Castor oil for the face - a doctor and a cosmetologist. Reviews of castor oil, its benefits and methods of use in the fight against wrinkles


Castor oil for the face is a natural cosmetic product that is used in many areas of cosmetology. It is especially appreciated for its nutritional and antibacterial properties. It will help to eliminate various problems and defects of your skin.

The composition of castor oil for the face

No one will argue that the condition of the face is very important for a person. Therefore, when using various cosmetic products, the main thing is not to harm. This also applies to castor oil. Consider what acids this vegetable oil consists of:

• ricinoleic;

• linoleic;

• oleic.

It also contains a large number of antioxidants, proteins and vitamins.

It is especially appreciated for castor oil for the fact that:

1) moisturizes dry skin;

2) fights rough skin and skin that is prone to peeling;

3) has a rejuvenating effect and the ability to smooth wrinkles;

4) helps to eliminate age spots and freckles, as well as whitening;

5) is an excellent tool for the removal of papillomas, warts on the skin;

6) most of the positive reviews associated with the use of eyelashes and eyebrows;

7) takes part in the treatment of hair loss;

8) nourishes the skin of the hands and nails.

How to use castor oil for the face

Be sure to take an allergic test before using this medication. Despite all the beneficial properties, the components that make up these acids can cause adverse effects. To do this, apply oil for 1-2 minutes on the inner surface of the elbow. If you do not have a burning sensation or redness of the skin, then you can safely do its testing. And it is best to use castor oil in combination with such base oils as olive, sea buckthorn, peach, avocado and others. You can get an excellent result even if you add a few drops of this substance to your daily cream.

In order to prevent castor oil is recommended for use with other natural oils in a ratio of 1: 2 or to 1: 3. The same mixture is perfect for skin care eyelids, which is very delicate and sensitive. It is recommended to apply before bedtime.

Pure castor oil can be used without problems if you need to get rid of age spots or freckles. To do this, lubricate problem areas with this drug several times a day. Perform the same procedures if you want to eliminate minor growths on the face.

Due to its ability to penetrate deeply into tissues, oil will help get rid of small scars. To do this, make oil compresses for about two hours. However, this process is long and the result is noticeable only after constant use of this tool.

Castor oil can also help in brightening the effect. To do this, mix castor oil in equal amounts, as well as cucumber and lemon juice. It is also useful to add kefir to a tablespoon of this mixture.

Remember the basic rules:

• Before using any cosmetic product, it is first necessary to clean the skin.

• The face should not be wet and wet, it should be dry.

• Castor oil is recommended to be slightly warmed up, which will facilitate its rapid penetration into the skin.

• The time for such a mask is no more than 20 minutes to avoid an allergic reaction.

• Rinse off the mask better with warm water, and the ideal option is a decoction of green tea or chamomile.

Castor face oil for wrinkles

There are several types of wrinkles: superficial, dermal and deep. When using the described product, you must remember that this natural product is able to fight only with superficial wrinkles and should not be assigned to a more effective result.

Undoubtedly, castor oil plays an important role in facial rejuvenation procedures. This is due to the fact that, due to its properties, it promotes the production of elastin - a protein that helps restore skin and collagen - a protein that provides elasticity and strength to the skin.

For a more effective use, periodically pamper yourself with masks suitable for your skin type. Numerous reviews confirm the benefits of castor oil in the fight against early small wrinkles. In the evening, cleanse your face in the usual way for you and apply the mixture with light patting movements on your face, leave it overnight. Wash in the morning as usual. This procedure perfectly moisturizes your skin and saturates it with nutrients.

Masks with castor face oil for wrinkles are very useful:

• For dry skin:

1) The simplest recipe is a mixture of beaten yolk of a raw egg and 1 tbsp. castor oil. 10 minutes in this case will be enough.

2) Cook in milk 2 tbsp. oatmeal, add 2 tsp. honey and castor oil. Time should not exceed the maximum. Thanks to the double dose of vitamin E, you will immediately feel the result.

• Moisturizing:

1) The perfect combination of castor, sea buckthorn and olive oils. We mix everything, heat to a certain temperature and apply on the face. If you actively massage your face for several minutes and then leave the mask for another 20 minutes.

2) An excellent nourishing mask, which includes honey, yolk, low-fat cottage cheese and natural oil in equal quantities.

• Potato-based nourishing masks for combination skin:

1) Boil the potatoes and mash it, adding 1 tbsp. milk, twice as much castor oil and whipped yolk. Apply the resulting warm mixture to your face for at least 20 minutes. Then rinse off. Such a mask will eliminate peeling of the skin and saturate it with nutrients.

2) Grate raw potato on a fine grater and add 1 tsp. sea ​​buckthorn and castor oil.

• Fruit masks.

It all depends on the type of skin. For dry skin, the pulp of melon, banana or apricot is suitable, for oily skin - an apple or kiwi, a mask of banana pulp is very effective. The whole procedure is very simple and requires just adding a few drops of the product.

Fruit mixes are applied to the entire area of ​​the face, including the eyelids and neck area. Keep about 15 minutes and then rinse with warm water.

Castor oil to treat problem skin

Problem is called skin, which for several reasons has defects - acne, scars, rashes, age spots and others. Sometimes it’s enough to survive a certain period of time or change the diet and the problems will go away, and sometimes this is not enough.

As mentioned above, ricinoleic acid, which is part of castor oil, has antibacterial properties. With its help, you can successfully deal with acne, pimples and other problems on the skin.

It is better to carry out all procedures using castor oil in the evening. Initially cleanse the skin of the face, open the pores with a compress with a hot towel. Then apply light castor oil to the skin with a little castor oil. Do not rinse it off.

To enhance the effect, you can try this mask. Grind 1 tablet of acetylsalicylic acid and add 1 egg white to it, as well as 1 tsp. castor oil and alcohol solution of calendula (diluted in combination 1 tsp in 0.5 l of water). Apply the resulting composition in several layers and leave for 5 minutes.

Oil cleaning, which must be carried out on a steamed face, can also be of great benefit. The main thing is to observe the proportions of castor and olive oil:

• for combination skin - 1: 1;

• for oily - 3: 1;

• for dry - 1: 3.

Castor face oil: reviews

Subject to the basic rules for the use of castor oil for the face and compliance with the necessary doses, reviews about castor oil will be only positive.

Masks and compresses help:

1) to restore youthfulness and beauty to the skin;

2) smooth out the crow's feet;

3) moisturize the skin;

4) eliminate acne on the skin;

5) helps eliminate pigmentation on the skin

The negative points include:

• unpleasant odor;

• dense consistency, due to which the product is poorly washed off;

• may cause an allergic reaction;

• there are also reviews that indicate that with daily use of castor oil as a gel for washing, the pores of the face are clogged. If you have such a problem, then stop using this medication for a while or reduce the dosage;

• Also, given that the components of the substance cause hair growth, it is necessary to limit the use of oil for women who have such a problem.

The use of any cosmetics in each case is individual.

Do not exaggerate and attribute the miraculous properties to this natural component. Try castor oil.

Maybe it turns out that this is exactly what you need, and you will get the desired effect for the minimum cost!


Watch the video: Best oils for skin care. Dr Dray (June 2024).