstruction is accompanied by the fact that the feces that are in the strangulated intestine will not be able to move further.

6. Inflammation of the organ that is in the hernia. In this case, the location of the hernia can hurt, swell, blush. The patient may also increase body temperature and the general condition worsens.

To reduce the risk of umbilical hernia, it is important for men to adhere to the following recommendations:

1. Be sure to train the abdominal muscles. To do this, it is useful to download the press, do swimming, fitness or any other sport.

2. Avoid excessive physical exertion, in particular, weight lifting.

3. Control your weight and prevent obesity. For this, it is worth eating right. The diet should be rich in vegetables and fruits, dairy products and cereals. From animal fats, alcohol, sausages and flour will have to refuse or minimize the consumption of such products.

4. If you want to lose weight, you should not prescribe yourself a diet. It is best to contact an experienced gastroenterologist or nutritionist who can correctly choose the diet for each person individually.

5. After the operation, physical activity should be avoided until the wounds heal completely.


Watch the video: Abdominal Wall Hernias (July 2024).