Milk thistle for weight loss: useful properties and contraindications. The effectiveness of milk thistle


Milk thistle began to be used not so long ago.

In folk medicine, this herb is used as an effective tool that improves blood quality, cleanses the liver and kidneys.

However, it was proved that the correct use of milk thistle helps to eliminate excess toxins and toxins from the body, which leads to a decrease in waist volume.

Useful properties of milk thistle

The benefits of the plant are invaluable. Recipes based on it not only allow you to acquire a figure that a person dreamed of, but also favorably affect the general condition of the body.

1. The liver is cleansed of toxins. And what is a pure organism? This is the normalization of metabolic processes, the improvement of the gastrointestinal tract. For people with overweight, this property is very important.

2. The use of milk thistle allows you to forget about what an unpleasant odor from the oral cavity is. In addition, the formation of acne is prevented.

3. Milk thistle is considered an effective stimulant of bile, so its use is an excellent prevention of gallstone disease.

4. It was proved that the plant is characterized by a strong intoxication effect. It is recommended for cleansing the body after food poisoning from stale foods or after taking alcoholic beverages.

5. The composition contains Silymarin - a substance that is a strong antioxidant that helps to accelerate metabolic processes. Silymarin slows down the aging process of cells, preserves the elasticity and youth of the dermis. After losing weight on milk thistle, there will be no "sagging" patches of skin.

6. The plant strengthens the immune system, helps the body resist infections of various origins. For this reason, it is better to plan weight loss for the winter period of time or in the spring.

7. Most often, overeating and weight gain occur due to disorders associated with the hormonal background. The use of milk thistle for weight loss balances the production of hormones.

One of the other important benefits is accessibility. Milk thistle can be purchased at any pharmacy, and its price is much lower than other drugs for weight loss with an unnatural composition.

Milk Thistle: Uses

The organization of the process of weight loss with the help of plants is possible with the help of several products made on the basis of milk thistle.

1. Powder "meal". The main component of a biologically active additive is flour, which is made from grass seeds left after the oil was squeezed out of them. The tool can be purchased at the pharmacy and add it to food.

2. Thistle capsules for weight loss. This is a plant oil, enclosed in a special shell. When ingested, it triggers metabolic processes, improves digestion and cleanses the liver.

3. Karsil tablets made on the basis of the plant can also be used to reduce weight. It is first necessary to consult a doctor to avoid side effects and determine the acceptable dosage.

4. Thistle seeds for weight loss are also sold in a pharmacy, of which at home you can prepare a decoction. 30 grams of the product are poured into 500 ml of water, everything is brought to a boil. No need to remove the container from the fire until half of the liquid has evaporated. After this, the broth cools and filtered. It is necessary to take it every hour, one tablespoon.

Milk thistle meal for weight loss

Meal made from a plant of milk thistle is most often used for weight loss. The product contains a large number of healthy dietary fiber, which is why it is also recommended by nutritionists and doctors to people who have lethargy and frequent constipation.

Useful properties of meal:

• insoluble fiber and other dietary fiber saturate the body, which reduces appetite;

• toxins and toxins are removed, the work of the liver and kidneys is stimulated;

• joint pain and migraine disappear;

• cholesterol is reduced in the blood;

• blood pressure normalizes.

The main methods of using thistle meal for weight loss

1. You can add the product to kefir, milk or porridge, like ordinary bran, 2 tablespoons and use 3 times a day.

2. It is recommended that one meal is essentially replaced with a glass of low-fat kefir, adding 2 tablespoons of meal to it.

3. From the meal, tea is brewed like ordinary leaf tea. A liter of such a drink is recommended per day. It is advisable not to add sugar and other sweeteners there.

4. When preparing homemade cakes, it is very useful to add a little milk thistle.

5. You can just eat on an empty stomach and before going to bed, 2 tablespoons of meal, washed down with water.

Delicious milk thistle tea

For cooking you will need:

• 2 tablespoons of meal;

• peppermint (50 grams);

• some dried apples;

• pharmacy chamomile.

The listed ingredients are poured with 800 ml of boiling water. Tea should be allowed to brew for 20-30 minutes. It is strictly forbidden to add honey and sugar here, since the effect of using the drink will not be the same. Drinking tea is recommended in one cup every 4 hours.

Contraindications of the use of milk thistle

It is believed that herbal preparations are not able to harm the body. It is worth noting that this is not entirely true. Milk thistle has a number of contraindications to be aware of.

1. It is strictly forbidden to use any recipes with the plant to reduce the weight of a woman during lactation and during pregnancy. At this time, it is important to think about your child, eat right. It is better to remember about losing weight with milk thistle when the child is weaned.

2. Do not give milk thistle to children for the prevention of liver and kidney diseases without the necessary medication.

3. For patients with diabetes and people who are allergic to chamomile and ragweed, the plant is strictly prohibited.

4. For stomach diseases, milk thistle can be used for weight loss only after consulting a doctor, as it can cause a strong laxative effect. The same applies to people with diseases of the urinary system.

5. For the treatment and prevention of liver diseases, the plant can be used only for medical purposes and in a strictly prescribed dosage.

Useful tips for using milk thistle

Knowing a few useful tips on using a plant for weight loss, you can achieve maximum effect in a short time.

1. Enhances the effect of milk thistle decoction of dandelion. You just need to make tea based on these two plants and drink it three times a day.

2. If a person decided to lose weight, for the period of weight loss it is advisable to completely abandon any canned and smoked products. Also on the list of "taboo" includes fast food, fried foods. When cooking food, it is better not to salt it, not to add all kinds of seasonings, as they increase appetite. It must be understood that no weight loss product will be effective if you do not follow the simple rules of proper nutrition.

3. It is recommended to use milk thistle for weight loss for 7 days, after which a break is made for 2 weeks, so that the body rests a little.

4. The process of fat burning and losing weight will strengthen the minimum physical activity. This can be walking in the fresh air, jumping rope, morning exercises of 15-20 minutes, riding on roller skates or a bicycle. Such a sport is within the power of everyone.

5. Of course, we must not forget about maintaining water balance. If the body does not have enough fluid, then the digestive processes slow down and the work of the gastrointestinal tract worsens. A person needs at least 1.5 liters of pure still water per day. In addition, green tea will be useful.

Milk thistle is an effective natural remedy that helps to forget about the problem of excess weight. After a weekly course of use, there is a general improvement in well-being, problems with sleep disappear, and heaviness in the stomach disappears. The main thing is not to forget to follow simple rules, recommendations and tips, then you can squeeze the maximum benefit out of milk thistle.


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