How to get rid of the abdomen after childbirth? Useful tips for young mothers: put the stomach after childbirth in order - quickly!


Such a problem is of interest to absolutely all women who have recently become mothers, because until recently, only 9 months ago, they were slim women or “a little more”, and now their belly is not as flat as they would like.

There is nothing impossible in solving complex problems, the main thing is to arm yourself with patience and diligence. We will try to figure out what needs to be done in order to return to the usual form and not look at ourselves as at a stranger with a familiar face.

How to get rid of the abdomen after childbirth? All kinds of what, why and why ...

It is no secret that the distinguishing feature of all women is to appeal to as many people as possible (and this is not necessarily just men). It is so pleasant to realize that the waist is thinner, the legs are longer, and the hair is thicker than that of a girlfriend.

Beauty is the main weapon of the fair sex. But at the same time with the desire to make an impression in every woman, the instinct of motherhood burns. Everyone wants to realize themselves in life by giving life to their child. And here there is a conflict of interests, because thanks to pregnancy, the figure comes into an "illiquid" state.

Light girlish forms are lost, as well as sensual bends and smooth lines. And there is no escape from this: to continue the life of their ancestors, they give life to their descendants.

But after the appearance of a peanut, one of the main problems in this period for all women in labor is the solution to the problem of how to get rid of the abdomen after childbirth? It is the stomach that is much larger than the rest of the body feels on itself all the possible consequences of having a baby.

In order not to lose heart, we must immediately give ourselves the installation that everything will work out, everything can be done. A positive attitude during this period is very important for a young mother.

How to get rid of the abdomen after childbirth: extra pounds to help the baby

Almost all young (not according to passport data) moms tend to quickly become the same as they are used to seeing themselves always. Indeed, they are confused by the extra pounds that they acquired while carrying their baby. During pregnancy, the uterus increased, as did the volume of the tummy. After the birth of the baby, the stomach decreases gradually and not everyone will have the same one as before: in this area of ​​the woman’s body, the skin is now thickened with fatty layers. All this is completely normal, because in this way nature has provided protection for the child. Therefore, do not worry if, by the end of pregnancy, the expectant mother does not fit into the doorways: nothing threatens the baby, he does not even feel this push.

Some especially energetic ladies are sure that the tummy will "go away" on its own after the appearance of the peanut in the light. But this is not so. On the one hand, the uterus, as a rule, contracts gradually, approximately forty days. Therefore, the stomach (at least during this period) will be visible to everyone. On the other hand, the very fat mentioned above. The fat layer, which is located on the abdominal wall of the uterus for a couple with an amniotic bladder, protects the baby from shock.

How to get rid of the abdomen after childbirth: we start the fight in the hospital

So, mom decided to get in shape. To restore your figure you will need to make every effort. This process will not proceed as fast as we would like. But the main thing is the result. It is important that mom does not get nervous and sets herself up for a positive result.

Discard the postpartum bandage if there is no serious indication for it (omission of organs, etc.). Try to draw in your stomach yourself, control this process, do not “bloom”, straighten your shoulders, move gracefully, leaving the “duck gait” of the last months in the past.

Most likely, you will not need to resort to medicines. The uterus will contract itself. It will be more difficult to remove body fat. The speed of returning your own harmony will depend on how many kilograms were gained in 9 magic months. So, so that mom becomes as soon as possible the same as before, she must:

- Do not overeat, observe proper nutrition;

- walk more in the fresh air, perform simple physical exercises;

- Be sure to have your own motivation.

So diet. Women who have recently given birth - those who have become nursing mothers and those who are not breastfeeding - are not recommended to follow any diets. Their body suffered significant stress, it is still weak. It takes time to restore it. If the calorie content of the diet is reduced, it will immediately affect the mood, physical strength and appearance. A young mother all this oh, as necessary.

There are certain rules that must be followed. For starters, this will be enough.

1. Flour to consume in the smallest quantities. This applies to bread, pies, cheesecakes, cookies, pastries.

2. Do not eat mayonnaise. It is better to season salads with vegetable oil, but very slightly, because it is also high-calorie. Sour cream, in which there are half the calories, is best.

3. Exclude from the diet or use only occasionally smoked meats, fried foods. During this period, steamed dishes, stewed or boiled foods will come in handy.

4. Add milk instead of butter to mashed potatoes and cereals.

5. It is best to discard seeds that contribute to fullness and lead to appendicitis.

6. Refuse sweet, do not add sugar to tea or coffee.

7. Try to refuse ice cream (in extreme cases, eat only half a serving).

Tips are simple, but the arrow of the scales will show a good result.

Another important point which does not directly concern mom’s nutrition, but also makes it possible to lose unnecessary kilograms. It has been scientifically proven that breastfeeding a baby - both milk production and the act of feeding itself - burns calories remarkably. The average number of calories lost per day during breastfeeding is 500. This allows both mothers to lose weight and nourish their babies. Thanks to breastfeeding, the hormone oxytocin is released, which allows the uterus to contract very powerfully. Thanks to these contractions, the size of the uterus is reduced. She, like the stomach as a whole, is gradually returning to its original state.

We get rid of the abdomen after childbirth: physical education will help us!

Another great assistant in solving this problem is special exercises for the press. You just need to know that you can start exercising only after one and a half to two months after giving birth. Particularly cautious should be women who gave birth by caesarean section. Get to know the most effective exercises.

1. A woman lies on her back, her arms are thrown behind her head, and her legs are bent at the knees. It is necessary to reach alternately with the elbows to the opposite knee. The shoulder blades should be torn off the floor, but the back should remain motionless.

2. Lie down the same way as in the first exercise. Put your feet under a low chair or ask your husband to hold them. To lift a torso. Thus, the press is swinging superbly.

3. Pelvic lifts will be helpful. You need to lie on your back and bend your knees. Pressing your back to the floor, tighten the abdominal muscles and gradually raise the pelvis up. Measure in this position for 10 seconds. It is advisable to perform at least 10 times. But you should not overwork.

4. It is useful to twist a hoop or massage hula-hoop. If this young mother does not like, you can do twisting on the floor - crunch. A woman needs to lie on her back, bend her knees, and cross her arms on her chest. Bring the shoulders to the knees, using only the abdominal muscles, as you exhale. Then return to the starting position. In one lesson, you can perform twice in 20 repetitions. The main thing: do not tear your back off the floor.

Such exercises must be done carefully and little by little, avoiding fatigue and overstrain.

How to get rid of the abdomen after childbirth: popular procedures

There are several procedures that will provide invaluable assistance in the battle with a well-defined tummy. The most popular are the following:

- lymphatic drainage massage - this type of massage is allowed even during a period when a woman is breast-feeding a baby;

- anti-cellulite massage - this massage is done using special creams;

- all kinds of wraps using sea water or various muds - this helps the skin to become elastic, besides, extra centimeters disappear a little.

After childbirth, any woman (even one who is friends with sports), the muscles become weakened. To try to bring them in tone, a special bandage was invented. This is like a higher step after grandmother's wraps with thick towels and fabric cuts. Manufacturers advise you to choose your size when choosing bandages, but when choosing panties, it is better to buy them one size larger. Thanks to such acquisitions and their constant use, stretch marks will “leave” the abdomen.

Diarrheal breathing, that is, belly breathing, will greatly benefit women who have just given birth. It is able to remove hated fat folds on the stomach. A huge plus of this easy procedure is that you can use it (and you need it!) At any time convenient for mom.

Another tip from experts: you have to walk all the time, drawing in your stomach. In the first hours and days it seems almost impossible, but after a week it seems that it has always been so. The muscles will now be in good shape. It would be good "for the company" to pay attention to your posture.

There are times when fighting with the stomach after childbirth does not give a special result. Then you can consider surgery, but this is a last resort. A plastic surgeon will help to get a tightened stomach, on which there will be no sagging skin. But if a woman thinks about pregnancy again ...

If you follow all the advice of specialists, then in a couple of months the result will be obvious. The main thing is to do everything in a complex and not harm yourself. Before starting any physical exercise, it is best to consult a doctor, because there are times when the load leads to a decrease in the amount of milk in the direction of reduction.


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