English women are in no hurry to marry and then often regret it


A social survey recently conducted in the UK among women showed that about 25 percent of single Britons in the age group of 28 to 45 years old regret that, having missed the precious time, they did not get married in time and did not know the maternal happiness.

Every fourth woman realized this mistake and is ready to return time only to fill the fatal gap. However, the lost time can no longer be returned.

The interviewed women especially regret that they did not want to give birth at an earlier age. “Youth flows like water, and with it the likelihood to endure, and most importantly, give birth to a healthy baby,” one of them quotes.

In recent years, the number of single women in the UK has been steadily increasing, and those eager to marry at the most favorable age have been declining. The whole fault is a career and a desire to live for oneself, which subsequently translate into regret about lost years.

In just a few years in the UK, the average age of women getting married has increased to thirty years. As a result, more and more British women are simply forced to resort to serious medical intervention in order to give birth to healthy and healthy offspring.


Watch the video: Why Do Men Cheat? (July 2024).