Corn in milk is a delicate cereal with a creamy taste. Several ways to cook corn with milk and butter


Corn is not only famous for its unique taste, it is also very useful.

It contains amino acids and trace elements necessary for our body.

Therefore, it must be present in the diet of every person.

How to cook corn with milk and butter - the basic principles of cooking

To make the dish delicious, you need to pay special attention to the choice of product. Corn is divided into feed varieties and food. Fodder is denser and practically not sweet. For cooking, it is better to take sweet corn with juicy and tender grains. It is also worth paying attention to the degree of maturity of corn. Grains should be soft lemon color and smooth.

You can cook corn with milk and butter both on the cob and by cutting grain from them. If the corn is not dairy, it can be pre-boiled in water.

The leaves are removed from the ears, washed and the grain is cut with a sharp knife. Put them in boiling milk and cook for ten minutes. Then add a piece of butter and continue cooking for another 20 minutes over moderate heat.

To cook whole ears, they are peeled from the leaves, washed and laid in milk. Cover and cook for 20 minutes over moderate heat. Then the cobs are rubbed with butter and salted.

You can add cream or alcohol to milk. Now you know how to cook corn with milk and butter. In addition, it is used for the preparation of first and second courses, as well as salads.

Recipe 1. Corn in milk. Method 1


  • two liters milk;

  • sea ​​salt;

  • butter;

  • six heads of corn.

Cooking method

1. Free the heads of young corn from the upper leaves and rinse well. Trim the ends.

2. Place the corn in a saucepan with milk, cover and cook over low heat for 20 minutes until the grains are soft.

3. Rub the finished corn with ghee and sea salt. Serve by cooling slightly.

Recipe 2. Corn in milk. Method 2


  • young corn;

  • coarse salt;

  • boiled water;

  • butter - a quarter of a pack;

  • a glass of pasteurized milk.

Cooking method

1. Rinse the ears of corn, trim the edges and cut in half. Place in a pan and fill with water. Put on fire.

2. Once the contents are boiling, pour in the milk and add the butter. Cook for a quarter of an hour.

3. Remove the prepared corn, cool slightly and rub with salt.

Recipe 3. Corn in milk. Method 3


  • dry milk mixture;

  • butter;

  • heads of young corn;

  • coarse salt.

Cooking method

1. We clean the corn, wash it under the tap and put it in a pan. Fill the corn with water so that it completely covers it. Add milk powder, at the rate of a teaspoon per liter.

2. When the contents of the pan begin to boil, cover with a lid, twist the fire and cook for two hours. If the corn is ripe milk, we halve the cooking time. Sprinkle the finished corn with salt and grease with ghee.

Recipe 4. Corn in milk with cream and dry wine


  • pasteurized milk - 125 ml;

  • cream - 60 ml;

  • flour - 30 g;

  • butter - 50 ml;

  • dry white wine - 125 ml.

cooking method

1. Combine pasteurized milk with cream, mix and put on fire.

2. Ears of corn are cleaned, washed and boiled until cooked. Then with a sharp knife we ​​cut grain from the ears.

3. We transfer the corn grains into a boiling cream-milk mixture and cook for ten minutes.

4. Add ghee mixed with flour, mix well and cook, stirring, for the same amount of time.

5. Pour dry white wine and cook for ten minutes, until the alcohol evaporates. At the end, season with freshly ground pepper and salt.

Recipe 5. Cream soup with corn in milk


  • 12 ears of young corn;

  • freshly ground pepper;

  • a quarter packet of butter;

  • a bunch of fresh herbs;

  • half a liter of drinking water;

  • salt;

  • a glass of cream.

Cooking method

1. We clean the cobs, wash them and dry them. Cut the grain with a sharp knife and cook in milk using any of the above methods.

2. Spread the grains in a deep pan, leaving a little to serve, and add the butter. We put on the slowest fire. Salt and slightly pepper. We simmer for a couple of minutes, after which we pour boiled water. Stirring continuously, cook for seven minutes over moderate heat.

3. Add cream and a small amount of flour. Mix thoroughly with a whisk.

4. Pour the soup into a blender bowl and beat until smooth. Pour the mixture into a saucepan and set on fire. Bring to a boil and remove from heat. We lay out on plates and serve, putting in each plate left whole grains of corn.

Recipe 6. Risotto with corn in milk


  • coarse salt;

  • Arborio rice - 375 g;

  • a few feathers of green onions;

  • purified water - 1.5 l;

  • a piece of butter;

  • vegetable bouillon cubes - two pcs.;

  • 250 g of grated Parmesan;

  • dry white wine - 125 ml;

  • two small onions;

  • three ears of corn.

Cooking method

1. Boil the corn cobs in milk until cooked, then cool.

2. Place two pots on the stove. Pour water into a large one and dilute the bouillon cubes in it. Add the peeled onion head. Simmer the broth.

3. In a second saucepan, melt the butter and fry the finely chopped onion in it until transparent. Rinse the rice in several waters until it becomes transparent. Put the rice in a saucepan with the fried onions and fry, stirring, for a couple of minutes until it becomes transparent. Pour in the wine and continue cooking until the alcohol has evaporated.

4. Pour rice into the broth and continue cooking, stirring constantly, until all the liquid has absorbed into the cereal.

5. Cut the corn from the ears of corn and add them to the rice. Stir and cook for another five minutes. Now put in a risotto a portion of grated Parmesan and mix. Arrange on plates, sprinkle with cheese and finely chopped green onions and dill.

Recipe 7. Cauliflower with corn in milk


  • two ears of young corn;

  • vegetable oil;

  • 300 g of cauliflower;

  • two cloves of garlic;

  • four tomatoes;

  • carrot;

  • bulb.

Cooking method

1. Corn cobs clean, wash and boil until soft in milk. Then remove from the pan, cool and cut the grain with a sharp knife on a plate.

2. Rinse tomatoes, wipe and cut into large slices. Peel and grate the carrots. Chop the onion finely. Heat the vegetable oil and fry the onion in it until transparent, add the grated carrots and chopped tomatoes. Simmer over moderate heat until the carrots are tender.

3. Put the cauliflower disassembled into inflorescences in boiling water. Cook just a couple of minutes. Throw it in a colander and add it to the pan with vegetables. Squeeze the garlic, add the corn and parsley. Season with spices and cook for about ten minutes. Serve with boiled rice.

Recipe 8. Fried with smoked sausage and corn in milk


  • 120 g chicken smoked sausage;

  • olive oil;

  • three heads of corn;

  • 60 g of fresh green cilantro;

  • egg;

  • ground red pepper;

  • four egg whites;

  • 60 g cheddar cheese.

Cooking method

1. Heat the pan over medium heat. Lubricate it with oil. We clean the sausage from the skin and cut into bars. Fry, stirring, for about four minutes, until the sausage is covered with a delicious crust.

2. Boil corn on the cob in milk. Then we take it out and cool it. Cut the grain with a sharp knife and pour them into the pan. Season with ground red pepper and mix. We twist the fire to moderate.

3. Combine the proteins with a whole egg and beat with a fork. Fill the contents of the pan with an egg mixture, cover with a lid and cook for about eight minutes.

4. Remove the pan from the heat. Sprinkle omelet with grated cheese and chopped cilantro. Cover again and leave for a couple of minutes. Cut the frit to portioned portions and serve hot.

Recipe 9. Sautéed zucchini and corn in milk


  • a quarter packet of butter;

  • lime juice;

  • 220 g leek;

  • basil leaves;

  • coarse salt;

  • 60 ml of heavy cream;

  • ground black pepper;

  • two heads of corn;

  • small zucchini.

Cooking method

1. Rinse the leek, dry and finely chop. Fry it in a large frying pan in ghee. Salt and cook, stirring constantly, for a couple of minutes.

2. The corn boiled in milk is cooled and cut with a sharp knife of grain. Wash the zucchini under the tap and cut it into cubes.

3. Add zucchini and corn to the pan. Cook for two minutes, stirring, and pour in the cream. Add chopped basil. Pepper and salt. Add lime juice. Cooking another five minutes. Serve warm sauté, garnishing with basil leaves.

How to cook corn with milk and butter - tips and tricks

  • To make corn in milk, take small ears of corn.

  • Grains should have a light yellow color and fit snugly against each other.

  • Cook the corn in a thick-walled, wide-bottomed bowl. It is in such dishes that it will warm up evenly, which will have a positive effect on the taste of the dish.

  • You can cover the bottom of the pan with clean corn leaves.

  • Leave the cobs for half an hour in milk after finishing cooking.


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