How to get a guy back with a prayer?


Prayers help in all situations and with various problems, including those concerning relationships. After reading certain prayers, you can find love, marry, marry, save feelings and even return your loved one, and the last point sometimes seems impossible. In this article, we will talk about who and how to pray for the return of a boy or girl.

How to pray to return a loved one to your life?

Returning a loved one is much more difficult than attracting new love. However, sometimes it is necessary because of the feelings or for the sake of the family. Therefore, people resort to different ways in order to carry out their plans: they bother their lovers, go to the witches, carry out conspiracies at home, which can sometimes have the exact opposite effect.

Therefore prayers were and remain the safest supporting method. Reading prayers is perfectly safe, suitable for every believer and does not entail negative consequences.

The only thing you need to remember is Strict rules to help strengthen the prayer and bring it to the addressee:

  1. Believe unconditionally in the power of God, providence, and mercy, fully entrust yourself into the hands of the Most High.
  2. Calm down before prayer, get rid of unnecessary and obsessive thoughts. Free your mind and spirit.
  3. Tune in to the next petition, think in detail about the result you want to achieve, and put these feelings into prayer.
  4. Be honest and sincere. Do not wish evil to other people and do not seek to harm through prayer.
  5. Do not resort to third-party and pagan methods at the same time with glorification. Higher forces simply do not hear the plea.

In addition to these instructions, you may need to use sacred paraphernalia:

  • The Bible;
  • icons;
  • church candles;
  • holy water;
  • The life-giving cross.

It is imperative that before reading a prayer for the return of a loved one to go to church. Confess to the priest, take communion whenever possible, pray before the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos and ask her for the health of your family and, especially, the second half.

During this period, it is also recommended to observe fasting or not to overeat (in case of illness), to visit more often the namolennye places and once a week, preferably on Sunday, to go to church service, and to follow the prayer rule on weekdays. In addition, one should not harm anyone and even think of him; one should help homeless and stray animals. A godly lifestyle will help prepare you to prayer spiritually and emotionally.

How to return a loved one with a prayer at a distance?

Many people ask: Is it possible to return a lover or a lover, being far from each other? The answer is unequivocal: of course yes. A request is made to heaven and remoteness from the object of love has no influence on the power of your prayer.

The prayer for the return of a loved one at a distance is read in the evening shortly before sleep. Light up three church candles and receive a prayer request, starting to read the universal petition:

"The Lord, who is in Heaven, Mother of God, Saints the Wonderworkers and Guardian Angel, I appeal to you! I ask you, not out of whim, but from great love and heartache, help God's Slave (your name) to return the Slave of God (beloved name). He left me but in the distance he rushed, forgot about his feelings and duty to heaven. Hear my prayer and bless, turn back in love so that happiness no longer leaves this house and hearth. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. "

Thrice cross, put out the candles with your right hand and go to bed. Repeat prayers should be every night for a month.

Prayers for the return of a loved one

The most common and effective prayers for the return of the beloved man to life are offered by specific Saints and in front of icons. You can contact us for help:

  • To the Lord;
  • The Virgin;
  • Nicholas the Wonderworker;
  • Matrona of Moscow.

It is important that the very first prayer for the return of the beloved is read in the church or temple, directly in front of the desired icon. Turning to God, you can repeat the prayer at the Life-giving Cross. At the same time, it is better to say the prayer in a low voice and with closed eyes, representing the final result, when the loved one is near again.

Return the girl to your life

However, not only girls tend to revive the relationship, sometimes, it is necessary for the guys. There are separate prayers to return the girlfriend, as the use of women's prayers in this case will not help. Asking for help guys should Matron Moscow, preferably from her icon. Monday, Tuesday or Thursday is a good day. They harbor masculine energy and reinforce the promise. Three times you need to read the following words:

"Blessed Matrona of Moscow, the righteous and the patroness of all lost and lost in spirit they care, where without it sadness overcomes and bypasses happiness. With her alone I can be destined by heaven, so they will favor this sacrament. Amen. "

This prayer for the return of a loved one Matrona of Moscow is very strong, and therefore it should be read carefully, only if you are absolutely sure that your love is unshakable.

To the Lord

You can appeal to the Almighty for the return of your lover at any day and time of the day several times. The only indispensable indication is the presence of an Honestly Cross, namely, a regular cross. Especially fit the one with whom you were baptized. You need to squeeze it in your palms, kneel down and read:

"Lord my God, you are my protection, I trust in you, Mother of God the Most Holy Theotokos and Holy Apostles. I offer my prayer to you, I ask for help from you in difficult times to return my beloved servant of God (name of the beloved). my sinful one, do not leave my bitter request without the attention of God's servants (your name). Lord, Mother of God and Saints, please return my beloved (name of the beloved), return his heart to me. Amen. Amen. Amen. "

To consolidate the effect at least once a day, it is recommended to repeat “Our Father” three times. In this case, rely not on the number of prayers uttered, but on their quality: emotions, visualization, sincerity.

Appeal to the Blessed Virgin Mary about a strong family

A strong prayer that the beloved return quickly to the family, as well as to strengthen the relationship in marriage and home, is sent to the intercessor and patroness of the family hearth - the Most Holy Theotokos. Who, no matter how the Mother of God, will help eliminate conflicts, restore old feelings and establish peace and tranquility.

A prayer is read before the icon and with lit candles:

"Mother of God, Most Holy Theotokos and Holy Apostles, You are my only hope, I appeal for my beloved (name) to protect from temptation and return to me, God's slave (name). I offer you a prayer to reunite us into a single whole before the Lord and men. Amen. "

It is necessary to repeat it in the morning (right after sleep), at lunch and in the evening (before bedtime), and the icon must be placed at the head of the bed. During this period, it is recommended to lead a righteous life without surplus.


Watch the video: Prayer To Get Ex Back - Prayers To Get Your Ex Back Restoration (July 2024).