September 4: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays on September 4th.


Holidays September 4

Nuclear Specialist Day

The development of the atomic bomb was managed by two departments - the military and the nuclear industry. The Special Department was entrusted with preparing the tests of the nuclear bomb, as a result, a special training ground was built near Semipalatinsk, and at the end of August 1949 the first tests of the atomic bomb were carried out, which demonstrated the presence of atomic weapons in the United States. Over 45 years, more than 700 tests were carried out, and in 1990 the last explosion thundered.

The creation of the hydrogen bomb is connected with the name of Academician Sakharov, who, having created a weapon, was horrified by his power and opposed all weapons build-up. Habitual stereotypes also shook after the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, the world was horrified to see firsthand what terrible consequences radiation brings with it. Today, nuclear weapons for Russia remain within the framework of targeted programs for the development of the weapons complex, as well as maintaining personnel potential.

Lifeguard Day in Armenia

Since 2008, rescuers have the opportunity to officially celebrate their professional holiday. In Armenia, rescuers should be constantly on the alert, as history keeps a lot of natural disasters in the republic, in which the participation of rescuers saves the lives of many hundreds of people, especially in the north of the country. After the Spitak earthquake, the rescue service was repeatedly strengthened. This came in handy during the war years of 1990, when rescuers participated in clearing minefields. The country is proud of many rescuers and honors them on a professional holiday.

Moldova Customs Day

In 1991, as soon as the independence of Moldova was declared, the formation of the state customs service immediately began. All customs systems at that time in Ungheni, Leuseni and Chisinau itself passed under the leadership of the Moldavian Republic. The customs service ensures state security, simplifies the procedure of trade with other countries and creates a favorable microclimate for investments. Since 1994, Moldova has become a member of the international customs union.

Folk calendar September 4


The holy martyr Agafonik of Nicodemus suffered for faith in the 4th century. The history of the second part of the name of the church holiday goes back to the depths of pagan times - on this day a goblin may appear on the threshing floor to “work” with sheaves of straw, toss and toss around the district. The owners are trying to guard their threshing floor, putting on a twisted sheepskin coat for the night to scare the devil. In the hand you need to take the poker, draw a circle around the threshing floor and sit inside.

The goblin itself lives in the forest - protects its possessions, is considered an assistant to good people, but can wander an evil person in the forest. In appearance, the goblin looks like a person, a red sash is necessarily present in the outfit, shoes are mixed up. He may take the form of some acquaintance or even a relative. A sunny day on Agafon Ogmoznika predicts clear weather for four weeks.

Historical events of September 4

September 4, 1821 - Russian autocrat Alexander I officially notified the world that Russia owns part of America within the borders from Alaska to Oregon. Another, no less significant maneuver of the Russian emperor was the closure of the waters of Alaska to foreign naval ships.

September 4, 1913 - A great geographical discovery was made. Thanks to navigator and surveyor Boris Vilkitsky, the land of Nicholas II and the island of Severnaya Zemlya (island of Tsarevich Aleksey) were discovered on the Taimyr icebreakers (commander Vilkitsky) and Vaygach (commander Novopashenny). included the study of the islands of the Arctic Ocean and the laying of the Northern Sea Route.

September 4, 1942 - The readers of the Krasnoarmeyskaya Pravda newspaper first met the brave and savvy hero of the Twardowski work of the same name, Vasily Terkin. The adventures of a brave soldier inspired Soviet soldiers to fight the enemy for three years, while the legendary poem was published on the pages of the periodical.

September 4, 1944 - the Soviet-Finnish war ended, at 7 o'clock in the morning the Suomi ceased fire on the positions of the Soviet Union and started sending parliamentarians to stop the bombing from the Soviet side. However, our troops "rested" only on September 5, then came the moment of responsible negotiations.

September 4, 1975 - for the first time on the TV screen appeared the now popular intellectual program “What? Where? When?” created by Vladimir Voroshilov and Svetlana Stetsenko. At first, the concept of the game was different from the one that exists today: two families, competing with each other, answered questions at home, there were two rounds that were designed to identify the winner. When editing in the studio, the plot was combined.

September 4, 1991 - the fourth largest city in Russia, the main Ural administrative and cultural center, was returned to its former name Yekaterinburg (from 1924 to 1991 - Sverdlovsk).

Born 4 september

Francois Rene de Châteaubriand (1768 - 1848) - French writer, publicist

Chateaubriand made an excellent diplomatic career, served as ambassador to many countries and headed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. But in the memory of his descendants, he remained as the founder of romanticism, a writer who expressively conveyed the feelings of heroes through phenomena and the state of nature. He combined several techniques, transferring the actions of his heroes in historical eras. His novels “Martyrs” and “Apologies for Christianity” are known. The followers of Chateaubriand are Alfred de Vigny and Victor Hugo. Highly appreciated the work of the writer and A.S. Pushkin.

Richard Nathaniel Wright (1908 - 1960) - American writer

The black-skinned writer built his career from the bottom up - he worked as a porter, delivery man, clerk and gained diverse experience. He spent all his youth in conditions of discrimination, oppression of the working class during the Great Depression, and in 1938 he published his first collection of short stories - "Uncle Tom's Children." He received a Story Magazine Award, and completed work on the novel Son of America, and then its sequel, American Hunger.

Evgeny Lansere (1875 - 1946) - Russian artist

If you look at the family tree of Lansere, you can find artists, builders, painters and architects. His artistic abilities appeared quite early, no one doubted what profession the young man would choose. He spent four years in a private art school, was engaged in a circle, which eventually turned into a community "World of Art". The direction of the artist is the world of book art, history and culture of past centuries. The artist’s illustrations for Leo Tolstoy’s novel “Hadji Murad” are attributed to the gold fund of Russian art.

Edward Gil (1934-2012) - Soviet pop singer

For the first time, the general public learned about the artist at the song contest of the Second All-Russian Pop Art Competition. He became a laureate, and subsequently toured the country a lot with folk and pop songs. Possessing a recognizable creative manner, Eduard Anatolyevich became a real favorite of the Soviet public, participated in many festive concerts, Blue Lights and music programs on television. His songs “What the Motherland begins with,” “A man left the house,” It was recently, it was a long time ago, “A coward does not play hockey,” the entire audience sang. The singer was in great shape and gave concerts until the very end. He was buried in Smolensk cemetery.

Kenzo Tange (1913 - 2005) - Japanese architect

Tange spent his childhood in Hiroshima, then graduated from the University of Tokyo with an architectural degree. It was a difficult period for Japan, the country was choking on unemployment and curtailed peaceful construction. After the surrender of Japan, he developed a draft memorial complex in Hiroshima after a nuclear strike. He writes a lot about architecture and publishes his work on the influence on the Japanese architecture of the national spirit and aristocracy. The most significant work of Tange is the complex for the Tokyo Olympics in 1964.

Name day 4 september

Name days are celebrated on this day: Felix, Alexander, Gabriel, Makar, Ivan, Hilarion, Isaac, Alex, Athanasius, Vasily, Mikhail, Fedor.


Watch the video: Amazing Calendar Trick (July 2024).