Brownie in a slow cooker - for chocolate sweet tooth! Different recipes for an amazing brownie dessert in a slow cooker


Brownie - chocolate cake, biscuit, dessert, cake.

As soon as we do not call it.

But everything is much simpler - this is an amazing delicacy that will drive any sweet tooth crazy.

It is very easy to make at home, especially if there is a slow cooker.

Brownie in a slow cooker - general principles of cooking

The brownie dough has a liquid consistency, similar to a biscuit mass. After baking, the crumb remains moist, juicy. Main ingredients: flour, eggs, butter and sugar. But the main product is chocolate. Dark tiles, cocoa powder, or a mixture of these ingredients can be used. It is the rich taste of chocolate that makes brownies a special dessert.

Cherry, cottage cheese, nuts, other fruits and berries are often added to brownie dough. Bake in a slow cooker in the appropriate mode from 40 to 60 minutes. Then the brownies are taken out and cooled. I cover the dessert with chocolate icing, sprinkle with powder.

Recipe 1: Brownie in a slow cooker with dark chocolate

A common recipe for a brownie dessert in a slow cooker, which is made with ready-made chocolate. It is advisable to use a product with a cocoa content of at least 72%. And then everything will turn out exactly as it should.


• 0.2 kg of dark chocolate;

• 0.15 kg of flour;

• three eggs;

• 50 grams of oil + a piece for the mold;

• 100 grams of sugar;

• ripper 1 tsp.


1. Pour flour into a sieve, add baking powder and sift the dry ingredients into a bowl. Add a pinch of salt.

2. We put a pot of water on the fire, let it boil.

3. In a smaller saucepan or in a bowl, crumble the chocolate and spread the butter, also cut into smaller pieces.

4. Melt chocolate with butter in a water bath. We do not allow the mass to overheat, regularly mix. As soon as all the pieces dissolve, remove the saucepan and put it on the table for now.

5. Combine the eggs in another bowl with sugar and beat.

6. Add melted chocolate to the egg mass, stir quickly.

7. Introduce the flour mixture into the dough, mix again.

8. Lubricate the bowl with a piece of oil, pour the dough into a slow cooker.

9. Close and bake the hour.

10. Then leave the dessert heated for another 10 minutes.

11. We get out, cool, sprinkle with powder and serve.

Recipe 2: Brownie in a slow cooker with cocoa

A dessert option for those who do not have dark chocolate, but there is a quality cocoa powder. It should be dark, bitter, without any additives, including sugar. Icing is also prepared on cocoa.


• 110 grams of oil;

• a glass of sugar;

• 2 eggs;

• cocoa 0.5 cups;

• some salt;

• 0.5 tsp cultivator;

• 0.75 cups flour.

In the glaze:

• three tablespoons of oil;

• three tablespoons of cocoa;

• 0.5 cups of powder;

• a spoon of honey.


1. Pour sugar into a bowl, add eggs and beat a little.

2. Put the oil in the mass, which should be softened. Melt the product is not worth it.

3. Introduce flour mixed and sifted with cocoa and a cultivator. Stir. We throw a small pinch of salt.

4. Pour the dough into a slow cooker, do not forget to grease the cup.

5. We bake a dessert for 40 minutes.

6. We do not take it out right away, let it grow stronger with the cover ajar.

7. For glaze, you just need to mix all the ingredients, grind together and warm until all the grains have dissolved. You can do this in a saucepan with water or just put the bowl in the microwave.

8. You need to decorate the brownie with glaze after complete cooling. Otherwise, the coating will set for a long time and lie in the form of a regular cream.

Recipe 3: Brownie in a slow cooker with cherries

For dessert, you can take fresh or frozen cherries. This version of brownie for a slow cooker is prepared on cocoa, you can make any icing or just melt the chocolate.


• 4 eggs;

• 2 multi-glasses of flour;

• 300 grams of sugar;

• 50 grams of cocoa;

• 200 grams of oil;

• 120 grams of cherries;

• 0.5 tsp cultivator.


1. Pour sugar into cocoa and rub with a spoonful of lumps.

2. Add eggs to the dry mixture and beat with a mixer for a couple of minutes, add a pinch of salt along the way.

3. Next, we introduce the softened oil, a small piece should be left to lubricate the form from the multicooker.

4. We throw flour with baking powder for oil.

5. Remove the seeds from the cherries and also send them to the dough.

6. We mix everything, pour into the multicooker bowl, level it with a spoon.

7. Set to bake for 50 minutes.

8. Then we leave for another 10 minutes on heating.

9. We take out, cool, water with any glaze.

Recipe 4: Brownie in a slow cooker with cottage cheese and cherries

Another version of the brownie’s cherry dessert in a slow cooker, but this time the filling is complemented by cottage cheese. Bitter chocolate is used, standard tile.


• chocolate bar;

• 0.4 kg of cherries;

• 0.18 kg of cottage cheese;

• 4 eggs;

• 130 grams of sugar;

• 4 tablespoons of flour;

• few almond petals;

• vanilla, salt;

• 0.1 kg of oil.


1. Sift the flour immediately.

2. Butter and broken chocolate pieces melt to a homogeneous consistency. Remove from heat, leave to cool, but do not let harden again.

3. Stir three eggs and 100 grams of sugar, but do not beat. You can simply move the spoon or whisk in a circle until the grains dissolve.

4. Add flour, sifted earlier, salt to the eggs and add the chocolate mass. Stir the dough.

5. Combine the remaining sugar and cottage cheese, season with the last egg and vanilla, and rub thoroughly.

6. Cherry and free from the seeds and put in the dough, stir and pour into the bowl of the multicooker, pre-greased and sprinkled with flour.

7. On top of the test, pour the curd filling. You can lay out drops, draw a spiral, circles or depict any other pattern.

8. Sprinkle with almond petals.

9. We bake for 45-50 minutes in the usual baking mode, cut and serve after cooling.

Recipe 5: Brownie in a slow cooker with a banana

A variation of another chocolate treat made with a banana. No less interesting is this option with canned peach, you can also try to do it.


• 0.1 kg of chocolate;

• 0.11 kg of oil;

• 0.1 kg of sugar;

• 2 eggs;

• 1 tsp baking cultivator;

• 0.1 kg of flour;

• 1 large banana.


1. Break the chocolate into pieces, drop it into a bowl or in a small saucepan.

2. Lubricate the multicooker with a piece of oil, pour the rest into chocolate. We put drown in the bath.

3. Combine the eggs with sugar, just stir with a spoon for a couple of minutes.

4. Pour flour and baking powder into a sieve, sift.

5. Put everything together: flour, chocolate and egg mixture. Stir whisk until smooth.

6. Peel the banana. If the fruit is small, then it is better to take 1.5 pieces. Cut into small pieces and send the fruit into the dough.

7. We shift the future dessert into a slow cooker.

8. We bake for about 40 minutes, then 15 more we stand on heating. We open, we get, we cool. We use powder and glaze as desired.

Recipe 6: Brownie in a slow cooker with walnuts

For the preparation of such a brownie, you can use ordinary peanuts, but with walnuts it turns out much tastier and more aromatic. Products are measured with multi-glasses.


• 3 eggs;

• 160 g of sugar;

• 0.1 kg of chocolate;

• 0.1 kg butter;

• 1 pinch of salt;

• 1 pinch of vanilla;

• 1 cup nuts;

• 1 cup flour;

• 2 tsp cultivator.


1. Put pieces of butter and pieces of chocolate in a saucepan, melt.

2. Cut the nuts into pieces, fry for a couple of minutes in a skillet, so that the product reveals the aroma. Cooling down.

3. Combine the eggs with vanilla and sugar, add a pinch of salt and stir.

4. Mix the flour with nuts and a cultivator.

5. Combine chocolate, eggs and flour mixture, knead the dough with a spoon.

6. We transfer in the tank multivaki, which must be lubricated with a piece of oil.

7. We bake an hour, take out, cool. You can cover with icing, and until it has frozen, sprinkle with nuts.

Recipe 7: Brownie in a slow cooker with strawberries

For this dessert you will need dense, slightly greenish strawberry berries. A little brandy or whiskey is added for the aroma.


• 3 eggs;

• 0.15 kg of strawberries;

• 0.15 kg of chocolate;

• 0.13 kg of oil;

• 60 grams of flour;

• 60 grams of cocoa powder;

• 100 grams of sugar;

• 0.5 sachets of ripper;

• 1 tsp cognac (whiskey);

• vanilla optional.


1. Rinse the strawberries, dry.

2. Combine the flour with cocoa powder directly in the sieve, add the cultivator and sift.

3. Stir the eggs and sugar, you can beat a little.

4. Chocolate and butter need to melt, add a little cognac and vanilla to them.

5. Mix the chocolate cream with the eggs, introduce the flour.

6. Add strawberries. Large specimens are best cut into several parts.

7. Put the dough evenly in the slow cooker.

8. We bake 50 minutes until the biscuit is fully cooked.

9. We decorate the brownies after complete cooling, you can use icing, powder, fresh berries.

Brownie in a slow cooker - useful tips and tricks

• If you want to make the brownie denser and drier, you can just add a little flour to the dough. Usually 3-5 spoons are enough. Instead of flour, ground flakes and almond flour are also suitable.

• Didn't Brownie bake? No need to rush to remove it from the slow cooker. If this has already been done, then go back and set the baking program again. Cook another 10-15 minutes to the desired state.

• Dessert is often glazed, but many housewives are simply too lazy to do this. But they can always use the finished glaze, which is sold in stores or just grease the pastries with chocolate paste.

• Brownies will easily pass for a cake if it is decorated with cream, sprinkled with nuts, and add fruit. But in this case, it is better to make the dough denser and add 50-70 grams of flour to it. Cream or filling will give additional humidity.


Watch the video: Slow Cooker Brownie Pudding (June 2024).