Actress Jennifer Anniston announces her wedding


Having survived the divorce from Brad Pitt, the actress Jennifer Aniston found her happiness: her wedding should soon take place with 41-year-old actor Justin Theroux, who is two years younger than her chosen one. The couple was silent about the upcoming event, and the actress carefully concealed the engagement ring from journalists.

In August of this year, on the 41st birthday of Justin Theroux, he was engaged to Jennifer. According to rumors, their wedding will be held in New Mexico, where the couple recently captured the paparazzi. The ring finger of the actress's left hand was decorated with a huge 8-carat emerald-cut diamond. Previously, she did not show the decoration to the public, removing or turning it stone down at photo shoots.

According to a jewelry specialist, the price of an 8-carat diamond can be much more expensive than the cost of eight similar stones for one carat. Emerald cut of such a stone requires high skill of the cutter and great accuracy. Errors in its processing can reveal all the shortcomings of the stone.

Fans of Jennifer Aniston can be sure that the wedding dress of their idol will be no worse. Victoria Beckham herself will sew the outfit for Aniston, whose work is famous for the purity of lines, grace and severity of images.

Jennifer, while continuing to prepare for the wedding with Justin Theroux, even found a suitable place for this event. They will be the estate of Julia Roberts in New Mexico. This house Aniston showed Emma Roberts, niece of Julia Roberts (at the moment they work on the same set). The bride really liked the house, and therefore Jennifer chose him.

The lovers decided to arrange a closed wedding ceremony, which is planned to invite about 100 guests. Other details of this event are carefully hidden from the media.

Recall that Jennifer and Justin met on the set of “Passion for a Change of Place”. Earlier, Theroux had a long time dating actress Heidi Beavens.


Watch the video: Jennifer Aniston's ex husbands and ex boyfriends (June 2024).