October 16: what are the holidays, events, name days, birthdays today


This holiday began to be celebrated in America at the initiative of the Secretary of the State Farm Insurance Company Patricia Haroskey, who proposed to thank her boss for honesty and kindness. Many countries supported this initiative almost instantly, and today this holiday is official in the UK, South Africa and Australia. A leader is a profession, but a chef is, first of all, a person. Expression of gratitude, presenting a gift and giving greeting cards is accompanied by smiles, flowers and souvenirs.

This relatively new field of medicine dates back to October 16, 1846, when the first doctor, Thomas Morton, underwent surgery under ether anesthesia. Patients requiring the intervention of a surgeon were given the opportunity to anesthetize. In the 20-21 centuries, with the help of anesthesia, psychiatric diseases, for example, schizophrenia, were also treated. Artificially reducing sensitivity to its complete loss is used in surgical operations with the goal of pain relief. There is local, general and spinal anesthesia.

World Food Day has been celebrated worldwide since 1979. On this day, much attention is paid to the discussion of the global problem of mankind - the provision of foodstuffs to the extent necessary to eliminate hunger on earth. As far back as 1945, the Food and Agriculture Organization was formed, the main purpose of which was to create a powerful structure capable of feeding humanity. The plight of Third World countries is discussed at congresses and conferences. Hunger and malnutrition can undermine the gene pool of entire countries and even continents. In 2000, the goal was set - "The Third Millennium Free from Hunger."

These are the days of the divine mother in Vedic culture. It begins on the first day of the lunar month and lasts for 9 days. At this time, the goddess Davy, who is also considered the Divine Mother, is worshiped (Mother of the whole universe, all people are considered her children). During this holiday, people try to remove greed, hatred, anger, lust, pride, jealousy from their hearts and cleanse their hearts. Durga is constantly fighting evil, this is the Goddess-Warrior. Her creative aspect is the goddess Lakshmi with a lotus in her hands, the embodiment of softness and harmony. Thus, Durga cleanses the heart and mind, and Lakshmi fills it with light and heals wounds.

In Arabic, Ilm means "knowledge," and is revered as the most important treasure in life. God pours the light of knowledge on everyone whom he chooses. If knowledge is coupled with love for God, then it multiplies; without love, knowledge can lead to madness. Science is like a tree - it bears fruit, fertilized with love for God, but becomes dead wood for fire otherwise.

Memorial Day of St. Denis the Winter

Dionysius the Areopagite lived in in the 1st century in Greek Athens. According to legend, he was a disciple of Paul and the first bishop of Athens. He preached Christianity in Gaul and published several works, which since the 5th century are known as Archaeopagitics. On Denis, people should be wary of the appearance of diseases, as well as fever and the evil eye. It is believed that the fever is caused by spirits that go to the earth and, tormented themselves, penetrate people to torment them. A way to protect against evil spirits is aspen bark and aspen logs to protect the house. If the head hurt, they fit their heads on a log, with diseases of the legs, aspen was applied to the legs. They were protected and cured of the evil eye by means of garlic, onion, salt and radish. On this day, conspiracies from the evil eye are pronounced and shunned by people with the "evil eye."

On October 16, 1946, the verdict on the execution of Nazi criminals in the Nuremberg trial took place

More than 12 million people were killed on the account by order of only a handful of Nazis. The villainous calculations clothed in orders and instructions for the mass destruction of people in gas chambers, through monstrous experiments using chemical and bacteriological weapons. The plans to kill another 30 million people were prevented by the defeat of the Germans in the Great Patriotic War. The Nuremberg trials in 1945-46 completed the complete defeat of Nazism. Hitler, Himmler, Goebbels, Goering, a fighter with the German trade unions Lei committed suicide. The remaining criminals appeared in retaliation in Nuremberg and were executed. Joachim von Ribbentrop, Ernst Kaltenbrunner, Alfred Rosenberg, Johan Gustav Keitel, Hans Frank and other political figures of the Third Reich were executed by hanging.

October 16, 1964 - the first atomic bomb test passes in China

China has announced to the world that it has become a nuclear power. On this day, a nuclear bomb was tested in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. In 1996, China signed the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, and up to that date 45 tests had been carried out, some of which were conducted in the atmosphere and the other part underground. Initially, the nuclear stuffing was Uranus. Plutonium began to be used after 7 tests. In 1955, the Ministry of Nuclear Weapons was established in China, some tests and studies were carried out jointly with the USSR. The deteriorating relations between the two states entailed the refusal to provide China with weapons from the USSR. The last atmospheric nuclear test was conducted in China in 1980.

October 16, 1978, the election of Pope John Paul II

At that time, Pole Karol Wojtyla was 58 years old, and since 1946 he was a priest, archbishop of Krakow, a cardinal. In his youth, Karol Wojtyla was an artist, poet and athlete. John Paul II became the real champion for all 2000 years of the Catholic Church. In addition to being the first non-Italian in 455 years, he was the victim of the largest number of assassination attempts. John Paul II became the second pontiff in history by the duration of his reign. After his death, Pope became a German by birth Joseph Ratzinger, who was given the name Benedict XVI.

On October 16, 1847, Charlotte Bronte’s novel "Jane Air" was published

The novel of the English writer was largely autobiographical and said a new word in English literature. The fate of the poor girl, alone leading the struggle for existence and happiness, does not leave indifferent modern readers. Women's equality and today causes a passion. The style of the work is close to the novel of the writer Georges Sand "Consuello".

October 16, 1854 - Oscar Wilde, poet, writer, playwright. The most famous work is "Portrait of Dorian Gray", which received stunning success right after publication. There are curious facts in Oscar Wilde’s biography - for example, he served time on charges of homosexuality. Perhaps, in this way, the father of his friend Alfred Douglas avenged him. The result was the writing of the "Ballad of Reading Prison." He was the most witty man in Britain, his compatriots put him in first place, above Shakespeare and Churchill.

October 16, 1947 - Ivan Dykhovichny, Russian director, author and host of the television program "Trick 22" on NTV. He directed the documentaries "Female Role", "Music for December."

October 16, 1962 - Dmitry Hvorostovsky, the famous Russian tenor, winner of numerous awards and competitions, winner of festivals. At the BBC International Singer of the World contest, he not only became a winner, but also won the title “Best Voice”. His performance of the central parts in the operas The Queen of Spades, The Tsar’s Bride, Puritans, Eugene Onegin, La Traviata, Rural Honor, Pagliacci, Rigoletto, The Wedding of Figaro, The Barber of Seville "," Love Drink "," Favorite "," Don Juan "," Faust "attracts thousands of viewers from all over the world.

October 16, 1708 - Albrecht Galler, physiologist, nerd, doctor, anatomist. His extensive biography and anatomical studies have not lost their relevance in our time.

October 16, 1863 - Joseph Austin Chamberlain,
British politician, Nobel Peace Prize laureate. In 1927, he warned the Soviet government in his Note accusing anti-British propaganda. The Soviet propaganda company Our Response to Chamberlain in response led to the severance of trade and political relations between the countries. In addition, Chamberlain warned the Soviet government about the threat from Nazi Germany back in 1931, but his opinion was not taken into account.

October 16, 1922 - Nico (Krista Peffgen), famous singer of the first half of the 20th century from Germany, actress and model.

October 16, 1968 - Ilya Lagutenko, singer and musician who created the group Mumiy Troll, participant in the 2001 Eurovision Song Contest.

October 16, 1961 - Dmitry Havtan, composer, musician and founder of the Bravo band.

On this day, the owners of such names celebrate name day: Denis, Ivan, Pavel, Peter.


Watch the video: Amazing Calendar Trick (July 2024).