Combined facial skin: how to properly care for such skin? Mask recipes for oily and combination skin


Combination skin type is the most common of the four existing.

It is called this because several types of skin are combined in this type of skin - in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle, chin and forehead, the skin is oily, and in the remaining areas the skin is normal or dry. In addition, combination skin is characterized by a tendency to rashes, inflammation, peeling.

Caring for combination skin is significantly different from caring for other skin types. Indeed, the care products have an incomprehensible task - they must simultaneously moisturize dry and dry oily skin. How to choose the right tools and care for problem skin - we will consider further.

Oily and combination skin - the right care

Proper facial care is the key to youth and beauty of the skin. Unfortunately, usually young girls neglect facial skin care, considering it a waste of time and money. But they are very mistaken - if you take care of your face correctly, the skin type may change with age, it can become normal.

This happens because with age, the amount of moisture in the skin decreases, and, accordingly, the sharp difference between oily and dry areas of the skin is smoothed out, the differences become less noticeable. Nevertheless, it is not worth hoping only for age-related changes in the skin, because the skin can become dry, irritated and more prone to the appearance of deep wrinkles.

Care for oily and combination skin is carried out in several stages:

• Cleansing the skin (foam, mousse for washing, makeup remover, scrub)

• Toning (tonic)

• Protection (day cream)

• Nutrition and recovery (night cream)

• Extra care (masks, cosmetic procedures)

We will consider each stage in more detail to take into account all the nuances of oily and combination skin care.

Combined facial skin - phased care

Stage 1 - cleansing. At this stage, it means washing with a gel, mousse or foam, as well as removing makeup with a special tool and scrubbing the skin. Soap can also be used, but only if it is designed specifically for washing face skin. The composition of this soap is significantly different from the usual. Ordinary soap, whether for children, or even household, forms a film, clogs pores and prevents the skin from breathing. So, it provokes the appearance of redness and inflammation. You should wash your face twice a day - after waking up and before going to bed. Scrubbing for combination skin is very important - a scrub helps to deeply cleanse pores and reduce grease in greasy areas. However, you should not get involved in this procedure - it is quite enough to use a scrub 1-2 times a week. In rare cases, if the skin is very oily, you can use the scrub 3 times a week.

Stage 2 - toning. Cleansing tonic can easily help remove residual water after washing, narrow pores and prevent the appearance of acne and blackheads, which, as a rule, torment the owners of combination and oily skin types. True, not all girls know how to use the tonic correctly - it must be applied using a cotton pad, massaging movements across the skin of the face and neck. Then you need to pour a little tonic in the palm of your hand, rub it gently and apply it on your face with sweeping movements. Do not get carried away using this product in dry areas, so as not to provoke even more dry skin and the appearance of peeling.

Stage 3 - protection. The skin must be protected from environmental influences, especially from UV rays. Therefore, after toning the skin, it is necessary to apply a day cream. The choice of cream for combination and oily face skin needs to be approached thoroughly, because it is from this tool that the health of the skin largely depends.

Stage 4 - nutrition and recovery. At this stage, the use of a night face cream is implied. But this cream, like all care products, must match the type of skin. If the differences between oily and dry areas of the skin are too noticeable, then you can even use different creams in different areas, in accordance with the type of skin.

Stage 5 - additional care. This includes various masks and cosmetic procedures that are not related to everyday care. These masks do not have to be bought at a specialty store. You can prepare a mask for combination skin on your own at home.

Combination skin: cream suitable for owners of this skin type

It is better to talk about choosing a cream for combination skin separately, because creams for this type of skin are significantly different from everyone else. This tool should help solve a very difficult task - to moisturize dry skin and reduce the fat content of sebaceous areas. Therefore, the composition of such creams is fundamentally different from creams intended for dry, oily or normal skin.

The composition of the cream may include plant extracts, and even essential oils. The word "oil" itself should not be frightening - esters are different from vegetable fatty oils and can even reduce the oily skin. Peppermint, lemon balm and green tea oils have a refreshing effect. Chamomile, tea tree or rose oil will help soothe irritated skin. Citrus esters will help smooth the surface of the skin. Therefore, do not be afraid to buy a cream that contains any essential oils in its composition.

In addition, creams usually include additional ingredients that help improve skin condition. It can be collagen, glycerin, hyaluronic acid, vitamins, minerals, etc. They are mainly designed to maintain skin tone and prevent the appearance of new wrinkles. Collagen and hyaluronic acid will even help smooth fine lines, if any.

When choosing a cream, you must take into account many nuances. Firstly, the cream should be designed specifically for combination skin type (or mixed). You can use 2 different creams if the oily and dry areas of the skin are too pronounced. Secondly, the cream must be selected in accordance with age. For example, creams for women from 35 years old contain those very additional active ingredients that help prevent the appearance of wrinkles. Thirdly, do not buy cream in non-specialized stores, as you can easily stumble upon a fake. Poor face cream can trigger an allergic reaction.

Combination skin - mask recipe

Care for combination skin must necessarily include the use of masks. If you regularly make masks, you can significantly reduce the oiliness of the sebaceous areas of the skin and nourish dry areas with moisture, which will allow the owner of such a complex skin type to simplify facial care.

Masks are cleansing, nourishing, moisturizing and toning. They differ in their composition and it is better to alternate them, for example, if a girl makes masks 2 times a week, let one of them be cleansing and the other nutritious. This alternation of masks will positively affect the condition of the skin.

Recipes for masks for combined (mixed) facial skin:

1. Cleansing mask

Ingredients: oat flour (or semolina) - 1 tbsp., milk - 1.5-2 tbsp.

Flour must be combined with milk and mixed thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained. If you use semolina instead of flour, you will have to leave the mixture for a couple of hours, so that the cereal swells. The resulting slurry must be applied to the skin of the face, avoiding areas around the eyes, leave for 20-30 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

2. Nourishing mask

Ingredients: puree of fresh berries (raspberries, currants, strawberries, strawberries, etc.) - 1 tbsp., low-fat cottage cheese (can be replaced with kefir) - 1.5-2 tbsp.

Mix ingredients and apply on face skin. Fresh berries contain many vitamins and antioxidants that are needed on the skin. And dairy products, in this case cottage cheese or kefir, have a weak whitening effect. After applying this mask, the skin will become fresher in appearance. To withstand such a mask must be from 20 to 40 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

3. Moisturizing mask

Ingredients: oatmeal - 1 tablespoon, peach oil - 1 tsp, honey - 1 tsp, grape juice - 1 tsp

Mix these ingredients until smooth. The mixture is quite thick and oily, so the mask perfectly moisturizes the skin. In this recipe, you can replace peach oil with grape oil, it makes the skin glossy to a lesser extent, but it moisturizes no worse.

4. Toning Lotion

Ingredients: zest of orange or grapefruit - 200g, water - 1 tbsp.

The zest must be poured with water and crushed with a blender. This mixture should stand at least 2 days, then it must be filtered. The resulting citrus tonic perfectly tones the skin of the face.


Watch the video: DIY Face Masks For All Skin Types. DRY, OILY & COMBINATION SKIN! (June 2024).