Lazy khachapuri - everyone feasts! Add lazy khachapuri to your favorite recipes


Khachapuri - delicious cakes from unleavened dough with cheese, a masterpiece of the Soviet, Caucasian "fast food" and the theme of numerous battles in culinary forums.

Dear mistresses! It doesn’t matter if they put suluguni in khachapuri or not. T

it will be flaky, or simple.

The main thing is that your homework ask and ask for supplements.

It is so?

Well then, let's start with simple recipes!

Lazy Khachapuri - General Cooking Principles

• Lazy khachapuri can be prepared from a ready-made puff cake mix - yeast-free dough or knead it yourself, using quick recipes on sour cream, carbonated mineral water or kefir. Often such products are prepared from thin pita bread.

• They can be with and without filling. Cheese in this case is added to the dough. Lazy khachapuri are fried in a pan with a little cream or vegetable fat, or without it. Often they are baked in the oven.

• As in the case of pizza, you can depart from the canonical requirements and use several varieties of cheese for the filling. The taste of the dish will benefit from this.

• In traditional khachapuri, goat cheese is put as a filling, and we will put various types of cheese in lazy khachapuri: hard cheese, suluguni, feta cheese or cottage cheese.

• Khachapuri is more often served with first courses, meat or vegetable side dishes. They are just as good as a standalone dish. The taste of hot khachapuri is significantly different from cold. But also chilled, they are no less tasty.

Lazy thin pita khachapuri in a pan (with hard cheese and feta cheese)


• 50 gr. hard "Kostroma" cheese;

• 60 gr. slightly salted feta cheese;

• one sheet of thin pita bread;

• 15% sour cream;

• Refined, lean oil.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the pita into two parts so that you get two rectangular sheets of the same size.

2. Lubricate one sheet with sour cream and rub “Kostroma” cheese on it.

3. Cover the cheese filling with a second sheet and also grease it with sour cream. Coat the feta cheese into it and leave for 15 minutes.

4. After that, bend the opposite edges to the middle and lightly lay one on top of the other. Gently press the resulting roll with your hands.

5. With a sharp knife, cut the roll into pieces about 5 cm thick.

6. In a frying pan, calcine quite a bit of vegetable oil well and put the products in it “seam” down. When the bottom is well browned, turn over and fry the other side.

7. Serve hot khachapuri with sour cream.

Lazy thin pita khachapuri in the oven (with hard cheese)


• Armenian (thin) pita - 6 pcs.;

• four eggs;

• 150 ml of pasteurized fatty milk;

• a pound of any hard unsalted cheese;

• 50 gr. natural 72% oil.

Cooking method:

1. Melt the butter over the smallest fire, then cool it well.

2. Break three eggs into a small bowl. Add chilled oil to them and beat well.

3. Each lavash cut into four identical parts. Rub cheese into coarse chips.

4. Take one piece of pita bread and grease it well with egg mass. Lay the second one on it and also lubricate. Repeat this procedure until all four pieces from one pita have left. Lubricate the surface of the latter, and put grated cheese on its middle (2 tbsp. L.).

5. Then fold everything in the form of an envelope and set it aside. In the same way, form khachapuri from the remaining pita bread.

6. When all the khachapuri are ready, transfer them to a bowl with the remaining egg mixture and leave in it for a minute. Then turn over and let it lie down for another minute.

7. Cover the baking sheet with parchment and put the khachapuri on it, slightly departing from each other.

8. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees, place a fryer with products in it and bake. 20 minutes will be enough for the khachapuri to brown well and the cheese filling to melt.

9. Put the hot items on a wide plate and serve as an independent dish in a hot form.

Fried lazy khachapuri with herbs on sour cream


• 200 grams of fat sour cream;

• eggs - 2 pcs.;

• vegetable oil;

• two full tablespoons of flour;

• medium bunch of young dill;

• 250 gr. "Kostroma" or "Russian" cheese.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the dill, dry well on a towel and chop with a knife. Rub coarsely cheese.

2. Put sour cream in a bowl, break the eggs. Add cheese chips, chopped greens, slightly salted. You can season with spices or ground pepper to your taste. Stir, but do not whisk!

3. Enter, stirring, the sifted flour. Achieve a homogeneous mass without lumps.

4. Pour the vegetable oil into the pan so that it only slightly covers its bottom. Put the dishes on a small fire and wait until the oil warms up well, but does not heat up.

5. Gently pour the dough into the hot oil and spread it over the entire pan with a spatula or spoon. Cover.

6. After 3-4 minutes, remove the lid, turn the tortilla over and fry the other side for the same time. Do not cover with a lid this time.

Lazy khachapuri in the oven from puff pastry (with feta cheese and suluguni)


• packaging of a yeast-free puff cake mix;

• 100 gr. lightly salted feta cheese;

• 300 gr. suluguni (not smoked);

• 100 gr. natural butter;

• two eggs.

Cooking method:

1. Combine the crumbled feta cheese with large cheese crumbs. Add soft butter, egg and stir vigorously with a fork.

2. Separate the yolks from the proteins of the second egg and beat well separately.

3. Divide the thawed dough into two approximately equal halves and roll each into a large square, about 0.3 cm thick.

4. Cut large squares into four small squares, smearing each with whipped protein.

5. Then, in the center of the dough squares, lay out a little filling and gently fasten the edges of the products. After that, slightly pressing the rolling pin, guide it several times on each workpiece, rolling it square. Flatten the corners over the center of the product and glue them well, pre-lubricated with protein.

6. Cover the pan with a sheet of foil or parchment. Spread khachapuri on it and grease the products with whipped yolk.

7. Place the khachapuri in a preheated oven and bake until golden brown. The best temperature is 190 degrees.

Lazy khachapuri on a carbonated mineral water (with cottage cheese and cheese)


• a glass of highly carbonated mineral water;

• granulated sugar - 2 tbsp. l .;

• four tablespoons of pure sunflower oil;

• 300 gr. any fatty cheese (hard);

• eggs - 2 pcs.;

• 200 gr. homemade cottage cheese;

• a small piece of unsalted butter, approximately 40 gr.;

• four glasses of baking white flour.

Cooking method:

1. Whisk the eggs with a teaspoon of salt and sugar with a whisk until the bulk components are completely dissolved.

2. Pour in the mineral water and beat the mixture well again.

3. With continuous stirring, introduce the small amounts of sifted flour and knead very soft dough on the table. Make sure it does not stick to your hands.

4. Transfer the ball from the dough into a bowl, cover and refrigerate for half an hour.

5. In a deep bowl, mash the cottage cheese with a fork and grate the cheese with a coarse grater. Add a small pinch of salt, pepper a little and mix.

6. Roll a thick tourniquet from the dough. Cut it into pieces and roll each cake. Put about two tablespoons of the filling on the center of the cakes. Gather the edges over the filling and pinch tightly. It will turn out a product in the form of a bag. Put it on the table and flatten it slightly with your palm.

7. Then put the workpieces in a pan-heated oil. It should not be much, it is enough that it only slightly covers the bottom of the pan.

8. Fry on both sides to a delicious orange-golden crust. After removing the khachapuri from the pan, grease them well with a piece of butter. Pour oil onto a fork for convenience.

Lazy khachapuri in a frying pan without oil (with suluguni, feta cheese and hard cheese)


• white baking flour v / s. - 300 gr.;

• 125 ml of fatty kefir;

• 20% sour cream - 175 gr.;

• half a spoonful of salt (evaporated) and soda;

• a spoonful of sugar;

• 100 gr. salted feta cheese;

• 150 gr. uncooked suluguni;

• 72% butter - 125 gr.;

• hard, fatty cheese (you can homemade) - 100 gr.

Cooking method:

1. Take a deep bowl and mix kefir with 125 gr. sour cream. It is advisable to take lactic acid products warm, so put them in advance from the refrigerator. You can warm sour cream and kefir, if they are in plastic packaging, directly under a stream of warm water.

2. Add sugar, salt and baking soda to the fermented milk mixture. Mix everything thoroughly with a spoon and wait 10 minutes.

3. Melt 100 gr., Most of the oil, until liquid. Chilled, add it to the fermented milk mixture and mix well.

4. Put the remaining oil in a separate deep bowl and leave it warm to soften well.

5. Knead the dough, pouring flour into small pieces. Then put it on a table sprinkled with flour and knead well. Cover with a linen towel and leave for a quarter of an hour.

6. In a bowl with softened butter on a coarse grater, grate feta cheese, hard cheese and suluguni. Add the remaining sour cream, mix until smooth.

7. Divide the dough into four equal parts and form cakes out of them. Put cheese filling on each and wrap the edges to the middle. Blind thoroughly and turn the cakes upside down.

8. Then, with a rolling pin, slightly roll the products to a thickness of 1 cm.

9. Fry khachapuri in a preheated frying pan without oil on both sides until a soft golden color is obtained.

Lazy khachapuri - cooking tricks and useful tips

• To make lazy khachapuri more tender, it is advisable to fry them not in vegetable oil, but in butter or bake in the oven.

• If the dough contains a significant amount of fat, frying oil may not be used.

• Cheese filling and dough should be approximately equal. This is the basic rule for making khachapuri.

• The thickness of the cakes should not exceed one centimeter so that they are well fried or baked.


Watch the video: Recipe a Lazy Khachapuri with garlic delicate and tasty (July 2024).