What is the church dreaming about inside? Basic interpretations: why the church is dreaming inside (according to various dream books)


Pious man or not, but when the Temple of God appears in a dream, the heart trembles.

Such dreams attract particular attention, since every detail in them has a hidden meaning.

What is the church dreaming about inside? It’s worth sorting out.

What the church dreams about inside - the main interpretation

The science of interpreting dreams is quite complex, not everyone can understand the symbols and signs that come in a dream on their own. What to do if dreams are bright and colorful, but to understand why they appear is almost impossible? You need to use dream books - collections of interpretations of various dreams.

Why interpret dreams? It helps to get tips and advice, to see internal and external life problems. What is the church dreaming about inside? The Temple of God itself, which appeared in a dream, carries an important omen, which means that interesting events await the person, what kind of dream will indicate.

In a dream you can see:

• An elegant, beautiful Church during the celebration of the Great Holiday - to new achievements in life and to good news;

• Ruined, dilapidated, abandoned Temple - to the inner desire to be alone, to troubles and ruin;

• Enter the Temple - to new achievements and a new round in life;

• Talk with the priest - get support from an important, wise person;

• Put candles for health - to do health, for peace - to get very sick;

• Make requests to saints - seek support;

• Build a Temple - build your life, receive a blessing.

In the old days it was believed that if the Church dreams - you must visit her. If a young girl saw a christening of a child in a dream - it means that soon she will become a mother. If a young couple dreams of their wedding, they are blessed by God and their union will be long-lasting and strong.

If you had a dream that you met a friend in the Temple - he needs your help. It is worthwhile to carefully look at all the details of a dream. If putting candles for health - they go out - it means that your loved one will soon leave you. If at the same time in a dream you do not feel anxiety - it means that his departure is destined.

Hear the windows open and close in the Temple - to rumors about you and slander. If you entered the Temple, but cannot exit, it means that you are confused in your inner feelings and thoughts. It is worth choosing the right path and not harming anyone on it. These are the basic interpretations, but there are also interpretations of dreams from various dream books, which are worth understanding.

Why is the church inside dreaming of Miller’s dream book

If in a dream you walk past the Temple, it means that enormous changes will soon occur in your life. They will be negative in nature, and will push you to visit the Church, as adversity will fall in a snowball.

If you entered the Temple, but it is empty inside, darkness reigns in it. - such a dream portends sorrow for a familiar person. Someone will die soon. If the Temple is abandoned and services are not conducted there for a long time, but you enter it anyway, it means that you will be misplaced in many matters. Your expectations are not fulfilled, the goals are not set correctly, so hopes will be destroyed.

What advises a dream book to take when a dream promises a negative outcome? It is worth starting a pious life and changing your attitude to many controversial situations in your life, then they will be easier to resolve. It’s worth forgiving offenses and boldly moving forward.

What is the dream of the church inside according to Vanga’s dream book

The temple according to the interpretation of Wang is to offend a bright, higher spirit. It symbolizes spiritual development, purification from internal blocks and fears. If in a dream you enter the walls of the Temple, then this is the time for repentance. It is worth considering whether you live correctly, perhaps you are overcome by greed and selfishness.

If in a dream you are serving in the Church - So your close and dear people protect you from various failures. If you find yourself in an abandoned Temple, then you yourself are subject to asceticism and loneliness. Perhaps the time has come to change your vision of life, your perception.

If there are many people in the Temple and everyone is looking at you, it means that secrets that you meticulously concealed will be revealed. Such a dream recommends the first to reveal all the secrets in order to facilitate retribution for them and receive forgiveness.

What is the church dreaming about inside Freud’s dream book

The church in Freud’s interpretation is a man’s internal sexual Temple. If he is luminous from within, it means that a person is pure in his feelings and impulses. If the Temple is abandoned, then the human sexual energy is not in demand.

If you enter freely into the Temple, it means that you are comfortable in your relationship and you are faithful to your soulmate, but if you’re getting into it hard, you don’t feel like it, it means that sexual thoughts are not pure either. There is no spiritual fidelity. Possible sexual dissatisfaction with the partner. And this in turn can even threaten physiological problems. It is worth rebuilding your sexy Temple only from the pure energy of love.

What the church dreams about inside - other dream books

What the Church dreams about inside, Nostradamus pointed out that the Temple of God personifies the inner beauty and purity of a spiritual person. If a dream has positive outlines, then everything is in order in the spiritual development of a person, but if a dream is clearly negative, painted in dark colors - then, most likely, the person’s mental and physical health is not up to par and requires special attention.

  • If the Church radiates light and grace inside, it means that the crisis in life will soon end, harmony and supreme spiritual satisfaction will reign in it. If the building is falling apart before our eyes, it means that a person is degrading spiritually and he has very few chances to correct the situation.

  • If you dreamed that you were singing in the Temple, it means that you will be tormented by doubts and remorse. If you are building the Temple, or landscaping it, such a dream promises gratitude and reward for righteous deeds.

  • If the Devil tempts you in a dream, then you will lose spirituality and will not be able to succumb to temptations. It will be a risky deal with a conscience that you lose. Also, such a dream can promise to seek help from pseudo magicians and healers.

  • If you dream that the Temple is on fire, then there will be conflicts and religious strife. Spirituality and repentance will be destroyed, there will be nothing left of past victories, only disappointment.

Loff in his interpretations pointed out that the Church appears in a dream to a person when he goes through a difficult period in his life, a period of trials. From how calmly he will overcome difficulties depends on his future life. Turning to God in a dream means asking for intercession in life.

Tsvetkov gives several interpretations of dreams about the Church:

• If in a dream you pray to a saint - in reality you will become lucky, rich, find peace;

• If you see how you enter the Temple, your conscience will not give you rest;

• If the Temple begins to smoke and burn, life will fail;

• Build the Church - get advancement in business and career.

Hasse pointed out that the Temple of God, appearing in a dream, promises a person a cloudless future. The discovery of many opportunities. He also indicated that:

• Communicate with God - to his blessing;

• Listen to singing - wishes come true;

• Communion - receive punishment for sins;

• To enter the collapsed Church - to be in need.

If a person in a dream feels comfortable in the Temple of God, then in reality he will receive rewards for his work and a joyful, cheerful life. If the dream is colored with negative colors and it is difficult in the Church, then a person will be punished for his lack of spirituality.

Meneghetti indicates that the Temple of God in a dream - to realize their perfection, their motives of actions hidden from external eyes, secret desires and temptations.

Longo pointed out that if the Church is dreaming - it means it's time to visit her, it's time to do spiritual development. If the Temple inside is abandoned - spirituality in a person is minimal, there is no connection with nature and kind, you need a teacher or mentor. Otherwise, the person will completely go astray from the intended path.

Sometimes such dreams cause tears of joy, because a person begins to understand that God blesses him, sometimes tears of frustration and pain. Many forget to go to church, but their inner oppresses them, and then such dreams appear. In any case, it is better to get a warning or good news in advance and be ready for future events, whatever they may be.


Watch the video: Church Dream Interpretation (June 2024).