Gossip Girl Blair - Leighton Mister on the cover of Cosmopolitan UK


Leighton Mister, who became mega-popular after the role of Blair Waldorf in the television series "Gossip Girl", does not like to appear on media tabloids. The actress prefers to lead a life without scandals. And to please her fans, she starred in a charming Cosmopolitan photo shoot and her best photo appeared on the cover of the October issue of the British magazine.

Comparing the two styles of his and her most popular movie heroine, Leighton says: “I have never seen Blair with the same bag, coat or shoes twice. In life, I don’t know anyone who would dress like that.” The actress recalls that she has in childhood there was only a pair of jeans. "Therefore, I would not trust myself in a bag from Prada."

Leighton is also modest in her choice of makeup: “I don’t care that there are a million of my photos without makeup. I like to go out without feeling makeup on my face. We should encourage women not to use makeup. At least I feel like we can do without him. "

Speaking about herself, the actress laments the distrust of people that has grown since her popularity: “In the past, it was easier for me to trust people. Today I judge quite quickly:“ You just want to be my friend because I'm on the TV screen ” .

Leighton also talked about filming the last season of Gossip Girl: “It’s probably good that everything ends on takeoff. I’m ready to move on alone. Of course, it will be difficult to break away from Blair’s accustomed image, but in the future I want to play other roles.” Gossip Girl ” I’ll definitely never forget. "


Watch the video: Blair's Maid Dorota Reads Your "Gossip Girl" Tweets. E! News (July 2024).