November 20: what are the holidays, events, name days, birthdays today


Following the adoption of the 1954 resolution, the UN General Assembly strongly recommended that all countries introduce International Children's Day and devote it to the maximum in its efforts to improve the quality of life of all the little inhabitants of the planet and ensure a happy childhood. The date of November 20 was not chosen by chance. It turns out that it was on this day in 1959 that the UN General Assembly adopted the Declaration on the Rights of the Child. Various children's funds, including the UN organization, direct extensive activities and develop special programs to improve children's health - from the moment of conception to adolescence.

The holiday was introduced by the UN General Assembly. As you know, Africa is one of the richest continents in terms of economic resources, but the level of industrial development in its countries leaves much to be desired. The purpose of the annual event is to support the industrialization of Africa. Today, many African countries are making a positive shift in improving their socioeconomic status, but much work remains to be done.

Zula Khural is a traditional annual festival of Buddhists. In Buddhist temples on this day, prayers are held dedicated to the memory of Bogdo Zonhava, who is revered on a par with Buddha, since he is the patron of one of the main Buddhist schools. On November 20, believers bring hundreds of offerings to the great Teacher in datsans. Be sure to bring oil for the lamps. In honor of Zul Khural in the Buryat Ivolginsky datsan (temple), believers have access to the relics of Dasha-Dorzho Itigilov. His body was found in 2002 in a lifeless state, but it categorically does not lend itself to decay. Many believe that Itigilov is still in meditation.

The annually celebrated holiday is timed to the day of memory of the 1910 revolution that took place on November 20. On this day, an armed uprising was made by Francisco Medero, who was trying to break the Dias regime. The beginning of the 20th century was a real test for Mexicans - many peasants lived in complete poverty. Discontent in the country grew and soon resulted in a series of harsh strikes. Porfirio Dios - the ruling country at that time - was forced to hold presidential elections under public pressure, but, having nominated Francisco as a candidate, he unexpectedly ordered him imprisoned. When Madero was released, he continued to fight the dictatorship of Diaz, and in 1911 the ruler was forcibly dismissed.

The “Baby Recovery” - the icon of the Mother of God - appeared on November 20, 1795, a few miles from Moscow, the Nikolo-Ugreshsky Monastery, founded by Dmitry Donskoy in honor of the victory at the Battle of Kulikovo. According to legend, during the battle it was in this place that the miraculous appearance of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker took place. On the icon "Recovering the Baby" the Virgin and little Christ are depicted. Mother gently hugs her son, and he warmly presses his left hand to her cheek. On the back of the face there is an inscription with a prayer. The icon is considered a miraculous shrine: thousands of pilgrims are drawn to it every year - childless couples, pregnant women and mothers of seriously ill children come to pray and ask the Virgin for mercy and creation of a miracle.

Fedotov day - Fedot-freeze-up

Saint Fedot lived in the third century; this is one of thirty Christians who suffered in Meletia for faith. He and the others were called to renounce God, but the faithful remained strong in their faith, for which they were beheaded publicly. The saint in Russia was ranked among the patrons of female needlework, so the girls asked him for help in work before work. Our ancestors noticed that from the day Fedot rivers begin to become covered with ice: “Fedot leads ice,” people said.

The amount of future harvest was judged by the fallen snow and ice. If the rivers in Fedotov were covered with ice for a day, and the roads were covered with snow, then next summer will be warm and fruitful. In this case, people bowed to the saint and asked him to soften the winter frosts. And the girls could tell fortunes by the ice-hole, having called with the help of a rite of water spirit, and ask about their future. After the answer was received, they always said: “This place is bad”, otherwise the spirit could drag the fortuneteller into cold water.

Representatives of the following names will be able to celebrate Angel Day on November 20: Alexei, Alexander, Athanasius, Valery, Valeria, Bogdan, Alexandra, Gregory, Benjamin, Eugene (s), Elizabeth, Cyril, Hilarion, Mikhail, Fedot and Fedor.

November 20, 1820 - the ship "Essex" was rammed by a huge whale

The whaling accident occurred in the Pacific Ocean. A year and a half before the accident, a sailing vessel with a displacement of about 240 tons went into fishing from one of the Massachusetts ports. The ship’s crew beat the whales until one of the gigantic animals, driven into a “corner”, put an end to this by ramming the vessel in several places. People on boats reached the uninhabited island, where within three months almost all died. The case saved only two when another whaling ship sailed around them. Returning home, one of the sailors wrote a travel report, and a few years later an unusual event formed the basis of the novel “Moby Dick” by G. Melville.

November 20, 1945 - The trial of war criminals of the Third Reich begins

The event went down in history as the Nuremberg trials that took place at the Nuremberg International Military Tribunal and represented the trial of a group of Nazi criminals. The complex process lasted about a year, the highest military and government officials of fascist Germany were tried: Goering, Ribbentrop, Hess, Rosenberg, Bormann and many others. During the Nuremberg trials, more than four hundred meetings were held, and indicative and documentary evidence were examined. On October 1, 1946, the defendants received a harsh sentence: the death penalty or life imprisonment.

November 20, 1990 - Andrey Chikatilo is arrested

"In the process of carrying out operational-search measures," police officers managed to detain a serial maniac, the mention of which begins to freeze in his veins. As a result of court proceedings, Chikatilo was found guilty and sentenced to death. In 1994, the sentence was carried out.

November 20, 2004 - launch of the Swift orbital observatory

Swift (Swift) is developed thanks to joint cooperation of the USA, England and Italy. The observatory is designed to observe cosmic gamma-ray bursts (energy emission). Its launch was carried out on November 20, 2004 using a special launch vehicle. On board the observatory is a powerful X-ray telescope that detects bursts in the X-ray range.

Briefly about other events of November 20:

November 20, 1979 - For the first time in the history of medicine, artificial blood was poured into a patient.

November 20, 1985 - Microsoft Windows version 1.0 release.

November 20, 2003 - in the center of Istanbul there was a terrorist attack, the second in a month in November. The first occurred on the 15th, as a result, about 400 people were injured (25 were killed). On November 20, new explosions thundered in the center; as a result, about 500 people were injured, 28 of them died.

November 20, 2009 - Priest Daniil Sysoev was killed in his own church. According to the main version, the priest was killed on religious grounds by representatives of an extremist group.

- Otto von Guericke (1602-1686) - an outstanding physicist, philosopher and engineer. The scientist made many discoveries: he proved the presence of atmospheric pressure, was able to "weigh" the air, studied density and elasticity, and also invented an air pump.

- Aza Likhitchenko (1937) - TV presenter and People's Artist of the RSFSR. Since childhood, she dreamed of comprehending the acting profession, but she became the TV presenter of the Vremya information program. Aza read the news competently and vividly, for which she immediately won the love of the audience.

- Patriarch Kirill (Vladimir Gundyaev in the world, born in 1946) - at 23, Vladimir took tonsure and was named Cyril. A few days later he was ordained a hierodeacon, and a few months later - in a hieromonk. In 2009 he was elected Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church.

- Edwin Hubble (1889-1953) - the famous American astronomer who was able to prove that all galaxies are composed of stellar systems. The largest space telescope launched and fixed in the orbit of the Earth in 1990 was named in his honor.

- Mikhail Ulyanov (1927-2007) - actor, director, People's Artist of the USSR. The role of Ulyanov included several created images. He successfully combined work in film, theater, television and radio, in 1973 he made his debut as a director of the theater play "The Situation". In addition, for his rich acting life, Mikhail wrote several books about his own thoughts and feelings.

- Alexey Batalov (1928) - Soviet actor, screenwriter, director, People's Artist of the USSR and public figure.

- MAyia Plisetskaya (1925) - famous Soviet ballerina. Maya was brought up by foster parents who possessed a creative streak. Thanks to them, Plisetskaya became who she is now, and also gained love from the audience and popularity.


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